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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting May 2019 Minutes
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TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was established with 15 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present: Robert Finley, Jeff Apaka, Brian Bagnall, Jerome Bautista, Robert Boyack, Helen Carroll, Louis Erteschik, Walt Flood, Mark Garrity, Grant Giventer, Kathryn Henski, John Nigro, Patricia Shields, Kenneth Wilder (arrived at 7:03 p.m.), Mark Smith, and Jordan Ford.
Board Members Absent: Jeffrey Merz.
Guests: Russell Oki (Pan-Pacific Festival); Lee Marquez (Honolulu Fire Department); Rick Egged (Wakiki Improvement Association); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Kaili Awo (Millwood Ohana Productions); Midori Trent (La Casa); Lynn Mariano (Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board); Representative Tom Brower; Director of Housing Marc Alexander; Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Councilmember Tommy Waters; Marvin Fukichi, Denise Boisvert, Pam Walker, Bryn McLeod, Netty Hax, Franklin Chung, and John Wong (Resident); Casey Ishitani (Neighborhood Commission Office). Name was not included if not legible on the attendance sheet.
Wilder arrived at 7:03 p.m. 16 members present.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Captain Lee Marquez reported the following:
• April 2019 Statistics: There were two (2) structure fires, one (1) wild-land / brush fire, two (2) nuisance fires, one (1) cooking fire, eight (8) activated alarms, 124 medical emergencies, two (2) motor vehicle collisions with pedestrian, four (4) motor vehicle crash/collisions, no mountain rescues, no ocean rescues, and no hazardous material incidents.
• Fire Safety Tip for April 2019: HFD often responds to hikers who are lost or injured and uses the acronym H.I.K.E. S.A.F.E. for the following hiking safety tips:
o Hike with a partner or a group and have a plan. The groups should establish where to meet if the members become separated.
o Inform someone of the hiking destination and planned return time.
o Keep a cellular phone, flashlight, and whistle on every hike, even on short day-hikes.
o Eat well, stay hydrated, and carry plenty of water. Two (2) liters of water per person, per day is recommended.
o Stay on the trail, abide by all posted signs, and do not hike in closed or dangerous areas.
o Ask for help early and do not delay. Minor / moderate health or medical issues can be easily exacerbated by hiking.
o Familiarize oneself with the area, use a map, and consult a government-sponsored website.
o Expect changes in the weather and terrain; bring appropriate footwear and clothing.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): HPD Corporal Edlin Kam reported the following:
• April 2019 Crime Statistics: There were eight (8) robberies, 23 burglaries, 162 thefts, 18 unlawful entries of motion vehicle (UEMV), 43 assaults, two (2) sex crimes, 15 citations for biking on the sidewalk, 14 citations for skating on the sidewalk, 14 speeding citations, 390 parking violations, four (4) loud muffler citations, 38 park closure warnings, 127 park closure citations and four (4) park closure arrests. Total calls for HPD service were 3,976. Additional statistics are available online at
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Homeless Individuals: Henski raised concerns regarding homeless individuals near Hilton Hawaiian Village. There are reports of excrement and individuals sleeping on the sidewalk. Corporal Kam responded that he will get back to the Board. Giventer inquired if HPD officers can arrest individuals at the Waikiki Beach pavilions and Corporal Kam responded that officer can only tell individuals to vacate an area if illegal activity is reported.
2. Loud Vehicles: The Board raised concerns regarding loud engines and mufflers.
3. Parking Violations: Wilder inquired about parking violations and whether extended hours have changed the amount. Corporal Kam responded that HPD is attempting to get as many citations as possible.
4. Number of Officers: The Board inquired about the amount of officers on duty at all times. Corporal Kam responded that there are usually 11 active police officers with 20 support officers.
5. Skateboarders: Carroll inquired if there have been fatalities involving skateboarders and Corporal Kam responded that the only fatalities involving skateboarders have been skateboarders themselves.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Dominic Dias reported the following:
• Main Breaks: There were no main breaks.
