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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting June 2018 Minutes
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TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.; quorum was established with 12 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present - Jeff Apaka, Jerome Bautista, Helen Carroll, Louis Erteschik, Gordon Fahey, Robert Finley, Walt Flood, Kathryn Henski, Laura McIntyre, Jeffrey Merz, John Nigro, and Kenneth Wilder.
Board Members Absent - Robert Boyack, Grant Giventer, Patricia Shields, and Mark Smith.
Guests - Sergeant Stacy Christensen (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Mark Yonamine (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Representative Tom Brower; Lynn Fallin (Governor David Ige's Representative); Ken Amazaki (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Representative); Raytan Vares (Senator Brickwood Galuteria's Representative); Kenny Amazaki (City Council Office's); April Bautista (Office of Elections); Ryan Tam (Neighborhood Baord No. 11); Lori McCarney (BikeShare Hawaii); Allen Kam (Mobilitie); Dave Moskowitz, Natalie Iwasa, Chen Wei-Yin; (Residents); David Jones (Videographer); and Janelle Nomura (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Grant Giventer - No action taken; Board member Giventer remains on Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
VACANCY SUB DISTRICT 1 - There were no nominations to fill the vacancy for Sub-district 1; this item was deferred until the next meeting.
APPOINT SECRETARY - Henski moved and McIntyre seconded the Motion to fill the vacancy for Secretary. The board voted unanimously in favor of Henski.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - No representative present; no report was given.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Sergeant Stacy Christensen reported the following:
• May 2018 Crime Statistics - There were 6 robberies, 8 burglaries, 174 thefts, 23 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 34 assaults, 1 sex crime, 31 bicycle on sidewalk citations, 31 skateboard on sidewalk citations, 24 speeding citations, 561 parking citations, 1 loud muffler warning, 10 loud muffler citations, 54 park closure warnings, 157 park closure citations, and 6 park closure arrests. Total calls for service were 4,094. Additional statistics are available online at www.honolulupd.org.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. New Law: Merz announced that the city passed a new law that made sleeping at bus stops illegal and that it will be begin to be enforced on Thursday, June 14, 2018. Sergeant Christensen directed the public to call 911 to report any violations.
2. Loud Muffler: Fahey noted his concerns regarding the decrease in loud muffler citations for the month of May (10 loud muffler citations) compared to 27 loud muffler citations in April. Fahey requested that HPD make consistent efforts to target loud muffler violations in the Waikiki area and asked if officers can be "posted" in a certain area. Sergeant Christensen responded with the officers in District 6 - Waikiki are observing but not posting at this time.
3. Statistics: Multiple board members requested a hard copy of the statistics of the District 6 - Waikiki statistics in order to keep track. Sergeant Christensen responded that the information is available and in more detail on the HPD intranet homepage.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Dominic Dias reported the following:
• Main Break Report - There were no main breaks for May 2018.
• Hurricane Season - Hurricane season starts on Friday, June 1, 2018 and ends on Friday, November 30, 2018. The BWS recommends preparing an emergency preparedness kit with at least one (1) gallon of water stored per person per day for a minimum 14 day period. Tips on storing water were provided:
o Containers - Store tap water in clean containers. Avoid containers that have been used for food with strong odors as water will pick up odors. Fill from tap and fill to the containers top keeping a minimal amount of air between the water and container cap.
o Sanitization - Disinfect containers by thoroughly washing them with soap and water. Add one (1) capful of mild bleach one (1) gallon of water and rinse thoroughly to ensure sanitization.
o Storage - To ensure water quality, add one (1) drop of mild bleach per gallon of water and store in a cool dark area with caps sealed. When storing for four (4) or more weeks; add half a capful of mild bleach per gallon of water. Completely change water annually.
o Additional Information - Additional information is available at www.boardofwatersupply.com.
• Annual Water Quality Report - The Annual Water Quality Report will be mailed to all BWS customers on record starting in June 2018. Reports are also available at www.boardofwatersupply.com/wqr.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Water Storage: Apaka asked if BWS sells a specific water storage product and Dias responded that they do not.
