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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting May 2018 Minutes
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TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2018
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.; quorum was established with 12 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present - Jeff Apaka, Robert Boyack, Helen Carroll Louis Erteschik, Gordon Fahey, Robert Finley, Grant Giventer, Walt Flood, Kathryn Henski, Laura McIntyre, Jeffrey Merz, John Nigro, Mark Smith, and Kenneth Wilder.
Board Members Absent -Jerome Bautista and Grant Giventer
Guests - Lieutenant Chi Hun So (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Representative Tom Brower; Lynn Fallin (Governor David Ige's Representative); Kurt Tsuneyoshi (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Representative); Raytan Vares (Senator Brickwood Galuteria's Representative); Pamela Witty-Oakland (Department of Customer Serives); Steve Karel (City and County of Honolulu); Rick Egged (Waikiki Improvement Association); Kenny Amazaki (City Council Office's); Ryan Tam (Neighborhood Baord No. 11); Kurt Tsue (Hawaiian Electric); Dave Moskowitz, Lynn Mariano, Carl Cordes, Franklin Chung, Doug Kern, Natalie Iwasa, Pam Walker, Russell Oki, Judi Kern, Chen Wel-Yin, Melissa Filek; (Residents); David Jones (Videographer); and James Skizewski (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - No representative present; no report provided.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant Chi Hun So reported the following:
• April 2018 Crime Statistics - There were 8 robberies, 18 burglaries, 196 thefts, 35 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 36 assaults, 3 sex crimes, 17 speeding citations, 644 parking citations, 27 loud muffler citations, 101 park closure warnings, 172 park closure citations, and 0 park closure arrests. Total calls for service were 4,079. Additional statistics are available online at www.honolulupd.org.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Homelessness: Shields asked and Lieutenant So responded that it is hard to determine was percentage of the crimes are related to homelessness. Lieutenant So added that some park closure violations could be related to homelessness.
2. Loud Muffler: Carroll reported a loud muffler in the Ala Moana area close to midnight.
3. Biki: Apaka noted his concerns regarding the lack of bike law education signage in foreign languages. Apaka noted that tourists are continuously riding bikes on sidewalks in the area. Lieutenant So noted that HPD has requested Biki post information in multiple languages. HPD does educate bike riders in the Waikiki area on rider etiquette. Fahey requested that HPD make additional efforts to curb illegal bike riding in the Waikiki area.
4. Homeless Encampment: Resident Walker noted a homeless encampment in the Kaimuki High School area.
5. Biki: Resident Walker noted that additional signage is needed entering and exiting Waikiki on bike regulations. Chair Finley noted that a representative from Biki will attend the next meeting of the Board. A resident asked and Lieutenant responded that he will advise officers in the area to increase bike education.
6. Kapahulu Groin: Resident Schindle noted that residents are being harassed by intoxicated individuals in the Kapahulu groin pavilion area. Lieutenant So noted that enforcement has been increased in the area and added that all Lifeguards have a direct line to HPD. Lieutenant So urged the community to contact HPD if you are being harassed. A resident suggested the reintroduction of plain clothes HPD officers in the pavilion area. Cooper, a Lifeguard in Waikiki speaking as a resident of the area, noted that Ocean Safety does support HPD and that the video Lifeguards released to the media was to raise awareness of the illegal activities occurring in the Kapahulu Groin area. Cooper urged area legislators to address the area through legislation. Chair Finley encouraged the community to work with HPD to address any issues that relate to the safety of Waikiki.
7. Special Olympics Hawaii: Tracey Benders announced the Law Enforcement Torch Run. It is a year round fund-raising organization that culminates at the State Summer Games on Memorial Day weekend with the Final Leg running into the Opening Ceremonies at the University of Hawaii. Over 2,500 law enforcement personnel from federal, military, state, county and local agencies participate in the Troy Barboza Law Enforcement Torch Run throughout the state with legs on Kauai, Maui, Hawaii, and Oahu. The Final Leg sees over 1000 law enforcement officers and friends carrying the Flame of Hope from Fort DeRussey through Waikiki, up to Les Murakami Stadium into Opening Ceremonies of our State Summer Games.
Hearing no objections, Chair Finley returned to agenda item "Fill vacant Seat in Sub District 1".