• Consumer Alert: Dias urged residents to be cautious of scam calls. Utility customers are increasingly becoming targets for individuals attempting to gain access to residences, steal personal information, or trick you into giving them your money. Scammers can do this via unexpected or aggressive test messages, unexpected or aggressive phone calls, or unexpected visits to residents' property. If residents are concerned about an account status, they can call BWS Customer Care at (808) 748-5030. Residents who want to confirm the validity of an individual claiming to be a BWS employee may call BWS at (808) 748-5000. For suspicious encounters, residents may call HPD at 911 or report incidents at BWS at (808) 748-5041.
• Drinking Water and Wastewater Services Flyer: Dias provided a handout that served as a reminder that BWS provides Oahu residents with drinking water, while the City and County of Honolulu Department of Environmental Services (ENV) manages wastewater and solid waste systems.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Broken Water Fountain: A resident raised concerns regarding a broken water fountain on the canal-side of Ala Wai Boulevard near Lewers Street. BWS responded that they do not manage water fountains along the canal. Resident filled out a Mayor Concern sheet.
Ala Wai Watershed Resolution: The Board continued discussion of Tabled Motion to Adopt the Ala Wai Watershed Resolution. Chair Finley informed Bagnall that if the Motion was not Adopted by the Board, Bagnall would be given five (5) minutes to present an argument for the Resolution.
Bagnall Moved to Bring Tabled Motion to Adopt the Resolution to put a hold on the Ala Wai Watershed Project to the Floor. There was no Second.
Bagnall reiterated his concerns regarding the structural integrity, aesthetics, and logistics of the Ala Wai Watershed Project. Bagnall encouraged the Board to put a pause on the Ala Wai Watershed Project due to there being only one (1) public meeting regarding the project.
Questions, comments, concerns followed:
1. Flooding: Smith raised concerns regarding a 100 year storm that may flood numerous buildings, including high rises with first floor elevators.
2. Drains: Nigro raised concerns regarding Bagnall's findings, including the numbers of pumps and drains leading from the Ala Wai Canal to the ocean.
Waikiki Beach Pavilions: A resident suggested erecting fences around the Waikiki Beach Pavilions.
PUBLIC EVENTS: Chair Finley read the following public events:
??? Saturday, May 18, 2019, 6:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., 41st Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk
• Friday, May 24, 2019, 6:30 9:00 p.m., Troy Barboza Law Enforcement Torch Run
??? Saturday, May 25, 2019, 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Memorial Day Parade
• Monday, May 27, 2019, 6:30 p.m. Shinnyo-En Lantern Floating Ceremony (Ala Moana Park)
??? Friday, June 7, 2019, 5:30 p.m. to midnight, 40th Pan Pacific Matsuri Hoolaulea
• Saturday, June 8, 2019, 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., King Kamehameha Floral Parade
• Sunday, June 9, 2019, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., 40th Pan Pacific Matsuri Parade
• Saturday, July 6, 2019, 2:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Endless Summer Festival
• Saturday, July 13, 2019, Family Day Parade
• Sunday, July 28, 2019, 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Na Wahine Sprint Triathlon
• Thursday, June 13, 2019, Espacio The Jewel of Waikiki, 252 Kalakaua, Aston Waikiki Beachside Hotel, Hotel General
• Thursday, June 13, 2019, Sushi Seafood Buffet Kaku's, International Market Place, Cat 1
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: Mark Yonamine was unable to attend but provided responses to Board inquiries. Per Chair Finley's request, responses to Board inquiries were recorded below:
• Wall Issues: Board inquired if it is possible to make the wall adjacent to the bus stop at the intersection of Kuhio Ave and Paokalani Ave (Mauka/Diamond Head corner) impossible to sit on. As reported in April 2019, Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is researching the ownership of the property and improvements and - if they are determined to be under DTS jurisdiction - will evaluate feasible options to make the wall "impossible to sit on". DTS will report back to Neighborhood Board No. 9 either in October 2019 or when the information is available.
• Lights on Ala Wai Boulevard: A resident requested status of LED lights along Ala Wai walkway. Department of Design and Construction (DDC) responded that the decorative street lights along Kalakaua Avenue, Kuhio Avenue and Ala Wai Boulevard are scheduled to be replaced with LED street lights beginning on Monday, May 6, 2019. This work should be completed by Thursday, June 20, 2019.
