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Neighborhood Board #9 Waikiki 2020 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER: Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was established with 9 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present: Jerome Bautista, Helen Carroll (arrived at 6:30 p.m.), Louis Erteschik, Robert Finley, Walt Flood, Mark Garrity, Kathryn Henski, Jeffrey Merz, John Nigro (arrived at 6:15 p.m.), Patricia Shields, Mark Smith, Kenneth Wilder (arrived at 6:15 p.m.).
Board Members Absent: Robert Boyack, Lisa Cabanero and Michael Brown.
Guests: Lieutenant Jon Nakashima (Honolulu Police Department); Corey Apo (Honolulu Fire Department); Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Councilmember Tommy Waters; Kelsey Cobitd (Biki Bikeshare); Karen O'Neil, Midori Trent, James Browne, Karrin Lynn, Judith Wells, Franklin Chung and Patrick Moore (Residents); Casey Ishitani (Neighborhood Assistant). Name was not included if not legible on the attendance sheet.
Two (2) Vacancies Sub District 2: Hearing no appointees, Chair Finley deferred this item to the July 2020 meeting.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): HFD Corey Apo reported the following.
• May 2020 Statistics: There were two (2) structure fires, three (3) nuisance fires, two (2) cooking fires, seven (7) activated alarms, 98 medical emergencies, seven (7) motor vehicle collisions, two (2) ocean rescues and one (1) hazardous materials incident.
• Fire Safety Tip: Residents were encouraged to install smoke alarms. Smoke alarms are to be tested monthly with an annual battery replacement for 9 volt batteries.
Questions, comments and concerns: Broken Water Main: Shields inquired if HFD showed up to assist with a broken water main and Apo responded that they did and it was listed as an unusual incident.
Nigro and Wilder arrived. There were 11 Board members present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): HPD representative Lieutenant Jon Nakashima reported the following.
May 2020 Statistics: Crime statistics can be found at http://www.honolulupd.org/.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Black Lives Matter (BLM) March: Merz expressed gratitude for HPD ensuring the safety of BLM participants on Friday, June 5, 2020. Henski raised concerns regarding BLM participants leaving signs at the Hawaii Republican Party headquarters.
2. Homelessness: Shields raised concerns regarding the amount of homeless individuals along Ala Wai Boulevard.
3. Diamond Head Shooting: A resident requested more information regarding the Diamond Head shooting and Lieutenant Nakashima responded that it was an ongoing investigation.
Carroll arrived. There were 12 Board members present.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): BWS representatives were unavailable. Chair Finley reported that there was a main break on Saturday, May 30, 2020.
Widening of Kalakaua Avenue: A resident raised concerns regarding the sidewalk spacing in regard to a possible widening of Kalakaua Avenue.
Adrian Tam: Adrian Tam announced his candidacy for District Representative.
Kalakaua Open Street Sundays: A resident objected to the Kalakaua Open Street Sunday events stating that it would interrupt his surfing. Chair Finley also objected to the event but stated that it is being used to promote Waikiki businesses. Henski requested more details regarding parking. Rick Egged of the Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA) supported the event.
Churches: A resident raised concerns regarding churches being closed stating that he feels that his right to worship is being infringed upon.
Hale Koa: Carroll raised concerns regarding water leaking near the Hale Koa Hotel.
PUBLIC EVENTS: Chair Finley reported the following public events in Waikiki.
• Events Cancelled
1. Friday, June 12, 2020: 41st Pan Pacific Matsuri Hoolaulea
2. Saturday, Juney 13, 2020: King Kamehameha Parade
3. Sunday, June 14, 2020: 41st Pan Pacific Matsuri Parada
• Events Pending City Final Approval or Probable Cancellation
1. Saturday, June 27, 2020; 2:00 p.m. to Midnight, Leahi Festival
2. Saturday, July 11, 2020; 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Family Day Parade
3. Sunday, July 18, 2020; 2:00 p.m. to Midnight, Endless Summer Parade
4. Sunday, June 14, 2020; Sunday, June 21, 2020; Sunday, June 28, 2020; and Sunday, July 5, 2020; 6:00 a.m. to Noon, Bicycle/People Day on Kalakaua- Hawaii Bicycle League and City and County of Honolulu. Seaside Avenue to Kapahulu Avenue
APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES: Chair Finley reported that there were applications and hearings for liquor licenses that can be found at http://www.honolulu.gov/liq. He also reminded attendees that bars will reopen on Friday, June 19, 2020.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Deputy Director Mark Yonamine was not present. No report was given.
Governor David Ige's Representative: Director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC) Scott Glenn reported the following.
• Masks: Residents are encouraged to continue to wear masks or face coverings.
• Inter-island Travel: Inter-island travel without quarantine will resume for Hawaii residents on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Masks will be mandatory on flights.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Quarantine: Smith reported that he saw individuals who may be breaking the mandatory quarantine for out of State visitors. Wilder inquired if there is a way to test visitors who may be infected with Covid-19 or to contact trace individuals in Hawaii. A resident inquired why he will be quarantined if he flies on Monday, June 15, 2020 but not if he flies on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Another resident inquired why military families are exempt from quarantine.
2. Lieutenant Governor Josh Green: A resident accused Lieutenant Governor Josh Green of colluding with the news media to smear Governor Ige.
