Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Pro Tem Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.; quorum was established with 12 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present - Jeff Apaka, Jerome Bautista, Robert Boyack, Helen Carroll, Louis Erteschik, Gordon Fahey, Robert Finley, Walt Flood, Mark Garrity (sworn in at 7:04 p.m.), Grant Giventer, Kathryn Henski (arrived at 7:08 p.m.), Jeffrey Merz (arrived at 7:03 p.m.), John Nigro (arrived at 7:07 p.m.), Patricia Shields, Mark Smith, and Kenneth Wilder.
Board Members Absent - Laura McIntyre.
Guests - Captain Alan Park (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Chi Hun So and (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Mark Yonamine (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Lynn Fallin (Governor David Ige's Representative); Representative Tom Brower; Ken Amazaki (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Representative); Ken Amazaki (City Council Office's); Raytan Vares (Senator Brickwood Galuteria's Representative); Rick Egged (Waikiki Improvement Association); Jack Patterson (Department of Transportation Services); Brett MacNaughton, Emily Porter, and Josh Stinson (The MacNaughton Group); Jeff Overton (G70); Chelsie Arashiro (Millwood Ohana Productions); Franklin Chung, Dennis Furubawa, Mark Garrity, M. Guardino, Natalie Iwasa, Denise Jorgensen, Brendon Lee, Rommel Marcelino, Lynn Mariano, Sharon Moriwaki, Dave Moskowitz, Rebecca Puglia, Tommy Waters (Residents); David Jones (Videographer); and Janelle Nomura (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Merz arrived at 7:03 p.m. 13 members present.
FILL VACANCY SUB DISTRICT 1 - Chair Pro Tem Finley nominated resident Mark Garrity to fill the vacancy in Sub-district 1.
Chair Pro Tem Finley moved and Smith seconded the Motion to Appoint Mark Garrity to the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9. The Motion WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 13-0-0; (AYE: Apaka, Bautista, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Giventer, Merz, Shields, Smith, and Wilder; NAY: None; Abstain: None).
Mark Garrity was sworn in at 7:04 p.m. 14 members present.
• Finley will remain as the Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• Erteschik will remain as the Vice-Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• Merz will remain as the Sub District 1 Vice Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• Flood will remain as the Sub District 2 Vice Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• Smith will remain as the Sub District 3 Vice Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• Henski will remain as the Secretary of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• Shields will remain as the Treasurer of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
Nigro arrived at 7:08 p.m. 15 members present.
Henski arrived at 7:09 p.m. 16 members present.
MEETING DATE/TIME/PLACE, RULES OF SPEAKING AND OLELO BROADCAST - As there were no objections, the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 agreed that the monthly meeting date, time, location, rules of speaking, and Olelo broadcast remain as is, 16-0-0. (Aye: Apaka, Bautista, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Garrity, Giventer, Henski, Merz, Nigro, Shields, Smith, and Wilder; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Alan Park reported the following:
• June 2018 Fire Statistics: There were 12 structure fires, 1 wildland/brush fire, 8 nuisance fires, 2 cooking fires, 85 activated alarms (no fire), 972 medical emergencies, 11 motor vehicle collision with pedestrian emergencies, 16 motor vehicle crash/collision emergencies, 1 mountain rescues, 4 ocean rescues, and 7 hazardous material incidents.
• Safety Tip - Hurricane Season: The Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) encourages every family to take the necessary steps to prepare for the hurricane season that runs from June through November. Everyone should have a plan in place, a survival kit, and a way of staying informed on impending disasters. Additional information can be found on the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Emergency Management's (DEM) website at www.honolulu.gov/dem.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Fire Inspector: Chair Finley requested to have a follow-up regarding his email sent to the HFD Chief about his request for an HFD fire inspector attend the next Board meeting to give a brief to the community on the current approved sprinkler systems and preferred fire extinguishers. Captain Park responded that he will follow-up on this and give Chair Finley information on which fire inspectors to contact.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant Chi Hun So reported the following:
• Introduction: Lieutenant So introduced Major Tsuchida as he will be occasionally coming to Board meetings.
