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Mayor Blangiardi proclaims November as Arbor Month

Mayor Rick Blangiardi with members of the Outdoor Circle

O‘AHU – Arbor Day in Hawaiʻi has traditionally been celebrated the first week of November, to coincide with the rainy season in the islands. This year, in recognition of the many benefits trees provide, and to support the continued growth of tree canopy cover into the future, Mayor Blangiardi is pleased to proclaim November as “Arbor Month.”

This year is also historic as November 2022 marks the 100th year anniversary of the Shade Tree Commission. The Shade Tree Commission was established in 1922 and was composed of the president of The Outdoor Circle, the City and County of Honolulu (City) Engineer, the Superintendent of the City and County of Honolulu Parks and Playgrounds, the Superintendent of Forestry of the Territory of Hawaiʻi, and one other person nominated by the public utility corporation. The Shade Tree Commission was reorganized and over time, eventually became the City Division of Urban Forestry (DUF) which presently plants, maintains, and preserves our island’s City street and park trees.

DUF is happy to announce in conjunction with the proclamation of “Arbor Month,” that we created an interactive StoryMap available online which outlines the historical context of the management of trees and the urban forest by the City. To view the StoryMap, please go to:

Outside of Arbor Month, we give appreciation to trees year-round and anyone who is planting trees on O‘ahu is encouraged to input that planting information into our tree planting map. Visit to provide that information and help us monitor these efforts as we work to increase our tree canopy across the island.

If you need an auxiliary aid/service, other accommodations due to a disability, or an interpreter for a language other than English in reference to this announcement, please contact the Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation at (808) 768-3003 on weekdays from 7:45 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. or email


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