Topgolf: Chair Finley announced that there will be a presentation on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Diamond Head Neighborhood Board No. 5 meeting at the Ala Wai Golf Course regarding the Topgolf project. Chair Finley asked the chair of that board to give him a report. The main concern with Topgolf is excessive lighting.
Waikiki Community Center - Resident Merle O'Neill, program director of the Waikiki Community Center, announced that the center will be sponsoring a "Conversations that Matter" (around the Waikiki community) event on Friday, June 29, 2018 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and a follow up session on Thursday, July 5, 2018 from 12:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. in the Auditorium. Also, they will be having a series of "Meet the Candidates" events until August 2, 2018. This is part of their effort to promote civic engagement. The public is encouraged to register, attend, and call (808)923-1802 with additional questions.
DOT Representative: Ken Tatsuguchi, from the State Department of Transportation (DOT), came to share that the department will be sending out representatives to neighborhood board meetings quarterly in order to go over their projects and get feedback from the community. There is more information and details available on their website. A DOT representative will be back in September.
Trash Picking: Natalie Iwasa announced that she is putting together an initiative to clean up the area and pick up trash on Kapahulu Avenue. More information is available on her website at www.natalieiwasa.com or by phone at 808-800-3950.
General Concerns: Resident Moskowitz noted concerns about illegal signs near the beach concession. Suggested that a playground at a pavilion or food trucks would make the community nicer. Also brought guests from California to present alternate fire prevention programs. Chair Finley suggested that they present it to the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP).
Waikiki Community Center Garage Sale: Resident Chen Wei-Yin announced that the Waikiki Community Center holds a garage sale every third Tuesday on the month in the morning. The special topic of this month will be on a book titled "How I Play Golf" by Tiger Woods.
Upcoming Events - Chair Finley announced the following events:
• Saturday, July 14, 2018, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Family Day Parade
• Saturday, July 28, 2018, 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Waikiki Living Aloha Festival
• Saturday, August 25, 2018, 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Waikiki Ohana Festival
• Saturday, August 28, 2018, 5:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Dick Evans Memorial Road Race
• ABC Store 66, Park Shore Hotel, Extension of Licensed Premises
• Thursday, July 5, 2018, Hawaiian Aroma Caffe, Ohana East Hotel, Category 3
• Thursday, July 5, 2018, Transfer current Hotel General Liquor License from RBF Waikiki West Owner, L.L.C. to Highgate Hotels L.P. at 2330 Kuhio Ave.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Mark Yonamine reported the following:
• Follow Up on Concerns from Previous Meetings:
o Pedestrian Safety: The Honolulu Police Department (HPD) has been combating Bicycle and Skateboard on Sidewalk violations through enforcement action. From January 2018 to present, the officers assigned to the Waikiki district issued 11 warnings and 130 citations for Bicycle on the Sidewalk violations. In addition, they issued 15 warnings and 205 citations for Skateboard on Sidewalk violations. The officers will continue to monitor the Waikiki areas and take appropriate enforcement action when violations of the law are observed.
o Kapahulu Groin: HPD noted that officers assigned to the Waikiki district will pick up syringes upon observation or calls for service, depending on the amount to be collected, and properly dispose of them in a container located at the Waikiki Substation. The Department of Parks and Recreation's (DPR) staff performs daily checks of the area, and carefully and properly disposes of any hazardous material found during these checks. DPR staff will continue to monitor and clean any trash debris, including syringes, found within the Kapahulu Groin.
o Vagrancy: The Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD) is coordinating with HPD, Office of Housing (HOU), and Department of Enterprise Services (DES) to address the various short and long term issues related to vagrancy in the Waikiki Beach area. The response from DES is that the Golf Division has been coordinating efforts with HPD on the homeless issue along Kapahulu Avenue. Golf staff have been monitoring and issuing removal notices to property left in the golf course property by homeless; additionally, Golf staff have also issued trespass warnings to the homeless. HPD response is that although displacement is a concern, the homeless/vagrancy issue must be handled in a fair and equitable manner. We must remember that homelessness is not against the law and homeless individuals may remain in public areas if they are not violating any laws. HPD will continue its best to ensure that all of our parks are safe and available for all to use during the hours that they are open. From January 1, 2018 to May 21, 2018, the officers assigned to the Waikiki district issued 187 warnings and 207 citations for sit-lie violations. They also issued 509 warnings and 1,038 citations and made 27 arrests for Park Closure violations. In addition, they issued 10 warnings and 138 citations and made 4 arrests for Alcohol Prohibition violations. Officers will continue to monitor the areas and take appropriate enforcement action when violations of the law are observed. Aside from the enforcement action, the implementation of HELP Honolulu is now in full swing, assisting individuals to get off the streets and into housing.