• June 2018 Crime Statistics - There were 6 robberies, 11 burglaries, 186 thefts, 25 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 47 assaults, 2 sex crime, 34 bicycle on sidewalk citations, 44 skateboard on sidewalk citations, 44 speeding citations, 883 parking citations, 11 loud muffler citations, 69 park closure warnings, 122 park closure citations, and 39 park closure arrests. Total calls for service were 4,011. Additional statistics are available online at www.honolulupd.org.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. New Law: Henski asked and Lieutenant So responded that HPD is not enforcing the new law prohibiting homeless from sleeping at the bus stops that went into effect on Thursday, June 14, 2018 because the City still needs to install signs at the bus stops in order for them to enforce the law. Lieutenant So added that at this time, all HPD officers can do is hand out warnings.
2. Statistics: Apaka thanked Lieutenant So for the statistic forms distributed to the Board.
3. Enforcing New Law: Merz asked and Lieutenant So responded that HPD cannot enforce the new law due to the lack of signs at the bus stops explaining that it is illegal to stay at the bus stops between 4:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.
4. Skateboard Citations: Carroll thanked Lieutenant So for all of the skateboard on sidewalk citations as they are a real problem in the community.
5. Enforcing New Law: Resident Rommel Marcelino asked and Lieutenant So responded that in order to enforce the new law, there needs to be signs put up at the bus stops and that for now, HPD officers will hand out warnings to any homeless they witness sleeping at the bus stops.
6. Thanks: Smith wanted to thank Lieutenant So for the quick response from an officer to neutralize a potential problematic situation that he experienced with his son.
7. Bus Stop: Resident Rebecca Puglia raised concerns about the bus stop on Paokalani Avenue and Kuhio Avenue and asks why the new law is not being enforced. Lieutenant So responded that the new law cannot be enforced yet due to the lack of signs posted at the bus stops and that all they can do is hand out warnings. Major Tsuchida added that HPD is working on a program called "Honolulu Health" that is going to try to help individuals who have been chronically homeless with mental illnesses and that sit-lie ordinances does not really address the root of the problem.
8. Space: Resident Dave Moskowitz asked and Lieutenant So responded that once there are signs posted at the bus stops, it will be clear where the boundary of the bus stop starts and ends.
9. HPD Vacancies: A community member asked and Major Tsuchida responded that Chief Ballard is on an aggressive campaign to fill all of the vacancies HPD has as quick as possible. Major Tsuchida emphasized that HPD has enough resources to keep the Waikiki community safe.
10. Percentage Statistic: Fahey asked and So responded that every HPD officer helps the homeless on the job but there is no percentage/statistic that is recorded on that.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Dominic Dias reported the following:
• Main Break Report - There were no main breaks for June 2018.
• General Water Announcements - The Honolulu BWS and Friends of Halawa Xeriscape Garden (FOHXG) invite you to the Annual Open House & Unthirsty Plant Sale on Saturday, August 4, 2018. There will be a dozen drought-tolerant plant nurseries there, water conservation workshops, partner booths, cactus displays, Ohana activities, garden tours, and more. Admission is free and street parking is free with shuttles on Iwaena Street. For more information, please go to our website, News & Events, click on Events, and scroll down to 2018 Annual Unthirsty Plant Sale (http://www.boardofwatersupply.com/news-events/events/annual-unthirsty-plant-sale-2018) or call (808)748-5041.
• Rebate Forms - Dias announced that he left rebate forms in the back of the room for energy efficient washing machines and rain barrel catchments.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Water/Sewer Rates: Smith asked and Dias responded that he will follow-up on the water rate percentage increases and will try to get the sewer rate percentage increases.
Affordable Housing: A community member raised concerns that the method of using two (2) to three and a half (3.5) percent of the average income in Hawaii as the basis to decide approval of a rental unit is only a suggestion and that landlords do not have to follow this method. Single people, families, and senior citizens are not able to afford the rental prices in Hawaii and need a place to live.
Biki: Resident Furukawa raised concerns of a large amount of Biki users are riding on the sidewalks. Furukawa added that he is a frequent user of Biki and suggested that there should be an increase in bike paths and a bridge that goes over the Ala Wai in order to avoid McCully Street and Kalakaua Avenue bridges as they are dangerous bridges for bicyclists going to downtown.
