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Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts FEBRUARY 2022 Newsletter
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February 2022

Hawaiʻi Triennial
On February 18, Hawaiʻi Contemporary will open the largest contemporary art event in Hawai‘i’. Entitled “Pacific Century – E Ho‘omau no Moananuiākea”, Hawai‘i Triennial 2022 (HT22) will explore interweaving themes of history, place, identity, social change, and environmental concerns within the context of Hawai‘i’s unique location within the influence of Asia-Pacific and Oceania. HT22 is a citywide art exhibition of contemporary art installed across seven venues in Honolulu: Bishop Museum, Foster Botanical Garden, Hawaii Theatre Center, Hawai‘i State Art Museum (HiSAM), Iolani Palace, Honolulu Museum of Art, and Royal Hawaiian Center. Admission to the Triennial exhibit at the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum will be free.
HiSAM will display an HT22 exhibition featuring Kānaka ʻŌiwi and Hawai‘i-based artist collaborations ‘Ai Pōkahu Press, ʻElepaio Press, Nā Maka o ka ʻĀina, Piliāmoʻo, and Tropic Editions. “The exhibition at HiSAM celebrates the particularities of this place and is indebted to the stories of art and activism that have unfolded across Ka Paeʻāina o Hawaiʻi since the 1970s—many of which remain under recognized to this day. It is no secret that ʻŌiwi artists have been historically underrepresented and misrepresented within the settler colonial exhibitionary complex of Hawaiʻi’s art institutions,” says Associate Curator Drew Kahu‘āina Broderick. “HT22 seeks to counter exclusionary practices that continue to impact the health and wellbeing of Hawaiʻi’s art ecosystems.”
The eleven-week event is organized by Hawai‘i Contemporary, a Honolulu-based nonprofit organization, and made possible by presenting sponsors Hawai‘i State Art Museum, supported by State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, and Make Visible, a nonprofit whose mission is to create and sponsor innovative platforms for artists.
For more information about the Hawaiʻi Triennial, please visit the Hawaiʻi Contemporary website:
Hawaiʻi Contemporary

2021 Annual Report
The fiscal year 2021 Annual Report for the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts has been published. This report covers the period July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. Within these pages you will read about the SFCA’s mission and how through diligent work, our team was able to transition successfully to a virtual environment, allowing us to continue to support organizations by administering funding for National Endowment for the Arts CARES Act, Biennium grants, and develop new initiatives with State cultural institutions and individuals through grants, acquisitions and exhibitions.
View or download the report PDF from the SFCA website:
SFCA Annual Report

2022 Hawaiʻi State Legislature and the SFCA
Measures introduced in this session include requests for funding requirements for operations and capital improvement projects, funding for the SFCA Artist Fellowship Program, and funds for Iolani Palace and the Bishop Museum. Read the full list of current legislative measures relating to the SFCA on the SFCA website:
Bills and hearings can be tracked online on the State Capitol website: Learn more about how to find, track, and receive email updates on bills and hearings on the Public Access Room website:
2022 State Legislature and SFCA

SFCA American Rescue Plan Projects
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) provided funds received from the American Rescue Plan to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) to distribute to the arts and culture community throughout the State of Hawaiʻi. This emergency funding is designed to support the arts sector as it recovers from the devastating impact of COVID-19. SFCA is utilizing American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding to administer grants benefiting the state’s arts community. For updates on grants to organizations and a full list of grants to individuals, please visit the SFCA website:
SFCA American Rescue Plan Projects
Artists in the Schools

Get the arts in your classroom!
The SFCA is accepting Artists in the Schools (AITS) grant applications for the 2022-2023 school year. All public and public charter schools in the State of Hawaiʻi are eligible to apply for one AITS grant per school for artist residencies to be conducted during the 2022-2023 school year. AITS grants are meant to enhance a school’s fine arts curriculum, not supplant it. Application must be completed through the GO Smart online application system at The application is due via the GO Smart online application system no later than Friday April 3, 2022 at 11:59 pm HST.
Calls for Student Artists