o Topgolf: Topgolf Hawaii, a partnership between Topgolf, USA, MacNaughton Group and Kobayashi Group, was offered a conditional award to redevelop the Ala Wai Driving Range. Topgolf Hawaii is interested in giving the neighborhood board a presentation in the next couple of months.
o Kalakaua Avenue: The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is still awaiting a legal opinion from the Department of Corporation Counsel (COR) and is unable to provide information at this time.
o Showers at Kapahulu Groin: The response from DPR is that all showers within Kuhio Beach Park, including the shower near the Kapahulu Groin, have been looked at by various private consultants for a future Capital Improvement Project (CIP). DPR staff has not witnessed any major erosion to the particular shower unit described, or to its immediate surrounds. The staff will continue to monitor and perform daily maintenance in and around all shower units. Thank you for your inquiry.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Ocean Safety: Board member requested the extension of lifeguard hours and increase the number of lifeguards during the summer both in the morning and afternoon given the longer daylight hours. In summer, Waikiki is even more crowded and the lifeguards are overworked. There are many novice swimmers, snorklers, surfers, paddle boarders without any supervision for two (2) or more hours (6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.). This is a real safety concern.
2. Legislation: Board member would like feedback at the next boarding meeting regarding Aloha Trikkes calling themselves electronic personal mobility devices (EPMD) when they are defined as mopeds according to a press conference held by Donna Leong from Corporation Council (COR) and whether or not there can be changes made to the statute "ROH 15 Section B", specifically to drop the part that says "internal combustion engine" which allows Aloha Trikkes to ride on the sidewalk.
3. University Ave. Bridge Over the Ala Wai: Board Member wants to know the status of the recommended bridge that will go over the Ala Wai Canal.
4. Mopeds: Resident addressed the problem of illegally parked mopeds on the sidewalks and had information regarding Lime Scooters.
5. Paved Roads: A board member gave thanks for filling potholes and paving roads at the Ewa end of Ala Wai Boulevard. It was requested that the rest of Hobron Road and Lipupu Street get paved as well.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Lynn Fallin, Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Behavior Health Services Administration Deputy Director, circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Early College High School Program: $1.5 million funding to expand the program in high schools statewide. This enables students in high school to participate in college programs and it saves parents considerable funding in college tuition. Students that participate in this programs like this are more likely to graduate college.
• Hawaii Promise: $700,000 in funding to help UH Community College students cover the gap between financial aid and direct college costs.
• Affordable Housing: $10 million appropriation for the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund, $200 million appropriation for the Rental Housing Revolving Fund, and $4.5 million in funding for the Mayor Wright Homes infrastructure improvements.
• Homelessness: $6.8 million funding for Housing First, Rapid Re-Housing and other initiatives; with $30 million for ohana zones.
??? Watershed Protection: $6.5 million in capital improvement funds for protective fencing and initiatives statewide.
• Decline in Homeless: For the second year in a row, Hawaii's homeless count has decreased statewide, and homeless on Oahu decreased for the first time since 2009, according to the Point-in-Time count survey conducted by Bridging the Gap and Partners in Care, a homelessness coalition.
• Disaster Relief: The state government continues to work on disaster response. The governor has been very busy on the Big Island with the crisis there and it is not something that is going to go away overnight. Governor Ige is looking for partnerships with the federal government and county government to find solutions in all aspects of the disaster.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Early College High School Program: A resident asked and Fallin responded that the Early College High School Program is for any student enrolled in public school that meets the educational requirements.
Office of Elections - April Bautista, State of Hawaii Office of Elections Election Assistant, circulated a handout and reported the following:
• How to Register: Register one (1) of three (3) ways; either online by visiting www.elections.hawaii.gov, by mail in the form of a paper application found at www.elections.hawaii.gov, or in person by visiting the Office of Elections or your respective Clerk's Office. Update your voter registration if you have moved or changed your name since the last election. Follow the registration methods listed.
