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Waikiki Get Down - Honolulu, Hawaii
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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting January 2018 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.; quorum was established with 12 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present - Jeff Apaka, Jerome Bautista, Helen Carroll, Louis Erteschik (Arrived at 7:10 p.m.), Robert Finley, Walt Flood, Grant Giventer (Arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Kathryn Henski, Laura McIntyre, Jeffrey Merz, Nicola Perez-Garreaud, Patricia Shields, Mark Smith, Kenneth Wilder, and Robert Boyack (Appointed at meeting).
Board Members Absent - Gordon Fahey.
Guests - Lieutenant So (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Diaz (Board of Water Supply); Bruce Paige (Street Bikers Hawaii); Mark Yonamine (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Lynn Fallin (Governor David Ige's Representative); Representative Tom Brower; Raytan Vares (Senator Brickwood Galuteria's Representative); Rick Egged (Waikiki Improvement Association); Brad Akamu (Meals on Wheels); Keith Kurahashi (R.M. Towill Corporation); Kris Hui and Blair Suzuki (Oliver McMillan Hawaii); Justine Espiritu (Bikeshare Hawaii); Donna Lynch, Melvin Jadulang, Edward Gatz, Margaret Murchie, Rob Johnson, Dave Moskowitz, Rachel Linden, Melissa Filek, Pam Walker, John Dervor, Michael Langan, Kevin, Midori Trent, Denise Boisvert, Don Wiggam, Grace Miller, Kurt Tsuneyoshi, Bob Brown, Helen Sweatt, Rick Polly, Joe Jordan, Ulf Sormark, Julie Sormark, Ollie Grayson, Richard Shwarz, My Ly, Claudie Charnin, Alex T, Dorothy Nation, John Nation, Matt Nakamoto, Chelsie Arashiro, Stefan Rozembersky, Sunny Rozembersky, Keawe Bran, Hiroko Bran, Rodney Young, Lynn Futti, Mila Butel, Jean Butel, Randall Judalang, Amy Ammen, Dale Shippers, Roger Wall, and Yuri Trent (Residents); Zoe Tanaka (Videographer); and Jackson Coley (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Opening Announcements - Chair Finley reported the following:
• Agenda Correction - Agenda Item Nine (9) B: Strike out "Queen Emma" and insert "Oliver McMillan."
• Board member Resignation - Board Member Adam Ertel resigned from the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 in December 2017.
Giventer arrived at 7:05 p.m. 13 members present.
VACANCY SUB DISTRICT 1 - There were two (2) vacancies for sub-district 1. Merz nominated resident Robert Boyack to fill one (1) vacancy in sub-district 1.
Merz moved and Henski seconded the Motion to Appoint Robert Boyack to the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9. The Motion WAS ADOPTED by MAJORITY VOTE, 10-0-3; (AYE: Apaka, Bautista, Finley, Flood, Henski, McIntyre, Merz, Perez-Garreaud, Shields, and Smith; NAY: None; Abstain: Carroll, Giventer, and Wilder).
Robert Boyack was sworn in at 7:08 p.m. 14 members present.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - No representative was present, no report was given.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant So reported the following: December 2017 Crime Statistics ??? There were 11 robberies, 15 burglaries, 186 thefts, 18 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 32 assaults, 1 sex crime, 4 speeding warnings, 46 speeding citations, 462 parking citations, 4 loud muffler citations, 11 park closure citations, and 4,108 calls for service.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Denny's Noise Control - Resident Donna Lynch inquired about the quantity of noise control complaints filed with the HPD for the Diamond Head Denny's' construction site. Lieutenant So responded that he was unsure and would acquire the information for a future report.
2. Motorcycle Speeding - Henski inquired and Lieutenant So reported that 46 speeding citations were issued for December 2017. Henski requested that an HPD officer be stationed at the Honolulu Zoo's parking lot on Sunday nights at 5:30 p.m. to cite motorcyclists regularly speeding on Kapahulu Avenue. Lieutenant So inquired and Henski clarified that the motorcyclists drove down Kalakaua Avenue before making a left hand turn onto Kapahulu Avenue.
Erteschik arrived at 7:10 p.m. 15 members present.