Beach Showers: Resident Furukawa raised concerns on moving the beach showers so that the runoff water will go towards irrigating the lawns and trees and not flowing into the ocean.
Clean Kapahulu Avenue: Natalie Iwasa announced that she is putting together an initiative to clean up the area on Kapahulu Avenue on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 and Friday, July 13, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. and will be meeting at the Kapahulu Starbucks.
Keep Corner Bus Stop Clean: Resident Marcelino announced that he will be traveling and will not be on island from the last two weeks in September and will not return until December. Marcelino asks the community in Sub-district 3 to help and pick up the garbage around the bus stop on the corner that he is committed to keeping clean.
Facilitate Corner Clean-Up: Resident Furukawa asked if the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 could provide garbage cans and other supplies in order to help facilitate Marcelino's effort.
COR: Resident Moskowitz raised concerns if the Prosecutor's Office or Corporation Counsel (COR) can come to the neighborhood Board meetings in order to explain how the process of enforcement of laws works since their views of the laws
OHA: Brendon Lee announced that everyone can vote for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA).
Rental Owners: Carroll announced that all of the rental unit owners have to pay for their expenses and some of that is added to the rent and that is why the price goes up.
Rental Units: A community member responded to Carroll that she understands the costs of the rental owners but the tenants have costs as well. She added that it is too difficult for families to afford the price of rental units in Hawaii along with their own costs such as utilities and food. She urged the community to fight for the people of Hawaii and not for the pocket books of rental owners.
Queen's Land Improvement Project: Resident Kaliponi raised concerns on having Queen Emma to come back to the Board and explain to the community what else has changed since their original presentation. Chair Finley responded that once the building is firmed up and Queen Emma applies for their permitting, they will need to come back and present that to the Board. Merz responded the Queen Emma is exceeding their requirements under law and that all of their statistics are on public record. Merz added that Queen Emma has met all of their obligations to the neighborhood Board and that they seem pretty agreeable and may choose to come back to the Board if they are invited.
Upcoming Events - Chair Finley announced the following events:
• Saturday, August 25, 2018, 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Waikiki Ohana Festival
• Sunday, August 26, 2018, 5:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Dick Evans Memorial Bike Ride
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Mark Yonamine reported the following:
• Follow-Up on Concerns from Previous Meetings:
o Ocean Safety: The Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD) responded that Ocean Safety is working on starting a pilot project with extended dawn to dusk coverage at Hanauma Bay. If successful, they will be implementing this project in different phases around the island.
o Legislation Regarding Aloha Trikkes: The Hawaii Revised Statues defines a moped with the following terms (summarized): a person can ride on them, they have two (2) wheels, they have an electric motor, their maximum power output is less than 1,492 watts, the maximum speed of the electric scooters is less than 30 miles per hour, and they have a direct power drive system. If Aloha Trikkes fall under these specifications, they will be classified as mopeds, and will not be allowed on the City sidewalks.
o Bridge Crossing the Ala Wai: The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is proceeding with the Alternatives Analysis for the Ala Wai Bridge Project. The Alternatives Analysis will assess the feasibility of alignments, including a no build scenario, improvements to existing structures, and a new bridge structure, including bridge type and design criteria. Preliminary Engineering funds are identified in OahuMPO's draft Federal Fiscal Years 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program. A community meeting is expected to be held at the end of August 2018 to kick off the Alternatives Analysis. Please call 808-768-8359 for more information about this project.
o Paved Roads: Hobron Lane has been identified as in need of resurfacing and will be programmed as part of a Department of Design and Construction (DDC) project. The actual work schedule has not been determined at this time and will depend on the availability of funds and clearances for possible conflict(s) with planned underground utility projects.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Empty Lots: Smith raised concerns that there are empty lots on streets like Ohua Avenue, Liliuokalani Avenue, and Tusitala Street that have been vacant for over 10 years and is confused why that is when there is such a high demand for housing. Smith is concerned that Waikiki is starting to look like Detroit.
2. Crosswalks: Erteschik raised concerns about crosswalks being eliminated and Yonamine responded that the City determined that mid-block crosswalks are too dangerous for pedestrians to cross as there are no traffic lights.