• Election Days: Primary Election is on Saturday, August 11, 2018 and General Election is on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.
• How to Vote: There are three (3) ways to vote. Either apply once for permanent absentee and receive your ballot for every election at your mailing address, visit any of the designated locations within your county during the 10-day Early Vote period, or visit your assigned polling place from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Election Day.
• Volunteers: The Office of Elections are looking for volunteers but are especially looking for volunteers for the Precinct Official position.
• Who Can Volunteer: Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age as of June 30, 2018, be a Hawaii registered voter, be able to read and write English, and attend one (1) mandatory training.
• Why Volunteer: Volunteers serve their local community, ensure all eligible voters can vote, and can earn money in the form of a stipend. The stipend is $85.00 and can use it in the form of a fundraising opportunity. It is asked that volunteers be unrelated to a candidate running for office.
• Same Day Voter Registration: This is the first year that the Office of Elections is allowing same day voter registration in case voters forgot to register earlier.
• How to Sign Up: Three different ways; can either call the Office of Elections at 453-8683, email elections@hawaii.gov, or go online at www.elections.hawaii.gov.
• Precinct Official Mandatory Training: On Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 6:30 p.m., there will be a mandatory training for the Precinct Official position at the Waikiki Elementary School Cafeteria.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Shortening Hours: Erteschik and McIntyre recommended that the Office of Elections shorten the volunteer hours being that they are so extremely long. If there are two shorter shifts, there might be more turnout from volunteers. Some locations of polling places can be busier than others so that should be taken into consideration as well.
2. Jury Duty: Flood asked if volunteering at a polling place on Election Day would exclude him from jury duty. Bautista replied no and that would be a question for the City Clerk.
Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Resolution for Volunteers at Election: Representative Brower had a resolution to pay the people volunteering at the polling places on Election Day more money of $175.00. However, the measure did not move forward.
• All Mail Elections: Representative Brower noted that the legislature passed a bill this year for a pilot project to make Kauai all mail-in ballots and no Election Day ballots. Representative Brower's personal feeling is that we should have more options on voting. Representative Brower stated that a few other states are going to all mail-in ballots.
• Ena Road Housing Project: Representative Brower noted that he appreciates HPD starting to recognize the bicycles and skateboards on the sidewalks by giving them citations and using that as a deterrence. He also appreciated the loud muffler citations.
• Biki Stations: Representative Brower noted that the Biki Stations should have Japanese translated signs that say "no riding bicycles on the sidewalks" but are reluctant to do so. Although they do have the translation online.
• Lime Scooters: Representative Brower noted that he will look into the Lime Scooters and is wondering why trikkes and segways do not qualify as mopeds as well since Corporation Council (COR) said that Lime Scooters are considered to be mopeds.
??? Pedestrian Bridge: Representative Brower noted that he is looking forward to the pedestrian bridge going over the Ala Wai. However, he believes that this is actually going to be a bicycle bridge that allows for pedestrians.
• Sea Wall: Representative Brower noted that he has information regarding the funding for the sea wall in front of the Sheraton.
• Bill for Affordable Housing: Representative Brower noted that in the editorial section in the Honolulu Star- Advertiser, it talked about a bill he introduced to create more affordable housing construction. Could not get that editorial in the report that he provided at the meeting.
• Bus Stops Overnight: Representative Brower noted that Merz had a question last meeting about the recent bill of City Council and that the mayor signed off on it to remove people who sleep at bus stops overnight and that goes into effect Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 4:00am.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Recommendation: Merz suggested that Biki should advertise to visitors, in different languages, the rules and regulations of riding the bicycles on the hotel televisions.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Ken Amazaki of Councilmember Ozawa's Office, circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• District 4: There are notable Capital Improvement Projects (CIP's) for the fiscal year 2019.
• Full Council Meeting: On Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at Kapolei Hale.
• Committee Meetings: From June 26, 2018 through June 28, 2018.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Bill 6: Chair Finley asked Amazaki if Bill 6 was referred back to Corporation Council (COR). Amazaki responded that they are now working with COR and the Department of Facilities Maintenances (DFM) regarding Bill 6.