3. Trikkes - A resident inquired and Lieutenant So responded that bicycles are prohibited on sidewalks. The resident reported that motorized three (3) wheeled vehicles called "trikkes" were operating on sidewalks in Waikiki. The resident inquired and Lieutenant So responded that the battery operated trikkes were allowed to operate on sidewalks as they retained the same vehicle classification as wheelchairs. Lieutenant So recommended contacting the City Council to propose legislation to prohibit trikkes from operating on sidewalks. Henski reported that Aloha Trikke representatives attended previous board meetings where they stated their vehicles would utilize bicycle paths and would not utilize sidewalks. Henski recommended contacting Aloha Trikke. Merz inquired and Lieutenant So responded that he was unsure why the trikkes were given the same classification as wheelchairs.
4. Homeless Trespassing - Resident Melvin Jadulang stated that homeless individuals were trespassing on private property at the Ala Wai Townhouse condominiums by sleeping in parking stalls. Resident Jadulang stated that the HPD was contacted, however HPD personnel dispatched stated that the homeless individuals were "not doing anything illegal." Resident Jadulang inquired and Lieutenant So responded that residents can contact HPD when homeless individuals are trespassing on private property to have the individuals removed.
5. HPD Follow-Up Statistics - Resident Edward Gatz requested a follow-up on inquiries made at the November 2017 board meeting regarding staffing of HPD personnel throughout Oahu and statistics on citations given for cell phone usage while driving. Lieutenant So responded that he did not have statistical information, however staffing for HPD personnel in Waikiki was increased. Resident Gatz inquired and Lieutenant So responded that he would acquire the statistics for a future report.
6. Illegal Commercial Activity - Resident Margaret Murchie voiced concerns regarding illegal commercial activity observed when walking from Diamond Head to the Ala Moana Hotel. Lieutenant So responded that he would investigate the issue.
7. Homeless in Waikiki - Resident Murchie voiced concerns regarding increasing homelessness in Waikiki and homeless individuals openly using illegal substances. Lieutenant So encouraged contacting HPD when illegal activity is observed and Resident Murchie voiced concerns with a lack of HPD response when previously contacted. Resident Murchie recommended increasing HPD presence to deter homeless individuals from openly using illegal substances and sleeping in parks. Lieutenant So responded that homeless are allowed to utilize parks during their regular hours of operation as long as no illegal activity is performed.
8. Homeless Trespassing Advice - Smith stated that citing individuals for trespassing is a difficult process. Smith recommended having property managers file reports with HPD and acquiring photographic evidence of violations to improve HPD response. Smith requested that the HPD provide clear guidelines for the procedure to report trespassing violations. Lieutenant So encouraged residents to contact HPD anytime trespassers were present on private property.
9. Sidewalk Kiosks - Resident Rob Johnson stated that kiosks were erected outside of the Ilikai Hotel on sidewalks and requested clarification regarding the legality of these kiosks. Lieutenant So responded that kiosks are permissible so long as they do not obstruct pedestrian pathways. Lieutenant So recommended contacting HPD when kiosks obstruct pathways and resident Johnson responded that he had contacted HPD, however no action was taken. Resident Johnson inquired and Lieutenant So responded that dogs are required to be leashed when on sidewalks, however no action can be taken without HPD observing violations. Lieutenant So recommended contacting the City Council to propose legislation to prevent kiosk operation on sidewalks. Chair Finley recommended speaking to Representative Tom Brower to address the issue.
10. Street Performers - A resident voiced concerns with street performers obstructing pedestrian pathways at the intersection of Kalakaua Avenue and Seaside Avenue. Lieutenant So responded that street performers are allowed to utilize sidewalks if they are unobstructed. Lieutenant So recommended contacting HPD at the time of any violations to ensure that they are observed by HPD.
11. Waikele Shuttle Kiosks - Resident Dave Moskowitz voiced concerns regarding a lack of HPD response to Waikele Shuttle Kiosks obstructing sidewalks.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Dominic Diaz reported the following:
• Main Breaks - A main break report was not available.
• Water Rate Tiers and Conservation - The BWS's residential water rates are tiered to encourage conservation. The more water a customer uses, the more they pay for that additional water. Over half of the customers never exceed the first tier, and over 90% of the customers fall within the first two (2) tiers. The top 1% of the residential customers use over 44,000 gallons of water per month, which places high demands on Oahu's limited resources. The BWS plans to do more to encourage conservation and revising the tiers can provide that incentive. One (1) possible change would move the top tier from over 33,000 gallons per month of usage down to about 21,000 gallons. Another would provide an amount of water necessary for customers' basic needs at a low cost. These changes would ensure affordability, reward conservation efforts, and place the cost-burden on those customers who use very high amounts of water.