FILL VACANT SEAT IN SUB DISTRICT 1: No action followed. Item was deferred.
Hearing no objections, Chair Finley returned to agenda item "Selection of New Secretary".
SELECTION OF NEW SECRETARY: No volunteers. Item was deferred.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Dominic Dias reported the following:
• Main Break Report - There were no main breaks for April 2018.
• General Water Announcement - Non Residential Rates: Over the last several months, BWS has told customers about: The BWS Long-term Financial Plan, Capital Improvement Program Scenarios, the Water Rate Study, and Subsidies for certain types of customers like Agriculture, Recycled Water, and Non-residential customers. This month, BWS is holding public hearings, regarding proposed water rates, which are posted on the BWS website: https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/waterrates. Our first public hearing was on Thursday, April 26, 2018. BWS encourages customers to attend any of the remaining public hearings, which all start at 6:30p.m.:
o West Side/Kapolei: Monday, May 14, 2018, Kapolei Hale: Ground Floor Conference Room. 1000 Uluohia Street.
o Windward/Kaneohe: Tuesday, May 15, 2018, Benjamin Parker Elementary School Cafeteria: 45-259 Waikalua Road.
o Central/Mililani: Thursday, May 24, 2018, Mililani Recreation Center #5: 95-1101 Ainamakua Drive.
o Any additional meetings will be announced on the website: www.boardofwatersupply.com and via the media. If unable to attend any of the public hearings, but have questions, or want to make comments, please write to 630 South Beretania Street, Honolulu, HI, 96843, email contactus@hbws.org, or call the BWS at 748-5041. The BWS wants to hear from customers, regarding the proposed water rates. The proposed rates can be viewed at https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/waterrates.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Maui BWS: A resident asked and Dias responded that the Honolulu BWS is not in conversation with Maui BWS on water rates.
Ala Wai Promenade: Ryan Tam Chair of the Ala Moana Neighborhood Board No. 11 circulated a resolution that was passed by the Neighborhood Board No. 11. Tam explained his Board desires to have the Ala Wai Promenade revitalized through the restoring and maintaining of irrigation, trees, and landscaping along the Promenade, improve the connectivity and accessibility of the Promenade by installing a signalized crosswalk at the Kalakaua Avenue end of the Promenade, and also adding crosswalks to all legs of the intersections at Kalakaua/Kapiolani and Kalakaua/Ala Wai Boulevard. Promote increased activity at the Promenade by identifying festivals, art or tree lighting installations, markets, mobile food/beverage vendors, or other activities that could provide needed amenities and attract users. Tam urged the community to look at the issue as well. Merz noted that the circulated resolution could be good for the Neighborhood as it seems to align with the Complete Streets project. Merz noted the need to have more crosswalks in Waikiki and his support for the circulated resolution. Chair Finley asked the Board to go over the resolution and be ready to comment on the issue next month.
Cartwright Road Concerns - Resident Carl Cordes voiced concerns regarding Cartwright Road. Cordes noted that House Bill (HB) 115 passed in 2017 could be used to address such roads including Lemon Street. Cordes noted that roads such as Cartwright are dangerous for pedestrians. Cordes urged the community and Board to address the issue.
Pedestrian Concerns: Resident Perengo noted concerns with the lack of pedestrian right of way in the Waikiki area with so many bikes, scooters, segways, and skateboards on sidewalks. He added that it is dangerous to be a pedestrian in the area and urged the Board to address the issue. Carroll noted the need for everyone to come together to address the issue.
Waikiki Community Center Garage Sale: Chad William announced that the Waikiki Community Center holds a garage sale every third Tuesday on the month.
Tsunami Warning Siren: Resident Averns noted the need for a tsunami warning for the area as surrounding sirens cannot be heard from the beach area. Averns added that the area is at risk because of the lack of a tsunami warning siren to alert residents in the area.
Top Golf: A resident raised concerns with the possibility of Top Golf utilizing Ala Wai Golf Course as it is a wetland. The resident noted the need for more information on the proposed project. Chair Finley responded that the Ala Wai Golf Course is in the Neighborhood Board No. 5 district. The resident added that although it is across the Ala Wai it will greatly affect Waikiki. Resident Chung noted that the introduction of Top Golf will affect Waikiki and added that the Top Golf project could preserve the area through the creation of a waterway course.