2. Lime Scooters: Fahey asked for Councilmember Ozawa's support that Lime Scooters do not belong on sidewalks. Fahey asked about the status of the signage prohibiting skateboards on the sidewalks. Amazaki responded that he would follow-up on that.
3. Segways: Henski asked and Amazaki responded that from his understanding the segways are allowed on the sidewalks due to the speed that they operate at. Henski asked Amazaki to take a look at that.
Apaka departed at 8:10 p.m. 11 members present.
Senator Brickwood Galuteria - Raytan Vares circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Failed Moped Registration: Moped owners who fail to comply with moped registration requirements will be given a fine not to exceed $100.
??? Passing and Overtaking Bicyclists: Requires the driver of a vehicle passing and overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction to allow at least three (3) feet of separation.
• All Mail Voting Pilot Project: Requires a pilot program for the 2020 primary and general elections to be conducted by mail. Establishes a voter service center to provide certain election services. Allows for additional places of deposit for personal delivery of mail-in ballots.
• Appropriations for Waikiki Community Center: $70,000 for the senior program and $300,000 for ADA compliance and security improvements.
• Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor: Vares stated that he was able to get Ed Underwood, of the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation, committed to attend a neighborhood board meeting. Vares stated that he needs to talk to Chair Finley and is hoping to get Underwood to attend the July meeting.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Senator Galuteria: Henski and Carroll noted that Senator Brickwood Galuteria has not been to a board meeting since he has been elected and that it would be nice to see him since they supported him so much.
2. Royal Hawaiian Groin: Merz asked Vares about the funding for the breakwater at the Royal Hawaiian and getting it into the Senate budget because it is very dangerous. Vares responded that they could not get it into the budget this session and that they are going to have to try again next session. Erteschik added that according to the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), there is money in the budget for the planning and design phase and therefore is time to try again and fund the construction phase.
3. Moped Licensing: Resident Moskowitz asked and Vares answered that he assumes that a license is necessary to operate a moped. Wilder added that a motorcycle license is needed to operate a vehicle that can travel at or above 50 cubic centimeters of displacement.
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA) - Rick Egged was not present; no report was given.
Hearing no objections, the Motion to Approve the Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes With Corrections WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 11-0-0; (AYE: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Henski, McIntyre, Merz, Nigro, and Wilder.; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Corrections: Page one (1): Under "Board Members Absent" add Patricia Shields.
Ala Moana Neighborhood Board No. 11 Resolution: Merz moved to support the motion to promote the resolution to promote community enhancements to the Ala Wai Promenade.
Merz moved and Henski seconded the motion for the Ala Moana Neighborhood Board No. 9 resolution to support and promote community enhancements to the Ala Wai Promenade.
Discussion followed:
1. Promenade: Fahey wanted to clarify the term "Promenade" and where the boundaries are. Merz agreed that the Promenade is the entire walkway along the Ala Wai canal.
2. Crosswalks: Nigro noted that he agrees with everything but wanted to address the crosswalks on Kalakaua and that it is a very dangerous location due to the turn there.
3. Support of Resolution: Ryan Tam, Chair of the Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board No. 11, wanted to thank Chair Finley and the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 for their support of this resolution.
The MOTION PASSED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 11-0-0; (AYE: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Henski, McIntyre, Merz, Nigro, and Wilder; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
BikeShare Hawaii/BIKI Project Update: Lori McCarney, CEO of BikeShare Hawaii, stated that they were awarded federal funds to expand the BikeShare system. Adding more stations in key locations. Looking at three (3) locations in Waikiki specifically in non-parking locations. They are narrowing it down to final choices based on community input and data. The three (3) locations are at Kalakaua Avenue and Niu Street on the sidewalk, at Kuhio Avenue Ohua Avenue in a no-parking area, and at Kaiulani Avenue and Ala Wai Boulevard. This last location might be problematic due to busses. More information is available on their website at https://www.gobiki.org/. McCarney understands the issue of riding on the sidewalks. They cannot make a blanket statement saying that riding on the sidewalk is prohibited because in certain places it is allowed. She suggests that the sidewalks be marked with symbols to help BikeShare users riding on the sidewalk is prohibited.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Suggestions: Erteschik asked if riders are told about not riding on the Promenade and if there is a bell on the bicycles.