• Water Rates and Outreach Process - In the next six (6) months, the BWS Board will be reviewing rate models to determine appropriate rate increases and changes to fees. As part of this process, the BWS is working on a presentation for the Neighborhood Boards and other groups about the Water Rate Study and potential new water rates. If residents would like to schedule a presentation, please contact Keoni Mattos in the BWS's Communications Office at 748-5369. The BWS Board will also be conducting four (4) public hearings on proposed changes to water rates prior to their adoption. The BWS expects these meetings will be held in June 2018.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Condominium Water Meters - Flood voiced concerns regarding condominiums using one (1) water meter for all tenants and inquired about installing water meters to track each tenant's water usage separately. Diaz responded that metering is installed at the developer's discretion, however buildings with master meters could utilize sub-metering in order to bill tenants differently based on their proportionate water usage. Diaz recommended having the BWS present to Flood's condominium association to learn more about water conservation by emailing or calling 748-5369.
Diamond Head Denny's Liquor License - Resident Rachel Linden voiced concerns regarding the Diamond Head Denny's construction site, located at the intersection of Kapahulu Avenue and Kuhio Avenue, creating excessive noise and applying for a full liquor license. Resident Linden circulated a flyer and stated that the Liquor Commission Hearing would be held on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. to consider granting the Denny's a full liquor license allowing alcohol service from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Resident Linden voiced concerns regarding the Denny's proximity to Jefferson Elementary School and the effect of inebriated individuals within a residential and school district. Resident Linden encouraged residents to attend the hearing to voice concerns to the Liquor Commission. Resident Lynch voiced support of Resident Linden's efforts and reiterated concerns with the possible effect of inebriated individuals within a residential and school district. Resident Lynch encouraged residents to attend the hearing and stated that the hearing would be held at 711 Kapiolani Boulevard Suite 600. Resident Melissa Filek voiced concerns regarding the Denny's proposed outdoor seating and lack of food requirement for alcohol purchase.
Bikeshare Hawaii Expansions - Justine Espiritu, Bikeshare Hawaii Grants and Programs Manager, announced that Bikeshare Hawaii is planning a system expansion. Bikeshare Hawaii launched with an initial 100 stations and 1000 bikes in June 2017. The expansion is will add 30 to 50 additional stations during the summer and fall of 2018 within the current service area with minor expansion outside of the current area. Espiritu stated that Bikeshare Hawaii is currently collecting community feedback and suggestions for the planned expansion. Espiritu voiced her intent to make a formal presentation to the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 at a future board meeting.
Bikeshare Station Food Pantry - Resident Pam Walker voiced concerns regarding a Bikeshare Hawaii station located near the Food Pantry at the intersection of Kuhio Avenue and Walina Street within 10 feet of a fire hydrant. Resident Walker voiced concerns regarding Bikeshar Hawaii patrons standing within the street when acquiring bikes from the station and Bikeshare Hawaii personnel riding on sidewalks. Resident Moskowitz suggested reinstalling signage outlining Bikeshare Hawaii's rules at stations to increase their visibility and ensure that riders refrain from using sidewalks.
Garbage Receptacles - Resident Moskowitz voiced concerns regarding public garbage receptacles throughout Waikiki with garbage stuck to the receptacle's interior.
Food Trucks - Resident Moskowitz voiced concerns regarding large food trucks in Waikiki setting up large lighting equipment at night.
Approval of Resident's Initiative - Merz voiced approval of the resident's organized opposition to the Denny???s liquor application. Henski suggested making a motion to support the resident's opposition to the Denny's liquor license application. Chair Finley responded that no action could be taken as the topic was not included on the agenda.
Waikiki Beach - Resident John Dervor voiced concerns regarding a lack of HPD presence at the Waikiki Beach. Resident Dervor voiced concerns regarding homeless individuals harassing visitors at the beach and requested that the HPD provide a schedule for foot patrols to clarify when HPD personnel are present along Waikiki Beach.
Upcoming Events - Chair Finley announced the following events:
• Martin Luther King Jr. Parade - Monday, January 15, 2018 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
• Lokahi Festival - Saturday, February 3, 2018 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
• Johnny Faerber 10K Run - Sunday, February 4, 2018 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Street Bikers Association Toys for Tots Review - Bruce Paige, Street Bikers Hawaii State Director, reported the following: Toys for Tots Review - The Toys for Tots event held on Sunday, December 3, 2017 was one (1) of the association's largest Toys for Tots events. The association worked to ensure that members remained considerate of residents and considered the December 2017 event to be one (1) of their quietest.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Critiques - Smith voiced concerns with excessive noise from bikers traveling along the Ala Wai Canal, lack of directional personnel at the intersection of Leahi Avenue and Monsarrat Avenue, and excessive noise along Monsarrat Avenue.
