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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting OCTOBER 2023 Minutes
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October 2023 Minutes
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8T2Pc1Fn2U
Reports & other meeting materials can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II.
I. CALL TO ORDER - [0:00:00]: 6:00 p.m.
Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was established with 13 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish a quorum to take official board action.
Board Members Present: Robert Boyack, Louis Erteschik, Robert Finley, Ken Jacob, Jeff Merz, Greg Misakian, Chad Snater, Lisa Cabanero, Jomel Duldulao, Jillian Anderson, Melissa Filek, Sarah Worth, Greg Misakian, and Mark Howard (Appointed).
Board Members Absent: Daniel Jacob and Shotaro Dabbs.
Guests: Captain Miles Bellis (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Troy Komoda, Lieutenant Lieu, and Office Jordan Cito (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Nola Miyasaki (Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative); Keola Fisher (Council Chair Tommy Waters Office); Willam Oku (Governor Josh Green's Representative); Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Adrian Tam, Franklin Chung (Department of Budget and Fiscal Services); Rick Egged (Waik k Improvement Association); Trevor Abarzula (Waik k Business Improvement District Association); Sally Manglicmot, Ramona Sidlo, Gloria Steiner, Madeleine Buehler, Caroline Brimblecombe, Kathleen Lee, Franklin Chung, Betty Cavanaugh, Margaret Murchie, Kat, Midori Marcia Sue Trent, Diana Kim, Erin, Patricia, Mele, Katie Millwood, Ronnie, Laura Ruby, John Deutzman, and Tim Gary. (Residents) and Judi-Ann Smith-Kauhane (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. Total Participants: 48.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - []: Captain Bellis gave the following report: The HFD report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II.
• September 2023: 2 Structures, 2 nuisance, 1 cooking, 14 activated alarms, 180 medical calls, 3 motor vehicle collisions, 1 ocean rescue, and 1 hazardous materials incident.
• Safety Tip: Fire Prevention safety tips were provided. For more information, visit www.hfdfire.honolulu.gov.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [0:03:18]:
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) District 6 - [0:04:14]: Lieutenant Komoda gave the following report: The HPD report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II.
• September/August 2023: Robbery: 2/7; burglary:11/6; theft: 168/188; Unauthorized Entry into Motor Vehicle (UEMV): 14/21; assault: 31/38; sex crimes: 2/6
o Citations: Bike/skateboard on the sidewalk: 21/20; speeding: 239/365; parking: 1,908/2,423; loud muffler: 1/14; and park closures: 82/99.
o Arrests: Park Closures: 8/7
o Total calls of service: 4,707/5,101. For more information, visit http://www.honolulupd.org.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [0:05:34].
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - [0:12:03]: Dominic Dias gave the following report: The BWS report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II.
• Main Breaks: No Main Breaks to report. No BWS construction in the Waik k area.
• Imagine a Day Without Water: Invited by the Board of Water Supply and its partners for this year's Imagine A Day Without Water Event on Saturday, October 21, 2023. For more information, go to https://www.boardofwatersupply.com.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [0:13:58].
III. VACANCIES: Sub District #3 - [0:18:33].
a. Appointment through June 2025. Felik nominated resident Mark Howard to fill the sub-district 3 opening. NA Smith-Kauhane verified Howard for Sub District #3.
[0:18:52] Hearing no other nominations, Finley asked NA Smith-Kauhane to take a roll-call vote for Mark Howard to fill the sub-district 3 seat. [0:20:42] (Howard 13-0-0. Yes: Anderson, Brown, Cabanero, Duldulao, Erteschik, Filek, Finley, Henski, Jacob - Ken, Merz, Misakian, Snater, and Worth. No: None, Abstain: 0). [0:20:56].
[0:22:05] NA Smith-Kauhane gave the Oath of Office to Member Howard. 14 Members Present.
a. Safe and Sound - Katie Kaahinui, Dave Willard, HPD, and City Prosecutor Steve Alm - [0:23:39]: Prosecutor Alm gave an updated Safe and Sound Program report in the Waik k Community. This program is a collaboration with the Waik k Community, HPD, and the Prosecutors office to pinpoint the concerns and issues in the community and then come up with solutions. Prosecutor Alm also spoke about legalizing marijuana.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [0:33:16]:
b. Waik k Update - Waik k Business Improvement District Association - President Trevor Abarzua - [0:58:39]: New elected President Trevor Abarzua of the Waik k Business Improvement District Association (WBIDA) gave their annual presentation of what they are been doing over the 2023 year for and in the Waik k community. The PowerPoint presentation can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [1:17:26]:
• Trash Pick-up - [1:33:24]: Resident Sally Manglicmot gave testimony to the board and the community regarding early morning private trash pick-up by her apartment as early as 2:30 a.m.