2. Acknowledgements: Henski and Merz commended McCarney on doing the best that she can while withstanding a lot of criticism over the years.
3. Signage: Fahey explained to McCarney that there is space between the handle bars for signage that says bicycles are prohibited on sidewalks. McCarney explained that there is already signage on the bicycles.
4. Stolen Bicycles: Resident Moskowitz noted that there might be stolen bicycles that are driven around by the homeless. McCarney explained that they do not have any bicycles on record that have been stolen and that the bicycles are designed not to be stolen or vandalized.
5. Moving Biki Station: Chair Finley noted concerns that a Biki station near the Waikiki Community Center is forcing the bus to stop in the middle of the road and it puts senior citizens in a very dangerous situation. McCarney suggested that she meet with the Waikiki Community Center and see if they can come up with any solutions.
Mini Cell Phone Sites in Waikiki: Allen Kam from Mobilitie, gave a presentation. He explained that Mobilitie is a wireless infrastructure provider and have been working with Sprint in the past year to help enhance a nationwide wireless network. The amount of data a smart phone generates is 102 times more than a flip phone. Naturally there is a lot of congestion in the existing networks. 15 areas are being proposed in the Waikiki Neighborhood Board area. The small cells proposed are going to be attached to existing city light pole structures. Compared to the traditional pilot cell towers, the new solution with small cell attachments are a lot less intrusive. The largest piece of equipment is the antenna at the top of the pole. Other equipment include the reader, the electrical cabinet, and connect switch. In terms of public safety, the exposure from the small cell is very minimal. Each site will probably take one (1) day to complete. Installation are planned to begin in the late summer or fall. There will be no trenching.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Solar: Merz asked Kam if they thought about considering using solar panels for reusable energy. Kam responded the photovoltaic panel would add to the cell making it more intrusive.
2. Sprint: Erteschik asked if these small cell attachments will only affect Sprint users. Kam responded with yes. Other carriers will have their own version.
3. Power Outage: Henski asked Kam what happens in the event of a power outage. Kam responded with the antenna will not have power. Henski asked who will pay the portion of the electricity on the city owned light pole. Kam responded that they have an agreement with HECO and the City and they will charge Mobilitie based on their data.
Merz moved and Henski seconded the Motion to support Mobilitie. The Motion WAS ADOPTED by MAJORITY VOTE, 10-1-0; (AYE: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Flood, Henski, McIntyre, Merz, Nigro, and Wilder; NAY: Fahey; Abstain: None).
The Board decided to WITHDRAW the Motion.
Treasurer's Report - Shields not present; no report was given.
Sub District One (1) Report - Merz reported general updates on the OliverMcMillan (OM) Kuhio Project. Merz noted that the OM Kuhio Project is partnering with the Queen Emma Land Company.
Sub District Two (2) Report - Flood had nothing to report.
Sub District Three (3) Report - Smith not present; no report was given.
Chair's Report - Chair Finley stated that on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, there will be a meeting on Missile Defense at 6:00 p.m. at the Keehi Lagoon Memorial Park. This is the closest meeting for Waikiki participants. Awaiting confirmation from DLNR on when they can do a presentation on the Ala Wai Boat Harbor project. The Waikiki Transportation Management Association (WTMA) is going out for bids to find a vendor to manage Waikiki parking and provide a way for residents to receive lower parking rates. Former Mayor Mufi Hanneman, Hawaii Lodging & Tourism, along with the Retail Merchants of Hawaii, and the Waikiki Improvement Association are sponsoring three (3) forums:
1. Gubernatorial Forum on July 2, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Prince Waikiki Hotel in the Pinialo Ballroom.
2. Lieutenant Governor Forum on July 13, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Prince Waikiki Hotel in the Pinialo Ballroom.
3. 1st Congressional District Forum on July 19, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in the Kauai Room.
• The next regular Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at: http://olelo.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=30
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Submitted by: Janelle Nomura, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Relley Araceley, Community Relations Specialist
Final Review:
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