2. Fundraiser Success - Wilder inquired whether or not the fundraiser was considered to be successful. Paige responded that it was considered a success with the greatest participation in toy donations and contributions. Paige responded that more law enforcement was utilized in the December 2017 event than previous events. Paige stated that HPD was supposed to be present at the intersection of Leahi Avenue and Monsarrat Avenue and apologized for violations in the association's procedures. Smith suggested taking additional measures at future events to monitor association members.
Dean and Deluca - 383 Kalaimoku Street, Category Three (3) Dispenser General. Hearing on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Mark Yonamine, Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Deputy Director, reported the following:
• Summer Fun Applications - The Department of Parks and Recreation's (DPR) Summer College Student Employment Program is recruiting applicants for the 2018 Summer Fun program. College students who want to develop management and programming skills, recreation and child development skills, or enjoy working with children between the ages of five (5) and 13 are encouraged to consider working as a Summer Aide at the 2018 Summer Fun program. The program runs from the end of May 2018 to the end of July 2018. The pay rate is 12 dollars per hour or 14 dollars per hour. Information can be found online at or by calling (808) 768-3020.
• Park Cleaning Equipment - Regarding a previous concern with Princess Kaiulani Triangle Park requiring cleaning. The DPR responded that they had an Adopt-A-Park-Program agreement with the Outrigger Hotel for three (3) years who agreed to clean and perform landscape maintenance at the Princess Kaiulani Triangle Park. The Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) responded that they worked with the DPR and the Waikiki Business Improvement District Association (WBIDA) to clean and maintain the Princess Kaiulani Triangle Park and the Kaiulani Avenue and Kuhio Avenue bus stop.
• Security Cameras - Regarding a previous request for a timetable for the installation of security and traffic cameras in Waikiki. The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) responded that there were no plans to install additional traffic cameras in Waikiki and that all existing traffic cameras were functioning.
• Sidewalk Concerns - Regarding a previous concern with two (2) and three (3) wheeled vehicles operating on sidewalks and dogs being walked unleashed on sidewalks. The HPD responded that the two (2) and three (3) wheeled devices could be operated on public sidewalks at a speed no greater than eight (8) miles per hour and on bike paths. The device's operator is required to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and exercise care to avoid collisions. However, no person shall ride a bicycle, skateboard, or roller skates upon any sidewalk in Waikiki. The HPD officers assigned to the Waikiki district have been combating Bicycle and Skateboard on Sidewalk violations in Waikiki through enforcement action. From January 2017 to November 2017, HPD issued 502 citations for Bicycle on Sidewalk violations. It is unlawful for the owner of any dog, licensed or not, to permit said dog to become stray. Stray being defined as any dog on a public street, public or private school grounds, or in any other public space, except when under the control of the owner by a leash or similar restraint not more than eight (8) feet in length.
• Kapahulu Avenue Parking Lanes - Regarding a previous request to turn Kapahulu Avenue into a two (2) lane road with the rightmost lane being permanently transformed into parking spaces. The DTS requested clarification on the request as Kapahulu Avenue is currently a two (2) lane roadway.
• Trash Dumping and Beautification Spot - Regarding a previous concern with trash dumping at a gravel area at the intersection of Liliuokalani Avenue and Ala Wai Boulevard and the possibility of installing plants to beautify the area. The DPR responded that the DPR's Division of Urban Forestry (DUF) does not beautify areas within a City and County of Honolulu right-of-way with plants. It is the property owner's responsibility to maintain the public areas fronting their property.
• Two (2) Wheeled Vehicle Parking - Regarding a previous request for additional two (2) wheeled vehicle parking installation throughout Waikiki. The DTS responded that the City's standard parking stall design accommodates vehicles of all sizes. However, a new two (2) wheeled vehicle stall would need to be developed to accommodate the largest motorcycles, which would be nearly as large as the current parking stalls. Therefore, DTS determined that it is not feasible to have separate stalls for two (2) wheeled vehicles.
• Bus Station Seat Barricades - Regarding a request to install barricades between bus stop seats at the Paokalani Avenue and Kuhio Avenue bus stop. The DTS responded that the installation of vagrant deterrent bars would be considered at the bus stop, subject to available funds.