• Street Light Glare: Board raised concerns regarding the glare issues and light levels on new LED lights in Waikiki. DDC responded that The LED street lights were specified to be direct one-for-one replacements of the existing legacy high pressure sodium (HPS) street lights. The light distribution patterns of the LED street light closely resembles those of the legacy lights to meeting the minimum average illumination levels of the roadways. These levels range of 0.4 average foot candles for local streets to two (2) average foot candles for arterial streets such as Kalakaua Avenue. The LED street lights were tested for their effect on light trespass and light pollution using the Illuminating Engineering Society's Luminaire Classification System (LCS). The LCS measures the fixture's backlight, uplight and glare (BUG). The minimum values for these ratings were specified for the LED street lights, while still meeting the illumination requirements.
• Waikiki Sidewalk improvement Project Phase 2: A Board member requested a follow-up on the status of this project, contractor information or contact. DDC responded that he contractor is continuing the landscaping and irrigation improvements at the Outrigger Hotel and Foster Tower. They are also continuing the sidewalks tile installation for Aston resort while excavating the area fronting the Park Shore resort for the tile concrete subfloor. RM Towill Corporation has been retained as the department's construction manager, their contact numbers are (808) 233-9231 or (808) 295-0416. RM Towill Corporation plans to install the irrigation and landscaping at Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel and Park Shore Waikiki Hotel after the sidewalk tiles are completed.
• Mental Health: A Board member requested if the Mayor has a comprehensive mental health program to deal with the mentally unstable residentially challenged individuals who are causing problems for residents. The Board requested that Marc Alexander be added to the Agenda for Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.
The Office of Housing: Executive Director Marc Alexander handed out a pamphlet and reported the following:
• City and County Purview: The Office of Housing responded that mental health services are under the authority of the Hawaii State Department of Health. The Office of Housing works closely with them and other appropriate state agencies.
• Outreach: The Office of Housing just released a new request for proposals regarding a new Outreach Navigation program which targets chronically homeless persons and those with severe mental illness and/or substance use disorder. HPD-led Health, Efficiency, Long-term Partnerships (H.E.L.P.) interagency outreach efforts include staff with expertise in mental illness and substance use disorder.
??? Housing-First Programs: Alexander handed out a Honolulu Star-Advertiser article detailing the reduction of homelessness due to housing-first programs. The State of Hawaii's housing-first programs, with a 500,000 thousand dollar funding, have a 92-percent retention rate with almost 75-percent identified as being chronically homeless. The total homeless count dropped by four (4) percent to 4,311 individuals.
Questions, comments, concerns followed:
1. Funding: Erteschik inquired about funding and Alexander responded that the housing-first program was funded as proof of concept.
2. Outreach to Individuals: Henski inquired about individuals who refuse outreach and Alexander responded that the hope is that a change in law with increase psychiatric support will help reach people who refuse outreach. Alexander also reported that the housing-first and rent-to-work programs have housed 4,300 individuals in 2019.
Governor David Ige's Representative: Office of Environmental Quality Control Director Scott Glenn was not present; no report was given.
Councilmember Tommy Waters: Councilmember Waters reported the following.
• Bill 85 and Bill 89: Councilmember Waters inquired the Board's position on Bill 85 and Bill 89, given the resort zone and residential precincts in Waikiki.
• Bill 3: Councilmember Waters supports Bill 3, which would lower property taxes for Oahu homeowners.
• Bill 13: Councilmember Waters reported that Bill 13, regarding fees for refuse collection, has died.
Questions, comments, concerns followed:
1. Agenda: Chair Finley reported that if Councilmember Waters has a Bill that he wants to discuss with the Board, he can forward it so that it can be placed on the Agenda.
2. Sprinkler Systems: A resident inquired about a new Bill that requires certain condominiums to have sprinkler systems affecting residents whose residents do not require sprinkler systems. Councilmember Waters responded that he will need to report back regarding sprinkler systems.
