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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office



TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025 at 6:00 P.M.



Video recording of this meeting can be found at:

Reports & other meeting materials can be found at:

I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:01]: Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Quorum was established with 12 members present. Note -- This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action. Board members must be in-person or have video access.

Board Members Present: Jillian Anderson, Lisa Cabanero, Stephanie Easley, Louis Erteschik, Melissa Filek, Robert Finley, Daniel Jacob, Ken Jacob, Jeffery Merz, Greg Misakian, Sarah Worth, Robert Boyack, and Chad Snater (6:20 p.m.).

Board Members Absent: Shotaro Dabbs, Kathryn Henski, and Mark Howard.

Guests: Fire Captain K. Abaya (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Angela Kitagawa (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Director Nola Miyasaki (Mayor Blangiardi); Amanda Zepeda (Councilman Chair Tommy Waters); Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Representative Adrian Tam; Rick Egged, Shelley Oates Wildings, Jacob Wiencek, Mike Swain, Rick Taniguchi, John Redstrom; Deuise Boisvert, Stan Simpson, Brenda Mayo, Laura Ruby, Susau Pope, Daniela Minerbie, Valerie Haney, Katherine Li, Russ Bailey, Franklin Chung, Vincent Yee, Colleen Roast Banik, Brynn Rovito, and Michael (Residents); and Anson Wu (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 50 total participants.


Honolulu Fire Department -- [0:00:31]: Fire Captain K. Abaya provided the statistics for the month of January 2025 and the safety tips for February 2025 regarding Power Outages Preparedness.

· Report:

· For more information:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:02:29]

Honolulu Police Department -- [0:06:27]: Lieutenant Angela Kitagawa provided the statistics for the month of January 2025 and responses to questions asked in the previous meeting.

· Crime statistics: the statistics can be found here:;

· For more information:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:08:26]

Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- [0:19:35]: Dominic Dias provided the report and highlighted the following: no main breaks for the month of January 2025 and the general water announcement regarding Water Waste Hotline. If you see water being wasted, such as a broken pipe, broken sprinklers, a running faucet, and excessive watering. Visit our website:

· Email:

· Call: 808-748-5041

Member Snater arrived to the meeting at (6:20 p.m.); 13 members present.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:21:36]


Water Features -- [0:24:02]: Resident John requested that the six water features located from the Police Substation to the Honolulu Zoo alongside Kalakaua Avenue can be fixed or cleaned?

Ala Wai Bridge EIS Resolution -- [0:24:41]: Resident Minerbi and Ruby requested that the Waikiki Neighborhood Board to present and pass a resolution for a complete Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the Department of Transportation Service for the proposed Ala Wai Bridge. Resident Ruby requested DTS and Army Core of Engineers to come to the neighborhood boards to provide updates regarding the Ala Wai Bridge and the Flood Walls.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:28:25]

Sidewalk Encroachment -- [0:28:34]: Resident Ammen wants an update on the issue she raised in November 2024 regarding Shore Fyre's tables and chairs encroaching on the sidewalk of Koa Ave.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:29:38]

Beach Projects -- [0:32:59]: Resident Haney thanked the Waikiki Neighborhood board support for the Beach Projects.

Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center Updates -- [0:33:44]: Director Suzanne Vares Lum introduced herself as the new Director Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and a fencing project around the Asian Pacific Center.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:34:36]

Pedestrian concerns -- [0:36:29]: Resident Steiner requested that fountains alongside Kalākaua Avenue to be fixed, to have trash cans spread out alongside Waikīkī Beach, and the crosswalks on Kūhio to be fixed and updated.

Crosswalk -- [0:37:58]: A resident wanted an update regarding crosswalks button not working.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) -- [0:38:37]: A resident shared a store owner's encounter with ICE and provided information regarding ICE.

Street Sweeping -- [0:41:24]: Resident Wildings and Ron raised concerns that multiple residents cars were fined and towed due to not receiving any warning about street sweeping alongside Ala Wai Blvd on Mondays and Fridays.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:47:49]

IV. PUBLIC EVENTS -- [0:49:59]

· Sunday, March 9, 7:15 a.m. -- 1 p.m., Honolulu Rainbow Ekiden Race (mostly in Kapiʻolani Park)

· Sunday, March 9, 3:30 p.m. -- 8 p.m., Honolulu Festivals Parade

· Monday, March 17, 11:20 a.m. -- 1 p.m., Saint Patrick's Day Parade

· Saturday, March 29, 5:30 p.m. -- 8 p.m., National Vietnam Veterans Parade


· No applications for liquor licenses


Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative -- [0:51:35]: Director Nola Miyasaki provided the report and highlighted the following: repairs begin on the seawall and walkway at Queen's Surf in Waikīkī near the Barefoot Beach Café; information regarding the 2025 Neighborhood Board Elections; and responses to questions asked in the previous meeting.