Kapahulu Groin Pier: Resident Moskowitz raised concerns with the condition of the pier at the Kapahulu Groin and urged the City to address the pier. Moskowitz added that used syringes have been found in the area.
Upcoming Events - Chair Finley announced the following events:
• Saturday, May 26, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Memorial Day Parade
??? Wednesday, May 28, 2018, Evening, Lantern Floating Event at Ala Moana Beach Park
??? Friday, June 1, 2018, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Troy Barboza Law Enforcement Torch Run
• Friday, June 8, 2018, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., 39th Pan Pacific Matsuri Hoolaulea
• Saturday, June 9, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., King Kamehameha Floral Parade
• Sunday, June 10, 2018, 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., 39th Pan Pacific Matsuri Parade
• Thursday, May 10, 2018, License transfer, Aqua-Aston to Hotel Renew by Aston, 129 Paoakalani, Hotel General
• Thursday, May 24, 2018, 4:00 p.m., L&L Hawaiian Grill, 404 Kapahulu, Category 3
• Thursday, May 24, 2018, 4:00 p.m., Sweet Home Café, 407 Seaside, Category 1
• Thursday, May 24, 2018, 4:00 p.m., Tsurutontan, 2301 Kalakaua, Suite B310, Category 2
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Firmo Dayao reported the following:
• Student Employment Program: The Department of Parks and Recreation's (DPR) Summer College Student Employment Program is recruiting applicants for the 2018 Summer Fun program. If any college students who want to develop management and programming skills, or recreation and child development skills, or who simply enjoys working with children between the ages of five and thirteen, please encourage them to consider working as a Summer Aide at this year's Summer Fun program. The program runs from the end of May to the end of July, and the pay rate is $12.00 per hour or $14.00 per hour. For more information and the online application form, please check out DPR's webpage www.honolulu.gov/parks/dprsummerfun or call (808) 768-3020.
• Follow Up on Concerns from Previous Meetings:
o Kalakaua Bike Lane: The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) believes that the Hawaii Revised Statutes 291-C and the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 15 does not specifically prohibit nor does it allow vehicles operating as Taxis, Uber, or Lyft to cross the bike lane to unload and/or load passengers curbside. Whether Uber, Lyft and taxi cabs are considered "commercial vehicles" for the purpose of using the bike lane to drop-off/pick-up passengers will require a legal opinion, which DTS is unable to provide at this time. HPD noted that there are tow-away zone signs posted at Kuhio and Kalakaua Avenues. They are No Parking/Tow Zone signs stating "Except Vehicles with Permit, Active Loading and Unloading Commercial Passenger Midnite to 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. to Midnite, Freight 10:00 p.m. - 9:00 a.m." There "No Parking, No Stopping, No Standing, No Loading, No Unloading, Tow Zone" signs along the bike lane approaching Beach Walk. The bike lane on Kalakaua Avenue ends at Duke Lane with a bicycle sign that says, "Bicycles May Use Full Lane."
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Previously Stated Concerns: Chair Finley reiterated concerns stated earlier in the meeting including pedestrian safety, safety related to the Kapahulu Groin, vagrancy in Waikiki, and the possible Top Golf development.
2. Kalakaua Avenue: Flood asked if taxis, ubers, and lyfts are allowed to drop people off on the mauka side of Kalakaua Avenue. Dayao responded that he will follow up on the concern and added that HPD will be working to fill the officer vacancies across Oahu.
3. Showers at Kapahulu Groin: Shields asked if measure are being taken to address the runoff water coming from the showers in the Kapahulu groin area to reduce erosion.
4. Ala Moana: A resident asked and Merz responded that the State Department of Transportation (DOT) manages the medians fronting Ala Moana Center.