2022 Young Artists of Hawaiʻi
This year’s theme, “what does good leadership look like?”, is an exploration of the qualities of good leadership, how good leaders impact our communities, and who these good leaders are in our families, classrooms, schools, local neighborhoods, and global community. Through the incorporation of suggested classroom discussions and literature, students will be able to submit a piece of artwork to the 2022 Young Artists of Hawai‘i competition that captures these discoveries pertaining to the theme.
Submissions are due April 1, 2022. Please help us get the word out to schools, teachers, and students! All Hawaiʻi public, charter, and private school students grades K-6 are eligible.
2022 Poetry Out Loud

State Finals: Sunday February 27, 2022. If possible, the finals will be held in person at Tenney Theatre in downtown Honolulu. If it is not safe to hold an in-person event at that time, the finals will be done by video submission.
Grants and Opportunities
This list of Grants and Opportunities is also on the SFCA website:

Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants
The Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants program provides one-time grants of up to $5,000 for recent, unexpected medical, dental, and mental health emergencies experienced by artists in need who are practicing in the disciplines of visual arts, film/video/electronic/digital arts, or choreography. Applications due by February 7, 2022. For more information, please visit the NYFA website at
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Summer Youth Program at UH Mānoa
Explore career and educational opportunities in the fields of plant and animal sciences during this 2-week AgDiscovery summer youth program. Middle and high school students will enjoy presentations from USDA and the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) experts, visits to local agribusinesses, and a wide range of hands-on activities, such as orchid pollination, feral swine dissection, pest identification, DNA barcoding, and honey extraction. Students will experience aspects of the Hawaiian culture by engaging in taro cultivation and managing invasive species to protect the native ecosystem. Program runs July 10-23, 2022. Applications are due March 31, 2022. Learn more about the AgDiscovery program and apply on the APHIS USDA website:
U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
The Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW) Program is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides direct technical assistance and financial assistance in the form of cooperative and grant agreements to private landowners to restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of federal trust resources. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through September 20, 2022. Eligible applicants include individuals, nonprofit organizations, and small businesses. PFW projects must be implemented on private lands (in general, any property not state or federally owned). Private lands include Hawaiian homeland, city, and municipality. For more information, go to and search for grant F22AS00095.
National Archives and Records Administration
Publishing Historical Records in Collaborative Digital Editions
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals to publish online editions of historical records. All types of historical records are eligible, including documents, photographs, born-digital records, and analog audio. Projects may focus on broad historical movements in U.S. history, including any aspect of African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American history, such as law (including the social and cultural history of the law), politics, social reform, business, military, the arts, and other aspects of the national experience. Projects that center the voices and document the history of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color are especially welcome. Eligible applicants include nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations. For more information, go to and search for grant EDITIONS-202206.
National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is the only arts funder in the United States—public or private—that provides access to the arts in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. jurisdictions. Each year, the NEA awards thousands of grants to provide everyone in the United States with diverse opportunities for arts participation. Learn more about how to apply, the process, and more on the NEA website:
NEA Arts Reseach Awards Guidelines Now Available
Guidelines are now available for two funding programs offered through the National Endowment for the Arts' Office of Research & Analysis:
•Research Grants in the Arts funds research studies that investigate the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components of the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life. Matching/cost share grants of $10,000 to $100,000 will be awarded.
•NEA Research Labs funds transdisciplinary research teams grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, yielding empirical insights about the arts for the benefit of arts and non-arts sectors alike. Matching/cost share grants of $100,000 to $200,000 will be awarded.
Application guidelines for the present round of funding are available on The upcoming deadline for both programs is March 28, 2022.
The NEA will conduct a live webinar on February 9, at 9:00 a.m. Hawaii Time (2:00 pm Eastern Time) featuring an overview presentation followed by a Q&A session. Register for the webinar on Zoom: NEA webinar registration. A recording of the presentation will be added to the Applicant Resources page.
•NEA Challenge America Challenge America offers support primarily to small organizations for projects in all artistic disciplines that extend the reach of the arts to populations that are under served. Challenge America features an abbreviated application, a robust structure of technical assistance, and grants for a set amount of $10,000. Deadline: April 21, 2022. A free for potential applicants will take place on March 1, 2022 3-4 pm EST (10-11 am Hawaii Standard Time). A recording of the webinar will be made available after the event. Register on the NEA Zoom: NEA Challenge American Webinar Registration. For more information, please visit the NEA website:
•NEA Literature Fellowships The National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowships program offers $25,000 grants to published creative writers that enable the recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement. In 2022 the NEA will be accepting applications in poetry. Deadline: March 10, 2022. For more information, please visit the NEA website:
•NEA Grants for Arts Projects Through project-based funding, the program supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of art across the nation, the creation of art, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life. Deadline: February 10, 2022. For more information, please visit the NEA website:
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
NEH Fellowships
NEH Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Fellowships provide recipients time to conduct research or to produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research. Projects may be at any stage of development. NEH invites research applications from scholars in all disciplines, and it encourages submissions from independent scholars and junior scholars. Applications due April 13, 2022. A free webinar will be held February 16, 2022 at 7:30 a.m. Hawaiʻi Time (12:30 p.m. Eastern Time). For more information, please visit the NEH website: NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication
Through NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication, the National Endowment for the Humanities and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation jointly support individual scholars pursuing interpretive research projects that require digital expression and digital publication. To be considered under this opportunity, an applicant’s plans for digital publication must be integral to the project’s research goals. That is, the project must be conceived as digital because the research topics being addressed and methods applied demand presentation beyond traditional print publication. Competitive submissions embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. All projects must be interpretive. That is, projects must advance a scholarly argument through digital means and tools. Stand-alone databases, documentary films, podcasts, and other projects that lack an explicit interpretive argument are not eligible. Application due April 20, 2022. For more information, visit the NEH website:
National Park Service (NPS)
“Voices of the Wilderness” Alaska artist-in-residence program