· Newsletter:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:08:05]

Council Chair Tommy Waters -- [1:26:03]: Amanda Zepeda provided the report and highlighted the following: updates regarding a new food truck violation at 159 Kaʻiulani Avenue; a reminder of the February 2025 Planning Infrastructure and Transportation Committee Meeting; and information regarding three technical amendments to the proposed Bill 50 cd1.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:30:59]

Senator Sharon Moriwaki -- [1:43:55]: Senator Moriwaki provided her report and announced that the first quarter of the legislature is ending and Senator Moriwaki and Representative Tam will be having a Town Hall on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at Jefferson Library at 6:00 p.m.

Representative Adrian Tam -- [1:46:45]: Representative Adrian Tam provided his report and highlighted the following: updates regarding the large feral chicken population at Jefferson Elementary, homelessness, and cooking fumes entering condominiums.

· Newsletter:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:48:10]

Governor Josh Green's Representative -- [1:51:18]: Yvonne Hunter provided the report and highlighted the following: the Supreme Court decision in favor of the State against the insurance companies on the global wildfire settlement; and will take back any concerns regarding the executive orders from Washington on the proposed paused to federal funding.

· Newsletter:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:53:38]


Presentation to update Waikiki Neighborhood on Commercial Events that impact the community -- [1:56:53]: Rick Egged addressed concerns regarding the eroded Pedestrian Easement in front of Fort DeRussy and Fort DeRussy Groin and is working with the Department of Land and Natural Resources.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:59:00]


2025 Legislative Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) report -- [2:09:58]: Discussion followed.

· PIG Report:

House Bill (HB) HCDA: This item was not addressed in the meeting.

Senate Bill (SB) 1146. Boating -- [2:13:24]

[2:13:87] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of Senate Bill (SB) 1146, Boating. Discussion Followed. The board conducted a show of hands, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 10-0-1 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D.Jacob, K.Jacob, Merz, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: Misakian) -- [2:19:35].

SB 366 Stream Maintenance -- [2:20:23]: Representative Tam informed 366 companion bill House Bill (HB) 211 is still alive.

[2:23:06] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of HB 211, Stream Maintenance. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 11-0-1 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D.Jacob, K.Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: Easly) -- [2:23:24].

SB403 Beaches -- [2:23:55]: Senator Moriwaki informed the board SB403 is dead.

SB524 Land use of Tusitala Area -- [2:23:56]: Senator Moriwaki informed the board SB524 is dead.

SB363 Ghost Guns -- [2:24:17]

[2:24:45] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB363, Ghost Guns. Hearing no further discussion, the board conducted a voice vote, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 11-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:25:39].

but its companion bill HB 212 is still alive.

[2:26:10] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of HB 212, Return Homeless to Home. Discussion followed. The board conducted a voice vote, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:28:22].

SB361 Community Outreach Court -- [2:28:35]

[2:28:36] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB361, Community Outreach Court. Discussion followed. Misakian suggested to add the companion bill HB 280 to the motion. Chair Finley modified his motion.

[2:30:58] -- Hearing no objections Chair Finley modified his motion to include HB 280. The board conducted a voice vote, the main motion WAS ADOPTED as amended; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:31:33].

SB1628 Homeless -- [2:31:49]

[2:33:14] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB1628's companion bill companion bill HB 943, Homeless. Discussion followed. The board conducted a voice vote. The motion WAS ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:33:02].

SB1628 Homeless and companion bill HB943-- [2:33:14]: Senator Moriwaki informed the board SB1628.

[2:33:34] -- To support the concept of companion bill HB943, Homeless. Hearing no further discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. The motion WAS ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:34:12].

SB1147, Noise Pollution, Night Noise Limits -- [2:34:26]: Sharon Moriwaki informed that SB 1147 will be heard in the next session.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:36:06]

SB1216, After Market Mufflers -- [2:38:23]

[2:39:30] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB1216, After Market Mufflers. Discussion followed. Chair Finely modified his motion.

[2:40:38] -- Hearing no objection Chair Finley to modified his motion to include HB102. Discussion followed. The board conducted a voice vote, the main motion WAS ADOPTED as amended; 11-0-1 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: Finley) -- [2:41:26].