Affordable Housing at 436 Ena Road: Director Pam Witty-Oakland of the Department of Community Services (DCS) introduced Steve Karel and reported the following: 436 Ena Road: The City and County of Honolulu utilized Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds to acquire an eight-story building and parking structure, which will provide thirty-three (33) units of affordable housing and a facility to provide various services, to low- and moderate-income households, located at 436 'Ena Road. The acquisition is further implementation of Mayor Caldwell and the City's effort to address the housing needs of O'ahu. The CDBG program is designed to serve households earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income, which means $65,360 for a single person in Honolulu. Based on the unit size and configuration, we expect units to be occupied by singles or couples rather than families. In an effort to address homelessness in the Waikiki neighborhood, 20% of the units will be set-aside for homeless persons or couples currently located within the Waikiki area. This site has 33 residential studio units. Goal is for 60% of the building services households with 60% or less of area median income (AMI). 60% AMI is equal to $49,020 for one (1) person and $55,980 for two (2) persons. The project will be used to follow through on the Housing First Initiative for the Waikiki area. The second floor is dedicated to social service provision to support needs of residents and special needs populations.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Housing First Initiative: Vice Chair Erteschik noted that lots of people will benefit from the Housing First initiative. Erteschik asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that they use a coordinated system to decide who is housed first. Case workers try to find the most vulnerable to help first. Homeless individuals in Waikiki will be prioritized for this site. Flood asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that 20% of the project is set aside for the Housing First Initiative and 60% of the site is set aside for those who are at 60% AMI.
2. Shared Kitchens: A resident asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that the whole building is designed for the shared kitchen style of living. Resident are required to follow the house rules. A property manager and janitorial services are provided.
3. Community Improvement: Merz noted that this project is an example of how the community is working to improve its self. Merz thanked the City and Director Witty-Oakland. Henski noted her support for the project.
4. Unit Rates: Smith asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that rates are set by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards.
5. Spread of Disease: A resident noted his support for the project but asked about the rate for the spread of infectious diseases in a shared kitchen. Director Witty-Oakland noted that she will look into the issue.
6. Support: A resident noted that the listed rates are comparable to units in the area and noted the need to get people off the street.
7. Vagrancy: Carroll noted her concerns on the possible vagrancy in the area and Director Witty-Oakland responded that residents will be receiving services at the site while following all house rules. Director Witty-Oakland urged the community to contact the property manager with any issues.
8. Housing First: Fahey asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that that seven (7) units will be used for the Housing First Initiative for Waikiki. Fahey asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that the most vulnerable will be given housing first. Director Witty-Oakland added that the residents will be committed to bettering their lives. Director Witty-Oakland that the units are small and it could be hard to house families there. Fahey asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that housing first residents are given a stipend by the City to pay for rent. 80% of Housing First initiative recipients are housed after the first year of the implementation of this initiative. Fahey asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that there is no termination date for the residents. Director Witt-Oakland added that it is her duty to get additional funding and services for the participants in the Housing First Initiative. Vice Chair Erteschik noted that if the homeless are housed they are then able to receive Medicaid and Federal aid for services.
9. Another Housing First Property: Chair Finley asked and Director Witty-Oakland responded that there is another property housing at Citron Street and McCully Street that is housing homeless families. Director Witty-Oakland concluded that she will continue to return to Board meetings to provide updates.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Chair Finley noted that Governor Ige's representative contacted him to notify the Board that they would be unable to attend.
Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Loud Muffler Violations: Representative Brower commended HPD as they issued 27 tickets for loud mufflers in the Waikiki area in the past month.
• Sirens for Waikiki: Representative Brower noted he is actively working on obtaining a warning siren for the Waikiki area.
• Ena Road Housing Project: Representative Brower noted that he has spoken with Director Witty-Oakland and is optimistic about the housing project on Ena Road. He added that he visited two (2) similar projects in Makiki and found that in the evening it was quiet and well maintained.
• Food Trucks: Representative Brower noted that he is working to address the food trucks on Cartwright Road.
• Vagrancy in Waikiki: Representative Brower noted that vagrancy issues are difficult to address as people are allowed to sleep in comfort station areas. Representative Brower concluded that Sit-Lie Laws could be used to address the issue.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Medians: Merz thanked Representative Brower for getting the State to address the medians in the area.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Ken Amazaki of Councilmember Ozawa's Office, circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Bill 36: introduced Bill 36 (2018), which would provide property tax relief for homeowners whose property was damaged or destroyed as a result of natural disaster. Property owners will have to file an application with the City. The due date of the application is still being determined by the Honolulu City Council. Once the application has been approved, the Director of Budget and Fiscal Services will issue a new tax bill showing the new property tax owed, the amount waived and any excess payment or outstanding balance.