• Resolution regarding the Ala Pono Bridge - [1:36:54]: Ruby shared her screen via WebEx the resolution the Waik k board voted on regarding the Ala Pono bridge.
• Rental Scooters - [1:39:04]: Deutzman commented on concerns about a scooter rental company allowing their scooters to be left in random places in the community.
• Adding Ala Pono Bridge - [1:40:17]: Worth made a Motion to add the topic of the Ala Pono Bridge to next month's agenda for discussion. Discussion followed.
[1:45:25] - Worth moved, and Misakian seconded to add the topic of the Ala Pono Bridge to the November 2023 agenda for discussion. [1:45:49] Discussion followed. The motion was adopted 10-4-0. (Yes: Anderson, Brown, Duldulao, Erteschik, Filek, Jacob - Ken, Misakian, Howard, Snater, Worth. No: Cabanero, Finley, Henski, and Merz. Abstain - None). The digital recorder was also used to clarify the vote of this motion.
NA Smith-Kauhane clarified with Deputy Director Dylan Whitsell of the Neighborhood Commission Office on the voting process to add a topic to the next meeting agenda.
Mayor's Rick Blangiardi s Representative - NOLA MIYASAKI - [1:54:28]: Nola Miyasaki shared the highlights of the Mayor s report. The Mayor's information can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II. The Mayor's monthly report can be found online at www.oneoahu.org/newsletter. Miyasaki shared the Mayor s monthly report highlighting the Mayor s stance regarding the ALCU loss suit forcing public health laws. The Mayor s office is happy to partner with the Safe and Sound Program with Prosecutor Alm s office. 4G connection for the parking meters. Miyasaki also gave updated responses to last month's Mayor s concerns.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [2:01:02]:
a. Updated on City Procured Building at 1615 Ala Wai Blvd. - Catherine Taschner - [2:06:23]: Deputy Director Tachner gave an updated report regarding the 2-year acquisition of 1615 Ala Wai Blvd. She asked for feedback from the community regarding what would be the optimal proposal for this property to serve the community best.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [2:08:17]:
Council Member - TOMMY WATERS - [2:15:49]: Keola Fisher shared Council Chair Waters report. His monthly report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II. Fisher highlighted an updated Kaimana showers status and an update on the early morning trash pickups in Waik k .
Senator - SHARON MORIWAKI - [2:18:15]: Senator Moriwaki s monthly report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II. Moriwaki shared her monthly report highlighting the issue of sea-level rise and planning for tomorrow through new technology. Highlights on the Waik k neighborhood watch and a follow-up on early trash pick-up.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [2:27:05]:
Representative - ADRIAN TAM - [2:28:56]: Representative Tam s monthly report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II. Tam shared his monthly report highlighting the town hall meeting with noise, safety, homeless issues, and towing on the Ala Wai.
Governors Representative - WILLIAM OKU - [1:01:48]: Willam Oku highlighted L hain and the Emergency Services. The Governor's monthly report can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1It7SZAMv_ooPRrKwJBNWEPK94mjn84II.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - [2:31:47]:
Waik k Improvement Association - RICK EGGED - [2:33:39]: Rick Egged commented on working with the Mayor regarding the ACLU court case and thanking Senator Moriwaki and Representative Tam regarding the repairing of the corner by Fort De Russy for public access.
VI. BOARD BUSINESS - [2:35:26]: Postponed to the next meeting.
VII. PUBLIC EVENTS - [2:35:26]: Postponed to the next meeting.
VIII. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE - [2:35:26]: Postponed to the next meeting.
IX. SUB DISTRICT REPORTS - [2:35:26]: Postponed to the next meeting.
• Sub District 1 Report
• Sub District 1 Report
• Sub District 3 Report
• Treasurers Report
• Chair Report
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by: Judi-Ann Smith-Kauhane - Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Naomi Hanohano - Community Relations Specialist
Final Review:
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Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9
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