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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting January 2021 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER: Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was established with 16 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present: Raiyan Rafid, Jacob Wiencek, Jerome Bautista (WebEx), Robert Boyack, Lisa Cabanero, Helen Carroll, Louis Erteschik, Robert Finley, Mark Garrity, Kathryn Henski, Jeffrey Merz, John Nirgo, Melissa Filek, Mark Smith, Kenneth Wilder and Michael Brown.
Board Members Absent: Walt Flood.
Guests: Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Scott Glenn (Governor David Ige's Representative); Allison Schaefers (Honolulu Star-Advertiser); Rick Egged (Waikiki Improvement Association); Representative Adrian Tam; Dolan Eversole (Waikiki Beach Management); Kiana Otsuka, David Smith, Samantha Lara, Steve Holms, Andy Bohlander, Michael Takayama, Alexander Zarala, Justin Phillips, Dave Moskowitz, Amy Ammen and James Browne (Residents); Casey Ishitani (Neighborhood Assistant). Name was not included if not legible on the attendance sheet.
Chair Finley inquired if the Board would elect a Treasurer. Bautista was nominated. There were no other nominations or volunteers.
Bautista was appointed by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 16-0-0 (Aye: Rafid, Wiencek, Bautista, Boyack, Cabanero, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Garrity, Henski, Merz, Nirgo, Filek, Smith, Wilder and Brown: Nay: None; Abstain: None)
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): HFD submitted a report and safety tip.
• December 2020 Statistics: There was one (1) wildland fire, one (1) nuisance fire, one (2) cooking fire, seven (7) activated alarms, 116 medical emergencies, one (1) motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians, four (4) motor vehicle crashes, one (1) ocean rescue and one (1) hazardous material incident.
• Safety Tip: HFD advised residents to practice electrical safety. Safety measures include plugging one (1) heat producing appliance per outlet, major appliances should be placed directly into outlets, cords should be clear of doorways, extension cords reserved for temporary use and all electrical work should be performed by licensed professionals.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Crime statistics can be found at https://www.honolulupd.org/.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Noise Complaints: Henski reported that commercial garbage trucks have been collecting refuse as early as 4:00 a.m. near the Queen Kapiolani Hotel at 150 Kapahulu Avenue. Henski also reported tree trimming in the area around the same time. HPD representative responded that they will look into it.
2. Rallies: Smith raised concerns regarding a rally of trucks with illegal flags and horns on Sunday, January 10, 2021. HPD representative responded that they are only able to cite violations that they are present to report violations.
3. Quarantine Violations: Merz raised concerns regarding returning residents violating quarantine. Merz referred to resident Nick Ochs who was reported to be flouting quarantine measures in spite of a court order. HPD representative responded that residents may call 911, meet with the HPD officer and issue a statement when witnessing a violation.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Chair Finley read from a BWS report. A main break was repaired on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 835 Ala Moana Boulevard.
Construction: Nigro reported that jersey barriers were removed on Hobron Lane. A BWS project is also projected to begin between Kalakaua Avenue and Kuhio Boulevard. Smith raised concerns regarding construction on the right two (2) lanes before the Kalakaua Avenue bridge, requesting a timeline from the City and County of Honolulu. Nigro responded that it is a Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) project.
Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO): Brown raised concerns regarding a HECO project with pole placements.
Equus Hotel: Resident Dave Moskowitz reported that he reported violations regarding the Equus Hotel to the Liquor Commission (LIQ).
City Prosecutor: Chair Finley reported that he has requested that City Prosecutor Steve Alm attend the next Board meeting.
7-11: Wiencek raised concerns regarding homeless individuals at the 1901 Kalakaua Avenue 7-11 assaulting residents and causing property damage to residences on Ena Road.
Note: all events are submitted and awaiting City Approval/Denial. Due to the Covid-19 virus most street events will not be held this year.
• Saturday, February 6, 2021 2:00 p.m. to Midnight, 4th Annual Lokahi Festival (Event Requested but no status from City)
APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES: There were no applications.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative: A representative was not present. A memo was submitted.
• Neighborhood Board Candidate Registration: Residents may register to be Neighborhood Board members at http://www.honolulu.gov/nco. Registrations are due by Friday, February 19, 2021.
• Visitor Statistics: The Board requested the statistics of visitors receiving citations for Covid-19 violations. HPD generated statistics regarding COVID-19 violations by visitors in Waikiki between Tuesday, December 1, 2020 and Friday, December 11, 2020. There were four (4) quarantine violations, one (1) visitor cited for violating the face mask order, 250 warnings were given to a number of individuals for various Emergency Order violations.
Questions, comment and concerns followed.
1. Fines: Chair Finley inquired if the fines for mask violations can be reduced to simplify the ticketing process.
2. Tents: Smith raised concerns regarding large groups of residents under tents at Kuhio Beach.
Governor David Ige's Representative: State of Hawaii Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn reported the following.
• Vaccines: Vaccination has begun. The first phase of vaccination has been distributed. More information can be found at https://hawaiicovid19.com/vaccine/.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Information Security: Wiencek raised concerns regarding the security of information at the State level.
