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Rate Commission September meeting date changed

Train No. 1 rolling down the track in Waipahu.

HONOLULU — The Honolulu Rate Commission announces that a previously scheduled meeting on future policies and rates for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project has been changed to Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Mission Memorial Hearing Room.
The meeting had previously been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 10 at the same time and location. During the upcoming meeting, public testimony will be accepted, as was done during a recently completed meeting on Aug. 13.
Testimony may also be emailed to Howard “Puni” Chee at the following address:
Written testimony is also being accepted by mail to the following address:
Rate Commission, c/o Howard “Puni” Chee
Department of Transportation Services (C&C Honolulu)
650 South King Street, Second Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813

Some of the topics to be covered by the Rate Commission are as follows:
Should bus and rail fares be the same with no charge for transfers?
Should there be flat rates or distance-based rates?
Should there be just a few categories for rates, such as Adult, Youth, and Discounted Eligible (seniors, disabled, low-Income)?
Should discounted monthly and annual passes continue? Or, as an alternative, should rides on the Holo Card be “capped” and all rides beyond any cap be free?
Should rates at the beginning of rail be free, and if so, for how long?
What is the appropriate fare for the two year interim rail period?
In the past, the city has set the goal of having fares cover about 30 percent of the cost of operations and maintenance. Should this practice continue?
Should cost of riding TheBus and Handi-Van be the same for a single ride?
Should seniors ride for free? During all hours or just in non-commute hours?

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