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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting FEBRUARY 2023 Minutes
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February 2023 Minutes
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was established with 10 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present: Robert Finley, Louis Erteschik, John Nigro, Jeffery Merz, Daniel Jacob, Ken Jacob, Jacob Wiencek, Robert Boyack, Mark Smith, Katheren Henski, Michael Brown, and Gregory Misakan.
Board Members Absent: Melissa Filek, Tommy Penrose, Mark Garrity, and Lisa Cabanero,
Guests: FF Eric Papayoahon (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Ono (Honolulu Police Department); Nola Miyasaki (Mayor's Representative); Charles Yuzumoto (Senator Sharon Moriwaki); Chelsea Lockridge (Representative Adrian Tam); Keola Fisher (Council Chair Tommy Waters Office); and April Coloretti; Rick Taniguchi (Honolulu Festival); John Deutzman, Michelle Bunnell, Curtis Miller, Carolyn Annerud, Denise Boisert, Pam Walker, Jamel Duldulao, Brianna Kani, David Millwood, Linda Kea, Ed Springer, (Residents) and Partner Akiona - Neighborhood Assistant. In-Person Participants: 28.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Fire Fighter Eric Papayoahon report the following:
• January 2023: Two (2) structure fires, 15 activated alarms, 189 medical calls, and one (1) motor vehicle crash/collusions with pedestrian, five (5) motor vehicle crash/collision, one (1) ocean rescue, and two (2) hazardous materials incidents.
• Safety Tip for February 2023: Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Tips. For more information visit www.fire.honolulu.gov.
Questions, comments and, concerns followed:
1. Motor Vehicle Collusions with Pedestrians: Member Smith asked for details regarding motor vehicle collusions with pedestrians. Fire fighter Papayoahon responded will research it further and get back to the board next month.
2. Sirens: Resident Miller mentioned the noise ordinance and asked how does HFD determine which vehicle to use in an emergency. Fire fighter Papayoahon responded it depends on the kind of emergency; gave some scenarios of emergencies, and what location HFD is coming out of. Alarms are also based upon certain scale of emergencies. When the sirens are not used to alert traffic and HFD gets into an accident HFD is responsible.
3. Lights and Sirens: Resident Miller commented concerns if lights and sirens are efficient for safety and asked if there are grounds rules for HFD's discretion to use lights and sirens for emergencies. Chair Finley noted it is determined by the City and County appropriation committee that sirens and lights are required for emergencies.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Leiutenant Ono from District 6 gave the following report:
• January 2023/December 2022: Robbery; 3/7; burglary; 7/12; theft: 174/165; UEMV; 22/31; assault 32/43; sex crimes 8/5; bike/skateboard on sidewalk; 11/22; and 1813/1922 Parking citations.
o Citations: Speeding; 8/3; parking; 1,813/1,922; loud muffler; 1/1; and park closers; 102/167.
o Arrests: Park Closures; 6/20
o Total calls of service; 5,400/4,020.
• Safety Tips for January 2023: For more information visit http://www.honolulupd.org.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Muffler: Member Wiencek asked what law is being cited for muffler citations. Henski asked for a copy of the citation. Lieutenant Ono responded they will have that information for the board at the next month's meeting.
2. Foot Officers: Member Wiencek asked for an updated report for foot officers in the Waik k Area. Lieutenant Ono responded foot traffic is available for morning and afternoon shift but at night it is very difficult to cover the district on foot. It takes 9-10 officers to cover by foot.
3. Number of Officers Per Shift: Member Henski asked what the number is of officers available per shift. Lieutenant Ono responded there are ideally 10 officers per shift.
4. Cameras: Member Nigro asked if there is funding for street cameras. Lieutenant Ono responded he is not certain there is a funding for street cameras in the Waik k Area. Chair Finley commented there are currently 52 street cameras in the Waik k area and 39 are out of service.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): No representative present. No report was made.
Motion to the U.S. Navy to Safely Remove Fuel and All Hazardous Items from Red Hill: A written resolution will be resolution will be drawn up at the next board meeting.
Motioned by Finley and Seconded by Erteschik to Support the Safe Removal of Fuel and All Hazardous Items from Red Hill was Passed UNANIMOUSLY by a Raised Hand Vote.
Expand Beach Closure Hours Fronting Hotels from 2:00a.m. to 5:00a.m. and to Expand Hours from Midnight to 5:00a.m. When Approved by the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) - Rick Egged: Chair Finley gave an updated overview regarding the extended hours of the public beaches.