3. Unemployment: Chair Finley inquired if there will be more hires at the Unemployment Office to supplement the volume of claims filed by Waikiki residents and workers.
4. Ala Wai Golf Course: A resident requested an update regarding Top Golf and the Ala Wai Watershed Project.
Councilmember Tommy Waters deferred to Senator Sharon Moriwaki at this time.
Senator Sharon Moriwaki: Senator Moriwaki handed out a newsletter and reported the following.
• Covid-19 Relief Bill: The Legislative Session will last into July 2020 and the Covid-19 Relief Bill will be heard to distribute funds from the The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
• Unemployment: Senator Moriwaki raised that the unemployment claims are being delayed because State of Hawaii's unemployment system is outdated.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Masks: Garrity inquired if tourists who do not adhere to a mandate on masks in public will be reprimanded or fined and Senator Moriwaki responded that the State of Hawaii's Attorney General has made the legal ramifications clear.
2. Ala Wai Promenade: Smith expressed gratitude for Senator Moriwaki's assistance with the refurbishing of the Ala Wai Promenade.
3. Quarantine: A resident raised concerns regarding incoming visitors not knowing quarantine procedures.
Councilmember Tommy Waters: Councilmember Waters reported the following.
• CARES Act: Councilmember Waters reported that 387 million dollars will be designated for Honolulu businesses but must be spent by December 2020. There is a rent relief package that allocates 1,000 dollars for rent and 500 dollars for childcare.
• Resolution 20-65: Councilmember Waters introduced Resolution 20-65, Encouraging City and County of Honolulu to acquire the property at 1615 Ala Wai Boulevard.
Henski Moved and Nigro Seconded to Support Resolution 20-65.
Discussion: A resident objected to Resolution 20-65. Smith raised that the building could be converted to affordable housing. Merz raised that this issue had been brought up at multiple meetings.
The Motion to Support Resolution 20-65 was ADOPTED BY MAJORITY VOTE, 11-0-1 (Aye: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Garrity, Henski, Merz, Nigro, Shields, Smith and Wilder; Nay: None; Abstain: Flood).
Questions, comments and concerns followed. Lights: Henski raised that Kapahulu Avenue near the Honolulu Zoo requires a crossing signal for pedestrians.
Federal Representative Ed Case: Asami Kobayashi of Representative Case's office reported the following.
• Talk Story: Representative Case will host a Talk Story event on Monday, June 22, 2020, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hawaii time.
• Air Travel Public Health Emergency Act: Representative Case proposed the Air Travel Public Health Emergency Act to authorize states to implement reasonable guidelines and restrictions on air travel.
• CARES Act: Representative Case proposed using funds to prevent homelessness.
• National Forest Survey: Hawaii will designate a forest for federal monies to preserve and protect its environment.
Questions, comments and concerns followed. CARES Act: Wilder suggested that funding should be used toward low-income and essential workers.
Hearing no objection, Chair Finley had the Agenda Item Approval of Minutes at this time.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes: Chair Finley inquired if there were any amendments.
• Amendment 1: The Board raised that on Page 2, "Institute for Human Services (HIS)" should be "Institute for Human Services (IHS)".
• Amendment 2: "Cartwright Road is privately owned so the HPS officers..." should be "Cartwright Road is privately owned so the HPD officers..."
• Amendment 3: On Page 3, "Kalakaua Street" should be "Kalakaua Avenue"
Chair Finley inquired if there were any objections to Adopt the Regular Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, March 10, 2020 as Amended. The Minutes were ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 12-0-0 (Aye: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Flood, Garrity, Henski, Merz, Nigro, Shields, Smith and Wilder; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA): WIA President Rick Egged reported the following.
• Projects: Egged reported that the Royal Hawaiian Groin and Kuhio Basins will be focused on for replenishment funds.
• Vacation Rentals: Egged reported that vacation rentals are currently illegal to operate and must be dealt with by local government.
Chair Finley passed the gavel to Erteschik in order to testify.
City Parking Lot Next to Ritz-Carlton: Finley reported that The Waikiki Transportation Management Association (WTMA) intends to purchase the parking lot near Ritz-Carlton with the approval of the City and County of Honolulu. The WTMA and WIA will use the parking lot to generate revenue for the Waikiki community. Senator Moriwaki supported the purchase.
Merz Moved and Henski Seconded that the Board will draft a letter of support for WTMA purchasing the parking lot near the Ritz-Carlton. The Motion was ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 12-0-0 (Aye: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Flood, Garrity, Henski, Merz, Nigro, Shields, Smith and Wilder; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Finley reacquired the gavel.
Treasurer's Report: The remaining budget for the Waikiki Neighborhood Board was $49.91.
Sub District 1 Report: Merz reported that Fort Derussy will replace lights on Kalia Road. There are discussions regarding the construction of a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Ala Wai Canal.
Sub District 2 Report: No report was given.
Sub District 3 Report: Henski reiterated concerns regarding the need for crossing signs on Kapahulu Boulevard.
Chair Report: Chair Finley reported that seating configuration will be updated to factor in social distancing. Residents are also encouraged to complete the 2020 Census.
• The next Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at: http://olelo.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=30
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Submitted by: Casey Ishitani, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Chris Naylon, Public Relations
Final Review:
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