3. Residential and Resort Properties: A resident inquired about the growing number of apartment complexes and mixed-use buildings, given designated residential and resort precinct properties. Councilmember Waters reported that the resort and residential districts in Waikiki are separated and should designated whether a property is allowable as a short-term rental.
Senator Sharon Moriwaki: Senator Moriwaki handed out a newsletter and reported the following.
• Residential and Resort Precincts: Senator Moriwaki reported that residential and resort precincts are separated.
• Kupuna Care: Senate Bill (SB) 336 appropriates fund for a coordinator to expand the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Services program in the Executive Office on Aging (EOA).
• Homelessness: The Legislature allocated SB 471 which appropriates 10.8 million dollars for each of the next two fiscal years to fund the Outreach Program, the Rapid Re-housing Program, the Housing First Program, the Family Assessment Centers, and homeless outreach and civil legal services.
• School Funding: Senator Moriwaki reported the following funds appropriated to schools:
o Jefferson Elementary School: 300,000 dollars to resurface the outdoor basketball court and 300,000 to resurface the parking lot.
o Washington Middle School: 720,000 for construction and equipment for recording studio audio integration.
o Kaimuki High School: 400,000 for design and construction of girl's athletic locker room; 80,000 dollars for design and construction of softball field improvements; and, one (1) million dollars for design and construction of new restrooms for the auditorium and other various construction and renovations.
• Ala Wai Canal Wall Improvements: 1.8 million dollars were allocated for design and construction to stabilize the Ala Wai Canal wall to protect adjacent sidewalk and roadway.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Ala Wai: Smith reiterated his concerns regarding the 100 year hurricane scenario. Nigro inquired why the State will not not maintain the canal and Moriwaki responded that the issue will come up if the project is implemented.
Representative Tom Brower: Representative Brower handed out his newsletter and raised concerns regarding the levels of homelessness and the amount that HPD enforces laws regarding homeless individuals.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Homelessness: A Board member inquired about engaging homeless individuals at abandoned bus stops. Representative Brower responded that homelessness requires practical solutions and that reporting each incident encourages vigilance. Representative Brower will investigate the individuals himself.
2. Flooding: Smith reiterated his concerns regarding a 100 year storm scenario. Representative Brower responded that Honolulu will need to prevent flooding from a 100 year storm and that the Ala Wai Watershed Project from the United States Army Corp of Engineering will be completed in spite of public resistance. Representative Brower stated that he will attend the next Waikiki Neighborhood Board meeting with information regarding risk analysis.
3. Sidewalks: Giventer raised concerns regarding delays in sidewalk construction in front of Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel.
Waikiki Improvement Association: Rick Egged reported the following.
• Sunset on the Beach: Southwest Airlines presents Sunset on the Beach on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. The film being screened will be Into the Spider-Verse at 7:00 p.m.
• Kalakaua Merrie Mile: The Kalakaua Merrie Mile will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2019. The one-mile course starts at the Kapiolani Park end of Kalakaua Avenue and the turn-around is by Kaiulani Avenue, with a finish line by Queens Beach and a concert on the beach.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Sidewalks: Chair Finley inquired about the situation regarding the sidewalks in front of Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel. Egged responded that the situation is unsatisfactory. Giventer and Smith raised concerns regarding the contractor being unable to meet deadlines and creating unsafe conditions in Waikiki due to unfinished sidewalks. Henski raised that the Board should contact DDC to express concerns.
2. Crosswalk: Henski raised concerns regarding the intersection of Kapahulu Avenue and Ala Wai Boulevard. Henski requested a crossing officer for the intersection.
The Officer of Representative Ed Case: Asami Kobayashi of Representative Case's Office handed out a newsletter and reported the following.
• Talk Story: Representative Case will be holding more talk story sessions to discuss congressional issues on Oahu in the near future and will provide updates.
• For The People Act: On House Resolution (HR) 1, Representative Case offered an amendment to take power away from large dollar donors. HR1 expands Americans' access to the ballot box, reduces the influence of big money in politics, and strengthens ethics rules for public servants.
• Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam: Representative Case personally called Phyllis L. Bayer, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment regarding the full replacement of the water pipeline connected to the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Representative Case also utilized his membership on the House Appropriations Committee to ensure water access remains a high priority.
• National Parks: Representative Case supported the Natural Resources Management Act which will protect approximately 1.3 million acres of wilderness and close to 700,000 acres of recreation and conservation lands nationwide, including the re-designation of the former Honouliuli Internment Camp and the designation of the USS Arizona Memorial as a separate site within the National Park Service.
• Guest List: Resident Denise Boisvert raised that she is not a part of Architects Hawaii Limited.
• Rotary Club: Per page six (6), the Board raised that proposals for the Centennial Park were approved by the Waikiki Rotary Club and not the Honolulu Rotary Club and should include the language "at no cost to taxpayers." Discussion followed regarding Henski being a member of the Waikiki Rotary Club while not serving on the Waikiki Rotary Club. Henski reiterated that she is a member of and serves on the Waikiki Rotary Club.
Smith Moved and Garrity Seconded to Adopt the Regular Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, April 14, 2019 as Amended. The Motion was APPROVED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 16-0-0 (Aye: Finley, Apaka, Bagnall, Bautista, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Flood, Garrity, Giventer, Henski, Nigro, Shields, Wilder, Smith, and Ford; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
• AT&T Small Cell Phone Equipment: A representative from AT&T reported the following:
o Small Cells: Small cells are flexible network alternatives to cell towers. They can be placed in dense urban environments where capacity is an issue.
o Placement: Small cells are typically placed 30 feet or more above the ground on light, traffic or utility poles. The placement is to mitigate obstructions.
Smith Moved and Henski Seconded to support AT&T Small Cell Phone Equipment in Waikiki. The Motion PASSED by MAJORITY VOTE, 15-1-0 (Aye: Finley, Apaka, Bagnall, Bautista, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Garrity, Giventer, Henski, Nigro, Shields, Wilder, Smith, and Ford; Nay: Flood; Abstain: None)
Shields departed at 9:15 p.m. 15 members remained.
• Legislation Session Recap: Erteschik reported the following:
o Foreclosure Mediation: SB 551 Senate Draft (SD) 1 House Draft (HD) 2 Council Draft (CD) 1, was enrolled to Governor Ige. SB551 SD1 HD2 CD1 details mediation offers in place of default on properties in Foreclosure. If signed into law it will retroactively apply to all pending matters that arose prior to the effective date of signage.
o Transient Vacation Rentals: SB1292 SD2 HD3 was enrolled to Governor Ige. SB1292 SD2 HD3 requires hosting platforms that collect fees for booking services to register as tax collection agents and collect General Excise Tax (GET) and Transient Accommodation Tax (TAT) for transient accommodation bookings from operators and plan managers. It converts penalties for violation of TAT requirements from misdemeanor to civil fines. It also specifies that "transient accommodations" includes accommodations subject to county regulations.
• Treasurer's Report: Chair Finley reported that the remaining budget for the Waikiki Neighborhood Board was $67.05.
• Sub District 1 Report: Jeff Merz was not present. No report was given.
??? Sub District 2 Report: Flood reported that smoke detectors can last for 10 years and that residents will need to test and/or replace smoke detectors.
• Sub District 3 Report: Smith reiterated concerns regarding the effects of 100 year storm on Waikiki.
• Chair Report: Chair Finley reported the following:
o Bill 8: Bill 8, which lowers the amount of parades and street festivals, has passed and forwarded to Mayor Caldwell.
o Bill 85 and Bill 89: Bill 85 and Bill 89 were sent back to the committee.
o Rotary Park Testimony: Chair Finley submitted written testimony for the park proposed by the Rotary Club near Aloha Drive.
• Saturday, June 29, 2019 will be the Waikiki Board swearing in of new Board Members. If not in attendance, new Board Members can be sworn in on at the first meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2019.
• The Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 will take a recess on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 due to the Kamehameha Day holiday.
• The next Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at:
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Casey Ishitani, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Harry Cho, Public Relations
Final Review: Chair Robert Finley
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