Bill 36 is currently up for second reading and a public hearing. If you would like to submit written testimony in support of this bill or any bill discussed, it may be faxed to 768-3826 or transmitted via the internet at http://www.honolulu.gov/ccl-testimony-form.html for distribution at the meeting. Testimony can also be submitted via the city's website at http:// www.honolulu.gov/participate.html. Councilmember Ozawa encourages all participation and looks forward to getting feedback from the community.
• Bill 35: Bill 35 relating to private transportation companies, vehicles, and drivers is also up for second reading and a public hearing. Bill 35 establishes additional regulations governing private transportation companies, vehicles, and drivers. The Budget Committee heard testimony and had discussions on fares, surge pricing, and driver accountability.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Top Golf: Vice Chair Erteschik asked and Amazaki responded that the City administration is in charge of the procurement process relating to the Ala Wai Golf Course. Amazaki added that the project will eventually be brought to the City Council where a public comment period will be made available. Smith noted that he hopes the Board will look into the issue as it will effect Waikiki. Chair Finley urged Councilmember Ozawa's office to notify the Board of when the project is expected to come before the City Council.
2. Bill 36: Chair Finley asked Amazaki to forward draft legislation relating to Bill 36. Amazaki responded that the legislation currently passed first reading and they will come before the Board.
3. Food Trucks: Moskowitz thanked Councilmember Ozawa for working to address food trucks in the area.
4. City Buses: Moskowitz noted the need for additional City buses.
Senator Brickwood Galuteria - Raytan Vares circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Sine Die: The Legislature adjourned the legislative session sine die on Tuesday, May 8, 2018. After sixty days of business spanning over five months, legislators passed approximately 200 bills effecting the health, safety, housing, and infra-structural needs of the state. All bills will be enrolled to the Governor for his consideration.
• Appropriations: A mailer will be sent to the community listing the appropriations made for the approved budget. Vares highlighted select appropriations including over $300 million was appropriated to address homelessness and money was appropriated to address the Ala Wai small boat harbor.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Testimony: Henski noted that testimony being provided at the Legislature regarding opposition to funding repairs for the Ala Wai boat harbor was cut off prematurely. Carroll added that a portion of attendees were not allowed to speak after an extended wait. Vares noted he will look into the issue. Chair Finley concluded that it is an important need for residents to be able to provide input on the project.
2. Royal Hawaiian Groin: Chair Finley asked and Vares responded that he did not see money appropriated to address the Royal Hawaii Groin area. Chair Finley noted the dangers currently associated with the Royal Hawaiian groin. Henksi asked and Vares responded that they can try to address the issue next session. Moskowitz noted that the owners of the Ilikai are appealing the decision.
Hearing no objections, the Motion to Approve the Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes With Corrections WAS ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 14-0-0; (AYE: Apaka, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Giventer, Flood, Henski, McIntyre, Merz, Nigro, Smith, and Wilder.; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Corrections: Page one (1): Under "Board Members Present" add Patricia Shields.
Hearing no objections, Chair Finley moved to agenda item "Waikiki Improvement Association".
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA) - Rick Egged reported the following:
• Royal Hawaiian Groin: The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) will make a request for funds to the legislature next session to address the area.
• Association Meeting: Egged noted the WIA met and approved the budget which included the lowering of the fee for commercial property in the area and funding for the Ala Wai Watershed Collaboration.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Beach Cleanup: Chair Finley noted that during recent clean ups used syringes have been found along the beaches. Chair Finley asked Egged to advise people to use caution when cleaning the beach areas.
2. Top Golf: Resident Chung asked and Egged responded that Top Golf has responded to a City request for proposal (RFP) but added that he does not know if Top Golf will address the watershed by increasing water features within the course.