3. 30 Miles Per Hour: Henski asked and Yonamine responded that devices that can travel up to 30 miles per hour are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk.
4. Ena Road House: Henski asked and Carroll responded that residents have been placed in the Ena Road House and it has been working out very well.
5. Two Wheels: Fahey requested clarification on why Aloha Trikkes are permitted to ride on the sidewalks while they are defined in the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) as a moped. According to the Board member, in HRS ¤291C-1, the definition of a moped is "a device upon which a person can ride on two (2) or three (3) wheels in contact with the ground." Smith asks how Aloha Trikkes are able to still be considered an Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device (EPAMD) when they clearly meet the definition of a moped. Yonamine responded that he will follow-up on this issue again.
6. Park: Apaka requested information on whether or not there will be a security guard posted at the new park located on the corner of Kuhio Avenue and Kaiolu Street. The concern is that once the fences are taken down, the homeless are going to invade the park and that 24/7 security needs to be enforced.
7. Empty Units: Shields stated that she has noticed that the Waikiki Landmark has a lot of empty units and asked if there is a way of using those empty units as rentals to help alleviate the housing issue.
8. Tall Grass: Resident Puglia requested that the grass on Kapahulu Avenue be cut on a regular schedule and wants to know why this specific area of grass on Kapahulu Avenue is not being maintained. Puglia would like to where to go and who to talk to get this situation taken care of. Yonamine responded that residents can go online and file a complaint on the City and County of Honolulu website and someone will follow-up.
9. Increase in Traffic: Carroll stated that the upcoming Hobron Lane resurfacing project will cause a major increase in traffic.
10. Bus Stop: Resident Moskowitz raised concerns about removing the bench on Lewers. Also raised concerns on the bus stop on Kalia Road right by the Fort DeRussy parking lot and it is close to being collapsed.
11. Illegal Rentals: Resident Jorgensen is requesting that the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) put stricter rules and regulations in place so that it can help improve the enforcement of illegal rentals in Waikiki in hopes to help the housing shortage.
12. Kapiolani Traffic Update: Jack Patterson from DTS announced that on Tuesday, July 17, 2018, DTS and Councilmember Ozawa's Office is working on a pilot program to eliminate the contraflow on Kapiolani Boulevard from Atkinson Drive in the afternoon and will allow left turns at Atkinson Drive and McCully Street. Also, the cones will be taken off of Kalakaua Avenue and will allow left turns into Waikiki in the afternoon. In six (6) months, the pilot project will be re-evaluated and DTS can decide on the appropriate actions to take.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Lynn Fallin, Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Behavior Health Services Administration Deputy Director, circulated a newsletter and reported the following: Capital Connection: The administration continues to work on disaster relief for the islands of Kauai, Oahu and Hawaii. The legislature passed bills regarding affordable housing, the environment, the watershed protection, and Kaulana's Bill.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: All Mail-In Voting: Smith announced that when he was in the state of Oregon and they had an all mail-in voting process, the participation went up 40 percent. Fallin responded that the pilot project on Kauai has great potential.
Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• HPD Stats: There is still a problem with bicycles and skateboards on the sidewalks but HPD should be commended on their efforts.
• Camping at Bus Stops: If the new law was enforced, the overnight campers could be removed. The community needs to encourage the City to enforce those laws.
• Assisted Mobility Devices: Representative Brower would like to draft legislation and share that with the City to more forcefully curb what is happening on the sidewalks with the assisted mobility devices.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Homeless Put to Work: Shields asked and Representative Brower responded that it will be difficult to have the homeless work as part of way to work off their fine because it is unsure of the reliability of the homeless and also if this would be the City of State's jurisdiction it would fall under.
2. Bars Closing Earlier: Flood raised concerns on how to have the bars close at 2:00 a.m. instead of 4:00 a.m. on Lewers Street and Kalakaua Avenue. Representative Brower responded that the neighborhood Board can start to take action by taking away their cabaret license. Or if there is a specific crime that can be reported, Representative Brower will take that straight to HPD.
3. Empty Lots: Smith would like to know how to make Waikiki more housing friendly. Representative Brower responded that at the City and the State level, not enough has been done lately to reign in these illegal rentals. Representative Brower added that he will be talking to Waikiki developers to ask why these lots have been empty for so long.