2. Vaccine Distribution: Wilder inquired if there will be announcements for the next phase of Covid-19 distribution and Glenn responded that the Department of Health (DOH) will provide information regarding the next group within Phase I. Filek inquired when public educators will be receiving the vaccine and Glenn responded that it will be in the second part of Phase I.
3. 7-11: Chair Finley requested that the DOH be aware of the situation at 1901 Kalakaua Avenue 7-11.
Councilmember Tommy Waters: Councilmember Waters reported the following.
• New City Council: Five (5) new Councilmembers were sworn in. Councilmember Waters is the new Council Chair. More information can be found at http://www.honolulu.gov/council.
• Crime: Councilmember Waters raised that crime rates are a continuing issue and that HPD was recently audited.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Kakaako Beach Park: Merz requested updates regarding Kakaako Beach Park and inquired if there were applicable clean ups in Waikiki.
2. Casino: Wiencek inquired if the City Council would allow a casino in Waikiki and Councilmember Waters responded that the Hawaii State Legislature would need to legalize gambling in the State, which the current administration opposes.
3. Former City Administration: Wiencek raised concerns regarding reports of former Mayor Kirk Caldwell utilizing HPD to investigate a City and County of Honolulu coroner. Councilmember Waters responded that he will forward concerns to Councilmember Heidi Tsuneyoshi at a public hearing.
4. Drones: Resident Moskowitz raised concerns regarding personal drones in Waikiki and Councilmember Waters responded that the City Council will need to inquire with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
5. Crime: Chair Finley inquired if City Council could look into increasing jail sentences for repeat offenders with the new City Prosecutor.
Senator Sharon Moriwaki: Senator Moriwaki reported the following.
• New Role: Senator Moriwaki Chairs the Senate Committee on Government Operations.
• Vehicular Noise: The monetary penalty for motorcycle noise is set to increase.
• Stimulus Funds: Most residents should have received the 600 dollar stimulus deposit.
• Waikiki Beach Hostel: Senator Moriwaki reported that the Waikiki Beach Hostel on Lemon Road was refurbished to connect homeless individuals with permanent shelters.
• Quarantine: If the Waikiki community witnesses a quarantine violation, they may call the State Attorney General's office at (808) 586-1240.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Walkability: Merz requested updates regarding future decisions to make Waikiki more walkable.
2. Public Testimony: Erteschik inquired regarding public testimony if the State Capitol is closed and Senator Moriwaki responded that residents may testify via zoom. Registration to submit public testimony can be found at https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/login/.
3. Mask Mandates: Smith reiterated requests to lower monetary penalty for violating mask mandates. Finley raised that the State Senate could implement an amendment on the mandate.
Representative Adrian Tam: District 22 Representative Elect Adrian Tam reported the following.
• New Contact Information: Representative Tam's contact information is Hawaii State Capitol Room 317; (808) 586-8520; fax - (808) 586-8524; email - reptam@Capitol.hawaii.gov.
• New Role: Representative Tam serves on the House Committee on Finance, Committee on Culture, Arts, & International Affairs.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Diversification: Wiencek raised concerns regarding external economic shocks necessitating workforce diversification and raised taxes. Representative Tam responded that the House will establish a taskforce to diversify workforce but that raised taxes will not affect the economically vulnerable.
2. Mask Mandates: Smith reiterated requests to lower monetary penalty for violating mask mandates.
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA): Rick Egged deferred presentation at this time.
Federal Representative Ed Case: A representative was not present. No report was given.
Regular Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, November 10, 2020: Chair Finley inquired if there were any amendments to the minutes.
Hearing no objection, the Regular Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, November 10, 2020 were ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 16-0-0 (Aye: Rafid, Wiencek, Bautista, Boyack, Cabanero, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Garrity, Henski, Merz, Nirgo, Filek, Smith, Wilder and Brown: Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Waikiki Beach Improvements: Dolan Eversole of Waikiki Beach Management reported that a sand replenishment project is scheduled to take place in February 2021 from the Royal Hawaiian to Moana Surfrider Beach area. The project will be four (4) million dollars with a one (one) million dollar private match. Improvements are projected to be completed by June 2021. Merz responded that an Environment Impact Statement (EIS) and Preparation Notice (PN) will be sent to Chair Finley. More information can be found at https://www.wbsida.org/waikiki-beach-maintenance.
Treasurer's Report: The remaining budget for the Waikiki Neighborhood Board was $257.59.
Sub District 1 Report: No report was given.
Sub District 2 Report: No report was given.
Sub District 3 Report: Henski reported that a new food truck opened on Cartwright Road with a tent attached to a stop sign. There was also a speed bump installed and has caused a few injuries.
Chair Report: Chair Finley reported that residents must follow the mask mandates and that the next Board meeting will depend on the Covid-19 infection rates.
The next Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at: http://olelo.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=30
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. due to facility closure.
Submitted by: Casey Ishitani, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Lindon Valenciano, Neighborhood Assistant
Final Review: Chair Robert Finley
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Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9
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