3. Allison Schafer: Henksi thanked Schafer for her efforts in the community.
Hawaiian Electric (HECO) Cable Relocation Project: Kurt Tsue presented the following: Cable Relocation: Tsue noted that the DLNR plans to dredge the Ala Wai canal for flood control and increased recreational use starting in November 2018. Hawaiian Electric currently has an electrical cable buried under the canal that must be removed for efficient dredging to be done. The original plan that was presented to the Board was to trench along the Ala Wai Boulevard for horizontal directional drilling. The engineering team has decided to opt for diagonal directional drilling which will now not require trenching along the Ala Wai Boulevard. Trenching will only done along Kaiolu Street and Ala Wai Community Park to access the Waikiki HECO substation. HECO is working with Ala Wai Elementary School and Iolani School to address any concerns with the project area. The project is slated to begin in June 2018. Tsue concluded that he will continue to update the Board on the construction schedule.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Trenching: Smith asked and Tsue responded that diagonal direction drilling will allow the new cables to be placed under ground coming from the Ala Wai Community Park area heading to the Waikiki substation.
2. Updates: Chair Finley asked HECO to continue updating the Board with construction start dates and requested contact information where community concerns can be addressed.
Legislative Report - Erteschik circulated a list of House and Senate bills from the final decking of the 2018 Hawaii State Legislative Session and reported the following:
• Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA): The HTA budget was reduced.
• House Bill (HB) 2215: HB 2215 requires the driver of a vehicle passing and overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction to allow at least three feet of separation between the right side of the driver's vehicle and the left side of the bicyclist. This measure was passed by the legislature.
• Senate Bill (SB) 2027: SB 2027 relating to appropriations to address homelessness was funded.
??? SB 2401: SB 2401 which establishes and appropriates funds for a three-year housing homeless children pilot program to assist families with minors, or those families with minors at imminent risk of homelessness due to domestic violence, to obtain and maintain permanent housing. Appropriates funds to the Hawaii Public Housing Authority for public housing improvements and renovations statewide. Appropriates funds to the Department of Human Services and Department of Health to support the State's most effective programs to end homelessness: housing first, rapid rehousing, outreach services programs to homeless persons, including outreach services to run away and homeless youth and civil legal services, Oahu's family assessment center, and the LEAD program. This measure was passed by the Legislature.
• Other Passed Measures: Erteschik also noted that SB 2461, SB 2371, SB 2691 and SB 2854 were passed by the Legislature.
• SB 2922: SB 2922 which proposes amendments to the Constitution of the State of Hawaii to advance the State's goal of providing a quality education for the children of Hawaii by authorizing the legislature to establish, as provided by law, a surcharge on residential investment property and visitor accommodations,. This measure was passed by the Legislature and will be placed on the next ballot for the voters to decide on.
??? Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 40: SCR 40 requesting the state of Hawaii Department of Defense to convene an emergency management agency review task force, was passed. This measure was passed to address the false missile alert. Chair Finley thanked Erteschik for his efforts.
Treasurer's Report - Shields reported a remaining balance of $55.97. The report was filed.
Sub District One (1) Report - Merz noted that testimony was provided on the Pau Street Development. Chair Finley thanked Merz for reading through the draft environmental assessment (EA) regarding the project.
Sub District Two (2) Report - Flood reported that the Ritz Carlton is 30 % occupied and hopes that as more shops are built the area can be improved.
Sub District Three (3) Report - Smith proposed the placement of dumpsters along Cartwright Road to deter food trucks in the area. Henski added that there may be difficulties addressing the area as many properties are begin affected.
Chair's Report - Chair Finley stated that next month complete the first half of our 2017-2019 term of office, this has been a very active term with events from the Nuke Scare to the terrible storm in East Oahu and Kauai to the current Volcanic Activity on the Big Island and next month Hurricane Season begins. He added that while he has already contributed to disaster relief he strongly suggest you check before you send money to assure it is going to a legitimate agency. Chair Finley working with the Hawaii Tourism and Lodging Agency to ask our leading candidates for Governor and the United States House of Representative seats to Waikiki so all can see and hear from them and help decide who will go on to the general elections. The tentative date for the Governors candidate forum has been set for Monday, July 2, 2018 and Congressional forum has been set for Thursday, July 19, 2018. Chair Finley concluded that he will continue to update the Board as details are released.
• The next regular Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at: http://olelo.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=30
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
Submitted by: James Skizewski, Public Relations Specialist
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Public Relations Specialist
Final Review: Chair Robert Finley
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