SB596 Tax Credit for Electric Garbage Trucks -- [2:41:59]: Discussion followed.

[2:41:59] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB596 Tax Credit for Electric Garbage Trucks. Discussion followed. The board conducted a voice vote, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 10-1-1 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Snater, and Worth; Nay: Merz; Abstain: Misakian) -- [2:47:56].

Senator Rhodes SB405, allows discussion on NB agenda items -- [2:48:47]

[2:49:21] -- Finley MOVED Merz SECONDED to support the concept of SB405 allow discussion on NB agenda item. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. The motion WAS ADOPTED; 10-0-2 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, and Snater; Nay: None; Abstain: Misakian and Worth) -- [2:50:11].

Hawaiʻi Water Safety, Bills to reduce drowning rate for 1-5 age children, local and visitor adults -- [2:51:13]: Shelley Oates Wildings provided a presentation highlighting the drowning rates in Hawaiʻi and testimony in support of HB1233 and HB1221.

SB1223/HB1234, DOE Standards based Water Safety Education -- [2:55:08]

[2:55:10] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB1223 and HB1234 DOE Standards based Water Safety Education. Discussion followed. The board conducted a voice vote, the motion WAS ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:56:32].

SB1222/HB1233, Retention Ponds Safety Requirements -- [2:56:40]

[2:56:43] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB1222 and HB1233, Retention Ponds Safety Requirements. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. The motion WAS ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:57:10].

SB1221/HB1232, Retention Ponds, Counties Inspection Appropriation -- [2:57:16]

[2:57:16] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB1221 and HB1232 Retention Ponds, Counties Inspection Appropriation. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. The motion WAS ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:57:29].

HB1057/SB1376, Property insurance -- [2:58:04]

[2:58:04] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of HB1057 and SB1376 Property Insurance. Discussion followed. Chair Finely withdrew his motion.

[2:59:48] -- Finley MOVED Erteschik SECONDED to support the concept of SB1044 and HB426. Hearing no discussion, the board conducted a voice vote. The motion was ADOPTED; 12-0-0 (Aye: Boyack, Cabanero, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, D. Jacob, K. Jacob, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [3:00:18].

HB1053/SB1372, Condominium Association's Use of Reserve Funds -- [3:00:28]: Chair Finley announced that SB 1372 is differed and HB1053 is still alive. Discussion followed.

[3:02:20]: Hearing no further discussion, Chair Finley conducted a show of hands. The motion WAS NOT ADOPTED; 5-4-2 (Aye: Boyack, Erteschik, Finley, D. Jacob, and K. Jacob; Nay: Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Abstain: Cabanero and Easly) -- [3:02:20].

HB877, Prohibits construction of encampments near public and private schools -- [3:02:43]

[3:02:51] -- Finley MOVED to support the concept of HB877. Discussion followed; Chair Finley withdrew his motion.

City and County of Honolulu Department of Culture and the Arts present "Wahi Pana: Storied Places" program. Initial information distributed at the Tuesday, October 8, 2024, meeting: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Proposed Hawaii Waterman's Center at the Ala Wai Boat Harbor -- Shelley Oates-Winding: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Section 2-14-125, Appointment of Delegates to 2025 Legislature: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Resignation of board member Michael Brown, Sub District 3 -- [3:03:21]: Chair Finley informed the board that board member Michael Brown voluntarily resigned from the Waikīkī Neighborhood Board. This makes for a vacancy in District 3.

Illegal Fireworks and Aerial Mortars - Public and Board comments, concerns, and ideas to address and mitigate. Proposed draft resolution and the possible formation of a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) -- G. Misakian: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Motion to consider placing the Ala Wai Pedestrian Bridge Project - Public and Board comments, concerns, and resolution proposals regarding the Department of Transportation Services project and bridge design renderings shown at the Ala Wai Elementary School in November 2024 on the FEBRUARY 2025 Regular Waikīkī Neighborhood Board Meeting Agenda -- G. Misakian: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.


Approval of Tuesday, November 12, 2024 regular meeting written summary for video record: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.


Sub District 1: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Sub District 2: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Sub District 3: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.

Chair's Report: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.


The next regular meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at the Waikīkī Community Center, 310 Paoakalani Avenue.

XII. ADJOURNMENT -- [3:03:42]: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

Submitted by: Anson Wu, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO

Reviewed by: Lindon Valenciano, Public Relations Assistant

Finalized by: Melissa Filek, Board Secretary

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