The “Voices of the Wilderness” Artist in Residence Program offers artists stewardship-based residencies hosted by the US Forest Service, National Park Service, and US Fish & Wildlife Service in Alaska. Artist are partnered with a wilderness specialist to join in projects such as research, monitoring, and education based in a remote wilderness setting. To apply, candidates fill out one application to be considered for any or all of the eleven opportunities (it’s free to apply). The program is open to artists of all disciplines. Applications close March 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM AK time. For more information and to apply, please visit the USDA Forest Service website: Alaskan Artist in Residence.
NPS Youth Program
National Park Service youth programs include internships and job opportunities for youth and young adults 15-30 years old and veterans 35 years old and younger. Learn more at
Shuttered Venue Operators (SVO) Grant
US Small Business Administration (SBA) deadline: until funds are exhausted. SVO Grants are available to
•Live venue operators
•Theatrical producers
•Live performing arts organization operators
•Relevant museum operators
•Motion picture theater operators
Learn more on the US SBA website:
Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation: Preservation Projects Coordinator
Application open until February 4, 2022. The Preservation Projects Coordinator position is responsible for organizing, facilitating and implementing historic preservation programs to build the capacity and effectiveness of the preservation constituency in Hawai‘i. For more information, please visit the Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation website:
Volunteer to be an SFCA Visual Arts Consultant
Participate in making decisions about artworks for the SFCA Art in Public Places Collection. Informed community panelists make decisions at the SFCA regarding artwork purchases and gifts. Participate by volunteering as a Visual Art Consultant! Application on the SFCA website: Volunteer as a Visual Art Consultant
Calls for Artists in Hawaiʻi
Hawaiʻi Craftsmen “Fiber Hawaii 2022” entry day Saturday June 4, 2022. Exhibit at the Downtown Art Center (Honolulu) June 8-26, 2022. For more information, please visit the Hawaiʻi Craftsmen website:
Plein Air Perspectives 2022: The 3rd Annual Hawaiʻi Statewide Jury Exhibition, sponsored by the Hawaiʻi Island Art Alliance and open to all Hawaiʻi based artists. Entry deadline 9/16/2022.
The Call for Entry (CAFE) website can be searched by state (choose the “sort by” menu on the left side of the screen). Search the Café website:
Research and Resources

