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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting JANUARY 2025 Minutes
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TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2025 at 6:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26uVuH-R9Hw
Reports & other meeting materials can be found at:
I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:01]: Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
[0:00:19] -- Chair Finley offers a moment of silence for Firefighter Jeffery Fiala.
[0:00:55] -- Member Cabanero offered a card and flowers to the Waikiki Firefighter Department.
Quorum was established with 14 members present. Note -- This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action. Board members must be in-person or have video access.
Board Members Present: Jillian Anderson, Lisa Cabanero, Stephanie Easley, Louis Erteschik, Melissa Filek, Robert Finley, Kathryn Henski, Daniel Jacob, Ken Jacob, Jeffery Merz, Greg Misakian, Mark Howard, Chad Snater, Sarah Worth, Shotaro Dabbs (6:03 p.m.), and Robert Boyack (6:13 p.m.)
Board Members Absent: Michael Brown.
Guests: Fire Captain Lee Marquesz (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Angela Kitagawa (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Director Nola Miyasaki (Mayor Blangiardi); Director Roger Babcock (Environmental Services); Councilman Chair Tommy Waters; Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Representative Adrian Tam; Rick Egged, Shelley Oates Wildings, Jacob Wiencek, Kelley Camborn, Gloria Steiner, Franklin Chung, Gerard Garcia, Chris Breen, Katherine Li, Richard Byron, Lee Marquez, John Winward, Thomas Miller, Roger Badcock, Vincent Yee, John Deutzman, Adam, Laura Ruby, Ed Springer, Amanda Zepeda, Li, Keith, Momo Mitani, Amanda Zepeda, Amy Ammen, and Brandon C (Residents); and Anson Wu (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 57 total participants.
Honolulu Fire Department -- [0:01:18]: Fire Captain Lee Marquesz provided the statistics for the month of December 2024 and the safety tips for January 2025 regarding Appliance and Electrical Safety.
• Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13nI5Dt8DqVW4a3lmYN92hb7Wvy6lEe9q/view?usp=drive_link
• For more information: https://fire.honolulu.gov/
Dabbs arrives to the meeting at (6:03 p.m.); 15 members present.
Honolulu Police Department -- [0:05:34]: Lieutenant Angela Kitagawa provided the statistics for the month of December 2024.
• Crime statistics: the statistics can be found here: https://www.crimemapping.com/map/agency/165#;
• For more information¬: https://www.honolulupd.org/
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:07:32]
Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- [0:12:52]: Dominic Dias provided the report and highlighted the following: no main breaks for the months of November 2024 and December 2024, no construction projects in the area; and the general water announcement regarding Perform A Home Water Audit.
• Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W18c5IopTmmo2e8wqnGVn6D7oZRuCC4Y/view?usp=drive_link
Boyack arrives to the meeting at (6:13 p.m.); 16 members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:14:56]
Homeless Outreach Camp -- [0:21:11]: Resident Garry and board members raised concerns about residents not receiving any notice of a proposed Homeless Outreach and Navigation for Unsheltered Persons (HONU) Camp on Kapahulu Ave between the Ala Wai Golf Course.
Homeless Count -- [0:25:14]: Resident Duetzman raised concern that the Point-in-time homeless count will not include homeless individuals living on the streets this year.
Cooking Fumes -- [0:27:05]: Resident Ben raised concerns regarding cooking fumes from IO Waikīkī Korean BBQ Restaurant and Big Island Burgers entering into their building on Seaside Ave.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:28:46]
Waikiki Community Center -- [0:31:57]: Resident Li requests updates on the Waikiki Community Center re-development project.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:32:20]
Early Trash Pick Up -- [0:35:02]: A resident raised concerns about the noise caused by the early trash pickup and questions why nothing is being done to fix this issue.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:36:44]
Ala Wai Bridge -- [0:39:26]: Resident Ruby provided updates for the boards supporting a resolution for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Ala Wai Bridge and wants accurate information from the Army Core of Engineers regarding the flood walls.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:48:22]
Pedestrian concerns -- [0:41:59]: Resident Ammen asked for any updates regarding the sidewalk encroachment of the ShoreFyre Restaurant, if bikes can go on the new bus stripping on Kūhiō, raised concerns about large packs of scooters and mopeds speeding and doing wheelies, and questions about lane restriping.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:44:42]
IV. PUBLIC EVENTS -- [0:56:17]
• Monday, January 20, 8:30-11:30am, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
• No applications for liquor licenses
Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative -- [0:57:00]: Director Nola Miyasaki provided the report and highlighted the following: City lifeguards and firefighters brave massive waves to compete in ‘The Eddie'; a new landfill site on O‘ahu; Mayor Blangiardi honors Councilmember Calvin Say; the City wins a $2 million grant for affordable housing development in Iwilei; Registration for the 2025-2027 Board Elections is now open; City seeks Ocean Safety Commissioner candidates for 2025; and responses to questions asked in the previous meeting.
• Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WIimqCC2dBJXMk6uljaYP2VFsJU9Y1wF/view?usp=drive_link
[1:02:50] -- Video feed was cut.