Legislature Update to Include Bills on Noise, Crime , Homelessness, Tourism, Condominiums, Small Boat Harbors, Beaches, Environment, and Public Meetings - Lou Erteschik: Chair Finley gave an overview of the legislative package containing 3000+ bills member Cabanero distributed the board members Chair Finley requested a motion to support the concepts of these bills with amendments. Discussion Followed.
Motioned by Smith and Seconded by Henski to Support the Concept of Bills in the Legislative Package Distributed by Member Cabanero was Passed UNANIMOUSLY by a Raised Hand Vote.
Approval of Minutes March 8, April 12, October 11, November 1, 2022, and January 10, 2023: Minutes were approved as presented.
Public events were announced by Chair Finley: See February 2023 agenda.
Applications for liquior licences were announced by Chiar Finley: See February 2023 agenda.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative: Nola Miyasaki gave the following report:
Newsletter Link: https://www.oneoahu.org/newsletter
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The Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) 2023-2025 Board Election applications are now available online at https://web1.hnl.info/nbe for candidates and voters.
Important Dates:
• Friday, February 17, 2023 - Candidate Filing Deadline
• Friday, April 28, 2023 - Voting Begins
• Friday, May 19, 2023 - Voting Ends
Who Can Vote?
• Anyone can vote including military personnel, military family members, and legal resident aliens
• Must be at least 18 years of age by Friday, February 17, 2023
• Voted in the last general election or register with the NCO to vote specifically for the Neighborhood Board Elections.
Question, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Property: The Board requested an update on the City's Acquisition of the property located at 1615 Ala Wai Boulevard for affordable housing.
2. Repainting: The Board requested the re-stenciling of bike graphics on Kalakaua Ave.
3. Traffic Light: Member Smith asked to install a Red-Light Camera on the traffic light on Ala Moana Blvd and Kalaimoku St. Yesterday he witnessed 4 cars speed through that particular red light while he was waiting to cross the street.
4. Bike Lane: Residents requested an update on the Complete Streets project involving the implementation of a bike lane on Ala Wai Boulevard and asked if the bike lane could be installed as part of the sidewalk instead of utilizing an existing traffic lane.
5. Patrol: The Board requests more officers on foot patrol rather than in patrol cars due to the area being the Honolulu Urban Core.
6. HRS 7111-01: Chair wanted more explanation on HRS 7111-01, referring to noise complaints.
Council Chair Tommy Waters: Keola Fisher gave an overview of Chair Waters monthly report. www.tommy.waters@honolulu.gov. Noise Ordinance: HPD agreed they will enforce existing ordinance 41-6 to warn or ticket people that are using amplified devices.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Cameras: Member Henski commented regarding a camera installed on the corner of Kapahulu and Kal kaua and asked how do we know if the camera is working. Fisher will take the question back to Chair Waters and respond at the next meeting.
2. Parking Zones: Member Henski requested for Waik k residents to receive stickers for designated parking areas in Waik k . Fisher will take the request back to Chair Waters and respond at the next meeting.
Senator Sharon Moriwaki: Representative Charles Yuzumoto gave a quick overview of her monthly report. www.senstormoriwaki@capitol.hawaii.gov.
• Bills: All Bills Senator Moriwaki proposed are still alive.
• Repairs: Proposing to do repairs at Washington Middle School.
Questions, comments, and concerns: Process: Vice Chair Erteschik asked what is the process of keeping Bills alive especially the ones that are important to the Waik k community. Yuzumoto responded there are various of ways such as a resolution, letter, submit testimony from the board stating its position on what bills are important to the community.
Representative Adrian Tam: Representative Tam gave a quick overview of his monthly report. www.reptam@capitol.hawaii.gov
Governor Josh Green: No representative. No report was given.
Waikiki Business Improvement District Association (WBIDA): For more information go to www.waikikibid.org. No Representative. No report given.
Suggestions to use $1000 one-time funds for Outreach: Chair Finley are asking for suggestions.
Sub district 1 Report - JEFF MERZ: Attended with Michael Brown the UH M noa searise adaptation conference.
Sub district 2 Report - JACOB WEINECK: Food Trucks on Powell St.
Sub district 3 KATHERYN HENSKI: Waik k Senior Center - Resilince Meeting regarding Emergency Prepardness. TBA.
Chair Report: Sign up for the next election. NA Akiona eleaborated more on this topic.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1516 Ala Wai Property putting on the agenda for next month.
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Submitted by: Judi-Ann Smith-Kauhane, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy Director
Final Review:
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Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9
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