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
•“Conversations about Disability Design” NEA podcast episode with Joshua Halstead, designer, teacher, disability advocate, and researcher for the NEA’s report Disability Design, and Grace Jun, CEO of Open Style Lab. Listen or read the text transcript on the NEA website:
•“Disability Design” report commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts. To better understand current trends in the disability design field, the NEA commissioned a field scan, which included a review of recent research and news articles as well as interviews with key subject matter experts. This report provides a summary of the field scan, sharing current trends and making recommendations for disability design in public spaces and for the human body and mind. Read the report online or download the PDF from the NEA website:
•NEA podcast episode “Dr. Nicole Fleetwood”. Professor, art historian, and curator Dr. Nicole Fleetwood has spent years exploring the art of incarcerated people and how it is essential to our understanding of mass incarceration and the people it affects. A 2021 MacArthur Fellow, Fleetwood began this work as she reflected on her family’s and community’s history of imprisonment. The project grew into an award-winning book Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration and a traveling museum exhibition also titled “Marking Time.” Listen to the podcast or read the text transcript on the NEA website:
American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AMACAD), “Art for Life’s Sake: The Case for Arts Education” a report of the Commission on the Arts. “This report offers a clarion call to parents, teachers, and governments at the national, state, and local level to recognize the vital role arts education plays in developing empathetic, well-rounded, and civically engaged individuals who are prepared to be active members of their communities and participants in our democracy.” - David W. Oxtoby. Read the report or download the PDF from the AMACAD website:
Engage with the Hawaiʻi State Legislature: The Public Access Room’s “Engagement 101” has videos to help you offer your views and perspectives to help the legislature make the best laws for the state of Hawaiʻi. The videos show you how to find your own senator and representative, how to sign up for hearing notices, how to submit testimony, and more. Get started on the Legislative Reference Bureau website:
This Research and Resources list is also on the SFCA website:
SFCA Grantee Spotlight

Hawai’i Tourism Authority
Building on its commitment to perpetuating the Hawaiian culture, the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA) and the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) have announced $1,475,000 in funding to support thirty community-based programs in Hawai‘i through HTA’s Kūkulu Ola program for 2022. Awardees include qualified community groups, practitioners and craftspeople committed to strengthening a broader understanding and appreciation of Hawaiian culture through place-based activities and engagement on each island. Five of the grantees are also SFCA grant recipients (through Biennium Grants FY22 and/or SFCA ARP Grants). Image: Honolulu Theatre for Youth actors with “Musubi Man” puppet.
See the full list of grantees and awards on the HTA website:
•Hāna Arts
•Honolulu Theatre for Youth
•Mānoa Heritage Center
•PAʻI Foundation
Hawaii Tourism Authority Press Release
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
NEA Fiscal Year 2022 Grant for Arts projects
The NEA has announced the first round of recommended awards for fiscal year 2022, with 1,498 awards totaling nearly $33.2 million. Grants for Arts Projects funding spans 15 artistic disciplines and reaches communities in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Some of the arts organizations awarded a grant are also SFCA grant recipients (through Biennium Grants FY22 and/or SFCA ARP Grants), and are indicated with an asterisk (*)
•Tau Dance Theater
•Hāna Arts*
•Holani Hana, Inc.
•Hawaii International Film Festival*
•Honolulu Biennial Foundation*
•Honolulu Theatre for Youth*
•Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services
•Moanalua Gardens Foundation Inc*
•University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
•University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (on behalf of Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing)
•West Hawaii Dance Theatre (Hawaii Island)*
•Kona Historical Society (Hawaii Island)*
•County of Maui
See the full list of grantees and awards on the NEA website:
NEA American Rescue Plan Grants
Seven arts organizations in Hawaiʻi were selected to receive grants. They will use this funding to save jobs and to fund operations and facilities, health and safety supplies, and marketing and promotional efforts to encourage attendance and participation. Read more about this announcement and the complete list of recommended organizations on the NEA website:
•Hāna Arts (Maui)
•Hawaiʻi International Film Festival (Oʻahu)
•Hawaiʻi Opera Theatre (Oʻahu)
•Honolulu Academy of Arts, dba Honolulu Museum of Art (Oʻahu)
•Honolulu Theatre for Youth (Oʻahu)
•Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services
•PAʻI Foundation
Acquisition Award Selection Committees (AASCs) Upcoming Exhibit Visits
Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits continue to provide important support for artists and arts organization venues statewide. The SFCA has conducted over 20 AASC visits during the pandemic so far.
Exhibit holders invite the SFCA to send an AASC (application form on the SFCA website), and the qualifying invitations are presented to the SFCA Board of Commissioners for approval.
The SFCA Board of Commissioners recently approved Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits to these exhibits:
•Maui – “Celebration of Hawaiʻi 2022”, Viewpoints Gallery, Makawao. Mixed media, curated. February 27 – April 16, 2022.
•Oʻahu - “Honolulu Printmakers 2022 Annual Juried Exhibition”, 1142 Bethel St., Honolulu. Printmaking, juried. January 14 - February 18, 2022. Approved AASC visits are also posted on the SFCA's website: Selling Your Art.
Learn more about selling your art
Hawaiʻi State Art Museum (HiSAM)

