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  • Ito En HawaiÔi Donates Thousands Of Drinks To City For Upcoming Food Distributions

Ito En Hawai‘i donates thousands of drinks to city for upcoming food distributions

HONOLULU – The Japanese Consulate in Honolulu arranged a donation of thousands of Ito En drink products for the upcoming “Food for Hawai‘i’s ‘Ohana” food distribution in the month of May. The drinks donated include Matcha Milk Tea, Barley Tea, and other drinks for a total of 9,200 cans and bottles.

“I want to thank Japanese Consul General Ito and the Japanese consulate in Honolulu for this donation,” Said Royal Hawaiian Bandmaster and newly appointed food distribution liaison Clarke Bright. “It takes everyone coming together to respond to this pandemic, and the hardship it’s causing for so many of our neighbors on O‘ahu.”

"The people of Hawai‘i and Japan are connected by the spirit of Aloha and Kizuna,” said Japanese Consul General Koichi Ito. “While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to face enormous difficulties, it is my sincere wish that the donation by ITO EN Hawaii conveys the goodwill of Japanese companies operating here towards the people of Hawaii during these trying times.  I would like to express my gratitude to ITO EN Hawai‘i for their generous donation to the people of Hawaii.”

Japanese translation of Consul General Ito’s comments follow:

ハワイと日本の人々は,アロハと Kizuna(絆)の心で結ばれています。今,COVID-19は日本とハワイの人々に大変な困難をもたらしていますが,今回の伊藤園による寄付を通じて当地で事業を行う日本企業の善意が地元の人々に伝われば,私としても大変に嬉しく思います。伊藤園の皆様に感謝を申し上げます。

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