4. Kalia Rentals: Carroll raised concerns that anyone renting has to sign an application in order to register with the office, we cannot do short term rentals, 6 months is the minimum period, register with the office then they have to be at least a 6 month period. Representative Brower responded that if there are known illegal operating apartments then he will look into it.
5. Airbnb: Fahey raised concerns regarding Airbnb owners having to link their tax identification number and asked if that was evidence that there is illegal activity. Representative Brower responded that it is only good if that law is actually being enforced and that is the problem. Representative Brower added that if there is a specific incident,
6. 10%: Smith raised concerns that the transient accomodations tax identification number can be used to
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Ken Amazaki of Councilmember Ozawa's Office, circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Bill 6: There is no update. They are working with WIA on this.
??? Bill 37: That passed out of committee.
• Biki Signs: The response was that Biki already has signs on their bikes posted in English and Japanese. However, Amazaki added that this might be a misunderstanding and that he will follow-up on having more signs added in general at Biki stations.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Biki Signs: Fahey stated that he thinks having will be more effective to have the "no riding" symbol painted on the sidewalks every 50 yards or so instead of posting more signs.
2. Moped Signs: A resident raised concerns that mopeds are still riding on sidewalks and it is especially dangerous for senior citizen pedestrians and requested more signs be put up.
3. Thanks: Resident Moskowitz wanted to thank Councilmember Ozawa's Office for a great representation of Waikiki.
Senator Brickwood Galuteria - Raytan Vares circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Presentation: Vares was able to secure Ed Underwood to make a presentation at next month's neighborhood Board meeting regarding the Ala Wai Boat Harbor.
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA) - Rick Egged was not present; no report was given.
• Bill 6: They are still in discussion with the administration to amend Bill 6. The DFM had issues regarding the enforcement and they are trying to address those issues now.
• Vacation Rental Issue: This is a big issue at the City level. The DPP developed a bill in cooperation with community members and expects it to be in front of the Council shortly. This will be a big step forward in terms of the vacation rental issue.
Hearing no objections, the Motion to Approve the Tuesday, June 8, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 14-0-0; (AYE: Bautista, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Giventer, Henski, Merz, Nigro, Shields, Smith, and Wilder.; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Topgolf Project at the Ala Wai Golf Course: Emily Porter, Josh Stinson, and Brett MacNaughton from the MacNaughton Group circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Entities That Compromise Topgolf Hawaii: Topgolf Hawaii is a partnership between Topgolf USA, Inc. and local partners The MacNaughton Group and Kobayashi Group, which will be developing and operating Topgolf Hawaii pursuant to a long-term lease with the City and County of Honolulu.
• What is Topgolf: Topgolf is a U.S.-based retail concept with 38 locations operating on the mainland. It offers a state-of-the-art driving range on multi levels combined with best-in-class food and beverage. Topgolf provides a venue for the traditional golfer to refine his or her game utilizing unrivaled technology as well as a stress-free environment for people of all skill levels and interests in golf to enjoy time together with family and friends.
• Lease and Financial Agreements: It is a 20-year lease with the City and County of Honolulu with options to extend up to 40 years. Topgolf Hawaii will pay the City a minimum annual lease rent of $1.02 million and one (1) percent of its gross revenue on sales. The base rent will increase as the contract progresses. In addition, 2% of estimated construction costs will be paid until the time of building completion, at which point the contribution will become 1% on an ongoing basis.
• Pricing: The standard pricing model for the golfing experience will be based on a charge per hour per driving range bay. Each bay will be able to accommodate six (6) guests, which encourages families and groups to enjoy Topgolf Hawaii together.
• How Will the Ala Wai Golf Course be Impacted by Topgolf Hawaii: The Ala Wai Golf Course will not be impacted by Topgolf Hawaii at all. The Topgolf Hawaii facility will be built on the existed 7.26 acres that the current Ala Wai Golf Course Driving Range occupies.
• Design: Topgolf Hawaii is working with Linda Miki from a company called G70 in order to design the facility to look more local versus Topgolf facilities in the mainland that look more modern.