Virtual Exhibit Tours
Get up-close views and information in online tours of past exhibits at the State Art Museum:
HiSAM Virtual Tours
Upcoming Exhibits
•February 18, 2022 Honolulu Triennial 2022 display opens.
•February 18, 2022 Hawaiʻi Regional Scholastic Art Awards Exhibit opens, featuring award-winning artworks by Hawaiʻi students grades 7-12.
Museum galleries are closed until February 18 for new exhibit installation.
February Events

•First Friday, February 4, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. All ages live performances in the outdoor Sculpture Garden.
•The Vibe Jazz Night, February 11, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. All ages live performances in the outdoor Sculpture Garden.
•Super Saturday, February 19, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hands-on art activities for all ages and live entertainment.
HiSAM Calendar
In accordance with Governors Executive Order 21-07, Access to State Property, visitors to State facilities (including the No. 1 Capitol District building, which houses the SFCA offices and the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum), visitors must provide verification of being fully vaccinated, or of a COVID-19 negative test result, and must wear a mask and practice physical distancing. For details and updates on this Executive Order, please refer to the Hawaiʻi Governor website, Governor.Hawaii.Gov.
Subscribe to the HiSAM email newsletter: (be sure to check “Hawaiʻi State Art Museum Newsletter” on the list of emails you wish to receive).
Subscribe to the HiSAM Newsletter
Arts and Culture Calendar
This arts and culture calendar features SFCA grantees, partners, and Hawaiʻi state government programs and events.

