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Driving skills tests are by appointment only

HONOLULU -- O‘ahu residents are reminded that road tests for earning a driver license are now by appointment only.

Standby and walk-in services are not available until further notice due to public health concerns.

The move coincides with a series of steps the city has taken to support the Centers of Disease Control's recommendation for social distancing and avoiding lines and public gatherings. The city is already operating under an appointment-only system for driver license and state identification services.

The key to a successful road test is sufficiently demonstrating to the examiner an understanding of driving rules, especially new laws dealing with pedestrian safety and bicycle lanes. In addition, the vehicles used for the road test must be street legal, meaning turn signals, hazard lights, wipers and horn are all in working condition. Also, the vehicle's paperwork must be in order and the car should be relatively clean.

Brochures on the road test are available at driver licensing centers across O‘ahu. An electronic version of the brochure is available online, along with a video and useful road-test tips at

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