• Height of the Netting Poles: The safety and the well-being of guests and the community are a priority. Based on the prototypical plans, the construction of the net poles are anticipated at 170 feet in height with state-of-the-art safety nets to prevent balls from escaping the driving range area. The net poles are made of a high-grade steel and painted a sky grey color to blend in with the skyline. The netting is a nylon twine that is 92% transparent to minimize the visual impact.
• Process Moving Forward: The lease will require approval from the Honolulu City Council and the Board form the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), since the Ala Wai Golf Course sits on state land that was transferred to the City's control by executive order.
• Timeframe: Initially, it is estimated that it will take one (1) and a half to two (2) years to move through the leasue approval, entitlement, and related processes. Construction, which will begin after those processes are completed, is estimated to take about one (1) year.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Alcohol: Flood raised concerns and why there is a need to sell alcohol around children. Porter responded that there is also an extensive food menu and that the Ala Wai Clubhouse currently sells liquor as well.
2. Loud Noise: Smith raised concerns that there will be exterior loud speakers that emit noise. Porter responded that they plan to contain the noise as much as possible. Smith added that it would be a good idea to come to the Board to get the liquor license approved.
3. Light Brightness: Henski explained that at the Topgolf in Houston, the lights were blinding and she is concerned with this. Stinson responded that there are LED lights being designed that might be more technologically advanced than the lights in Houston to help reduce the brightness of the lights.
4. Traffic: Henski raised concerns that there will cause more traffic on Kapahulu Avenue. MacNaughton responded that they will be doing an extensive traffic study to help alleviate traffic.
5. Sports Bar: Erteschik raised concerns that if Topgolf Hawaii will have the same concept as Dave & Buster's similar to a sports bar. Porter responded that Topgolf Hawaii's concept is first and foremost to golf. Porter added that all of the details have not been worked out yet but Topgolf Hawaii's intention is to be a family friendly place to golf.
6. Good Thing: A community member
7. Property Value: A community member raised concerns that she hears the balls and sees the lights from the Ala Wai Driving Range every night. She added that she would like to see what the lights will actually look like. She is concerned that the 170 feet netting barrier will take away her unobstructed ocean and mountain view and will decrease her property value. Brett responded that safety is key to Topgolf but will challenge them and ask them if there is anything that can be done to reduce the height of the netting.
8. Glass: Merz warned that the use of reflective glass can be dangerous to various locations in that area. Merz also asked that if Topgolf Hawaii is working with DLNR regarding the watershed protection.
9. Noise: Shields raised concerns that she lives directly across the Ala Wai Clubhouse and can still hear the balls. Stinson responded that as the building gets bigger, the walls should help to reduce some of the sound of the hitting as currently the driving range is an open bay.
10. Track record: Boyack was interested in what the track record was with The MacNaughton Group working with the community. Porter responded that The MacNaughton Group and the Kobayashi Group have been philanthropists in the community for a very long time. She added that Topgolf has been also known to donate to charity on the mainland.
11. Organizations: Henski was interested in what specific organizations that Topgolf has donated to. Porter responded Make a Wish and one of the well-known cancer foundations.
12. Good Luck: Resident Moskowitz wanted to wish The MacNaughton Group and Topgolf Hawaii good luck.
13. Thanks: Chair Finley wanted to thank The MacNaughton Group for coming to present to the Board tonight and hope to see them again when they have their design final.
Treasurer???s Report - Shields reported the remaining balance for June 2018 is a deficit of $35.03.
Sub District One (1) Report - Merz had nothing to report.
Sub District Two (2) Report - Flood reported that the graffiti clean-up hotline is (808)723-3475.
Sub District Three (3) Report - Smith reported that as a Board, there needs to be a stance taken to stop illegal renting in Waikiki.
Chair's Report
• Ed Underwood plans to be here next month to discuss the Ala Wai Boat Harbor.
• Lieutenant Governor Debate on Friday, July 13, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Prince Waikiki Hotel in the Pinialo Ballroom.
• 1st Congressional District Forum on Thursday, July 19, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in the Kauai Room.
• The Primary Elections will be on Saturday, August 11, 2018.
• The next regular Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at: http://olelo.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=30
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Submitted by: Janelle Nomura, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Chris Naylon, Neighborhood Assistant
Final Review: Chair Robert Finley
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