University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Department of Art and Art History: 2022 Master of Fine Arts Degree Candidate Exhibitions
Candidates Forrest Leonard, Jake Everett, Helena Noordhoff, Sadaf Naeem, Makenzie Davis, and Nathan Talamantez. January 30 – April 28, 2022. For details, please visit the department’s website:
•Diamond Head Theatre "Steel Magnolias” February 4-20, 2022. Learn more on their website:
•Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities The 2022 Hawaiʻi History Day District Fairs and State Fair will be held virtually. Student projects for the Virtual District Fairs are due on Friday, February 18, 2022. The State Fair will be held April 23, 2022. For more information, please visit the Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities website:
•Hawaiʻi Craftsmen has scheduled the 2022 Raku Hoʻolauleʻa at Camp Mokuleʻia (Waialua, Oʻahu) for March 24-27, 2022. A joint exhibition with the Hawaiʻi Craftsmen’s Fiber Hawaiʻi program has been scheduled for June 4-26, 2022, at the Downtown Art Center (Honolulu, Oʻahu). For more information, please visit the Hawaiʻi Craftsmen website,
•Hawaii Institute for Music Enrichment and Learning Experiences (HIMELE) 2022 Hawaiʻi Steel Guitar Showcase has been planned for in-person festivals. Kauaʻi Steel Guitar Festival: March 31-April 2, 2022, Sheraton Coconut Beach Resort (Kapaʻa, Kauaʻi). Waikīkī Steel Guitar Festival: July 11-16, 2022, Royal Hawaiian Center (Waikīkī, Oʻahu). For more information, please visit the HIMELE website:
•The Hawaiʻi State Public Library offers free access to Mango Languages online language learning software. Languages include ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, Brazilian Portuguese, and Tagalog. For more information, visit their website (go to the Learn tab and look under Online Classes):
•Hawaiʻi Triennial 2022 February 18 – May 8, 2022, multiple locations. Visit the Hawaiʻi Contemporary website:
•Honolulu Museum of Art free visits and self-guided tours for students on class assignments may be scheduled on the museum’s website:
•Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) welcomes audiences back to Tenney Theatre with Lee Cataluna’s play “Musubi Man” (2/06). The show is adapted from the storybook by Sandi Takayama and illustrated by Pat Hall. For more information, please visit the HTY website:
•Hui Noʻeau 2022 Annual Juried Exhibition January 14 – February 18, 2022, at the Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center (Makawao, Maui). For more information, please visit the Hui Noʻeau website:
•Kahilu Theatre "Brilliance of Now” 6th Annual Juried Exhibition through March 4, 2022. For more information, please visit the Kahilu Theatre website:
•Kumu Kahua Theatre - “The Conversion of Kaʻahumanu" by Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl, through February 20, 2022. The play will be performed live and presented digitally. For more information, please visit the Kumu Kahua Theatre website:
•Mānoa Heritage Center has reopened for in-person tours. For more information, please visit the MHC website:
•Maui Academy of Performing Arts “Ahi Wrap: The Carport Theatre Festival” written by Derek Nakagawa, Francis Tauʻa. Through February 13, 2022. For more information, please visit the MAPA website:
•Maui Arts and Cultural Center (MACC) has scheduled live music events in February, including performances by the Maui Pops Orchestra. To learn more, please visit their website:
•University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Department of Art and Art History
◦Exhibition “The Haiku as Visual Form: Stanton Macdonald-Wright’s the Haiga Portfolio” through May 8, 2022 at the John Young Museum of Art. For more information:
◦Exhibition “Ken Okiishi: A Model Childhood” through May 6, 2022. Curated by Maika Pollack. Public gallery walkthrough scheduled for February 20, 2022, and online presentation with Ken Okiishi on March 1, 2022. For more information:
◦2022 Master of Fine Arts Degree Candidate Exhibitions. Candidates Forrest Leonard, Jake Everett, Helena Noordhoff, Sadaf Naeem, Makenzie Davis, and Nathan Talamantez. January 30 – April 28, 2022. For details, please visit the department’s website:
◦2022 Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition, April 24 – May 14, 2022. For more information:
•University of Hawaiʻi Outreach College Statewide Cultural Extension Program (SCEP) online performances and presentations by local artists, supported by funding from the SFCA. February 2022 includes in-person and online performances:
◦Kenny Endo and the Taiko Center of the Pacific, February 5, University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Orvis Auditorium.
◦Jeff Peterson and Nathan Aweau, February 11, University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Orvis Auditorium.
◦“Imaginary Homelands”, February 26 and 27 at the Windward Community College Palikū Theatre with Kenny Endo, Norman Kaneshiro, and Yukie Shiroma. For more information, please visit the SCEP website:
•Public Access Room of the Legislative Reference Bureau online workshop “Understanding the Deadlines” February 2, 5:00 p.m. on Zoom. This workshop will be focused on understanding the Hawaiʻi State Legislature calendar of deadlines. For more information or to register, contact the Public Access Room by email at or by telephone at 808/587-0478.
•University of Hawaiʻi Music Department
◦Chamber Music Hawaii, February 13, Orvis Auditorium (University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa)
◦University of Hawaiʻi Chamber Singers Concert, February 25, Central Union Church
◦University Bands Spring Concert, February 27, Moanalua High School Performing Arts Center
SFCA Board of Commissioners 2021 Meeting Schedule
•Wednesday March 16, 2022
Thjs meeting schedule is also posted to the SFCA website calendar:
Learn more about the meetings on the SFCA website
SFCA Office
The SFCA office is open by appointment. SFCA is operating in a hybrid model of teleworking where all staff are available by email or telephone. If you aren’t sure who to contact, email or call (808) 586-0300 and leave a voice message, including your name and telephone number.
In accordance with Governors Executive Order 21-07, Access to State Property, visitors to State facilities (including the No. 1 Capitol District building, which houses the SFCA offices and the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum), visitors must provide verification of being fully vaccinated, or of a COVID-19 negative test result, and must wear a mask and practice physical distancing. For details and updates on this Executive Order, please refer to the Hawaiʻi Governor website, Governor.Hawaii.Gov.
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250 S. Hotel St
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Honolulu, HI 96813
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The mission of the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawaii. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawaii and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Hawaii State Art Museum

To promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai`i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai`i and the National Endowment for the Arts. The HSFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services.
The musuem is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed State and Federal Holdays. Always free admission. For pre-recorded information call 586-0900.
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. For pre-recorded summary information on the museum, call (808) 586-0900. For current museum program information, call the HSFCA Art in Public Places Program at (808) 586-0305. To arrange an educational tour of the museum, call (808) 586-9958.

For information on the HSFCA; the Hawai'i State Art Museum; HSFCA grants, programs, and services; Hawai'i arts and culture events; and USA and worldwide arts opportunities, visit the HSFCA website,
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Hawaii State Art Museum
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaii.
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