Director Miyasaki provided an update on the Biki Bike station. She announced that the Biki Statiion located at the intersection of Kapahulu and Kūhiō avenues is temporary and will be moved back to its original location after the Jefferson Elementary School's fencing replacement project. For information on the fencing project and its schedule, please contact Jefferson Elementary School at 808-971-6922
[1:03:32 -- Video feed restored.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:05:23]
Department of Environmental Services Sewer Fees Increase-- [1:25:49]: Director Roger Babcock provided information regarding the increase of sewer fees. Environmental Services (ENV) will be increasing their fees due to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project on Sand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in order for the facility to meet regulatory requirements and to prepare for potential climate change/sea level rise. The Sand Island Treatment upgrade to be completed by 2035. Fees will increase 9% per year for six years beginning on July 1, 2025. ENV's new program, Customer Assistance for Residential Environmental Services (CARES), will offer 20 to 25 dollars credit on monthly fixed fee for sewer customers whose household income is less than 80% area median income.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:41:01]
Council Chair Tommy Waters -- [1:53:15]: Council Chair Tommy Waters provided his report and highlighted the following: provided a further explanation for the increase in sewer fees; Transportation committee hearing for Bill 61 regarding wheelies; new staff members Kevin and Amanda; responses to concerns asked in the meeting; and amendments to Bill 50 regarding the limiting of street festivals and parades.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:10:28]
[2:20:03] -- Henski MOVED and Cabanero SECONDED to move item 7a up for to vote. Discussion Followed. The board conducted a roll call vote, the motion was NOT ADOPTED. 11-5-0 (Aye: Anderson, Boyack, Cabanero, Dabbs, Easly, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, Henski, Merz, and Howard; Nay: Jacob D., Jacob K., Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Abstain: None) -- [2:24:36].
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:26:16]
[2:39:07] -- Henski MOVED and Cabanero SECONDED to support Bill 50. Discussion Followed. The board conducted a roll call vote, the motion was NOT ADOPTED. 10-6-0 (Aye: Anderson, Boyack, Cabanero, Dabbs, Easly, Finley, Henski, Jacob D., Merz, and Howard; Nay: Erteschik, Filek, Jacob K., Misakian, Snater, and Worth; Abstain: None) -- [2:40:33].
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:41:56]
Senator Sharon Moriwaki -- [2:50:44]: Senator Moriwaki provided her report and announced that the 2025 Legislative Session Begins on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, and Senator Moriwaki and Representative Adrian Tam is working with the Waikīkī Neighborhood Board Permitted Interaction Group (Pig) on bills to solve noise pollution and noisy mufflers.
• Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IU2NzsvGyUvH1Y0NTVjhjbPqPSCt40xh/view?usp=drive_link
Representative Adrian Tam -- [2:54:59]: Representative Adrian Tam provided his report and highlighted the following: Representative Tam had a lengthy discussion with the Waikīkī Neighborhood Board's PIG about bills regarding noisy mufflers, bills about crimes against senior citizens, condos, and electric garbage trucks; the convention center will close on January 2026 to October 2026 for roof renovations; and Representative Tam will be the chair of the House of Tourism Committee
• Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GiEs6h7PpBEWE1m9lXIpU12H-vr2VHdd/view?usp=drive_link
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:56:40]
Governor Josh Green's Representative: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Presentation to update Waikiki Neighborhood on Commercial Events that impact the community: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Vote to support Bill 50 (24) relating to parades, street festivals, and other activities: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Neighborhood Board Plan Three Absences Notice: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Department of Land Management s1615 Ala Wai Project Presentation -- Marcus Simpson: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
City and County of Honolulu Department of Culture and the Arts present "Wahi Pana: Storied Places" program. Initial information distributed at the Tuesday, October 8, 2024, meeting: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Proposed Hawaii Watermans Center at the Ala Wai Boat Harbor -- Shelley Oates-Winding: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Neighborhood Board Plan Section 2-14-125, Appointment of Delegates to 2025 Legislature: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Illegal Fireworks and Aerial Mortars - Public and Board comments, concerns, and ideas to address and mitigate. Proposed draft resolution and the possible formation of a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) -- G. Misakian: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Motion to consider placing the Ala Wai Pedestrian Bridge Project - Public and Board comments, concerns, and resolution proposals regarding the Department of Transportation Services project and bridge design renderings shown at the Ala Wai Elementary School in November 2024 on the FEBRUARY 2025 Regular Waikīkī Neighborhood Board Meeting Agenda -- G. Misakian: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Approval of Tuesday, November 12, 2024 regular meeting written summary for video record: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Sub District 1: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Sub District 2: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Sub District 3: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
Chair's Report: Due to time, this item was postponed to the next agenda.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at the Waikīkī Community Center, 310 Paoakalani Avenue.
XII. ADJOURNMENT -- [2:57:31]: The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Submitted by: Anson Wu, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO
Reviewed by: Dylan Buck, Community Relation Specialist
Finalized by:
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Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9
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