??? Blaisdell Park Sprinklers - Regarding a previous request for an update on sprinkler issues at the Blaisdell
Park. The DPR responded that the sprinklers at the Blaisdell Park were repaired on Thursday, November 30, 2017.
• Abandoned Complex - Regarding a previous request for information about an abandoned complex along Ala Wai Boulevard. The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) responded that their inspection showed a vacant commercial structure was secured with no visible violations. The inspection discovered graffiti painted on a portion of the walls and first floor and a graffiti letter was sent to the building owner requesting their cooperation in removing the graffiti.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Blaisdell Center Project Update - Board Member Louis Erteschik requested an update regarding the redevelopment projects at the Blaisdell Center. Deputy Director Yonamine responded that he would investigate the issue.
2. Condominium Sprinkler Update ??? Board Member Louis Erteschik requested an update on whether or not condominiums would be required to install fire sprinklers in response to the Marco Polo Condominium fire in 2017. Deputy Director Yonamine responded that he would forward the inquiry to the HFD.
3. Facilities on Waikiki and Kuhio Beach - Board Member Walter Flood stated that facility issues occurred on New Year's Eve at Waikiki Beach and Kuhio Beach located between Kapahulu Avenue and the HPD-Waikiki Substation. Flood reported that sprinklers activated at 11:45 p.m. on New Year's Eve when residents were using the area to observe fireworks and requested that sprinklers be shut off for future events. Flood also reported that two (2) urinals and three (3) stalls were out of order at the public restrooms and requested that restroom maintenance be performed.
Apaka departed at 8:06 p.m. 14 members present.
4. Bus Stop Barriers - Henski expressed gratitude for the update regarding the possible installation of vagrant deterrent bars at the Paokalani Avenue and Kuhio Avenue bus stop.
5. Princess Kaiulani Statue Maintenance - Resident Moskowitz requested that the Princess Kaiulani Statue located at the intersection of Kuhio Avenue and Kaiulani Avenue be cleaned.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Lynn Fallin, Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Behavior Health Services Administration Deputy Director, circulated a newsletter and reported the following: Broken Street Lights - Regarding a previous request for repair work on light fixtures along Hobron Lane. Deputy Director Fallin consulted with Representative Brower and together they ensured that three (3) street lights were repaired by the City's Street Light Division and the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR).
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - No representative was present, a newsletter was circulated.
Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Homeless Encampments - Representative Brower's office is working to remove homeless encampments located throughout Waikiki including encampments near the Ilikai Hotel and Kuhio Beach.
• Resident Concerns - Representative Brower encouraged residents to submit community concerns along with photographs to his office.
• Moped Noise - Despite a lack of legislation to address moped noise, legislation has been passed to require the licensing of mopeds. This has resulted in decreased moped usage and has encouraged safer moped riding.
Senator Brickwood Galuteria - Raytan Vares circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Sustainable Development Goals - The Hawaii State Senate is planning to enact the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into state law during the 2018 Hawaii State Senate Legislative Session.
• 2018 Legislative Session - The 2018 Legislative Session begins on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Bill introduction deadline is Wednesday, January 24, 2018.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Upcoming Legislation - Chair Finley requested that Senator Galuteria's office submit planned legislation to the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 no later than 10 days prior to the next board meeting to provide the board an opportunity to consider and comment on legislation.
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA) - Rick Egged reported the following:
• Waikiki Transportation Management Association (WTMA) - Work continues to establish the WTMA. Early goals include introducing a permit process for the loading and unloading of commercial vehicles and prevention of parking permit abuse by commercial vehicles throughout Waikiki.
• Kuhio Beach - The WIA is working with the DPR to address erosion along Kuhio Beach. The City is currently working to purchase an erosion control blanket to hold sand in place and prevent erosion.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Bus Stop Lighting - Resident Michael Langan inquired about installing lighting at bus stops in Waikiki to improve visibility and encourage bus usage. Egged responded that he would investigate the issue.
2. Illegal Trolley Parking - A resident voiced concerns with illegal trolley parking along Royal Hawaiian Avenue. Egged responded that Royal Hawaiian Avenue was already considered an issue area and was being addressed. Egged clarified that buses and trolleys had legal loading/unloading zones where they could park for up to three (3) minutes along Royal Hawaiian Avenue, however the three (3) minute timeframe is regularly violated. Egged stated that a goal of the WTMA is to increase enforcement of violations in Waikiki when HPD is unable to.
The Tuesday, November 14, 2017 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 14-0-0; (AYE: Bautista, Boyack, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Flood, Giventer, Henski, McIntyr, Merz, Perez-Garreaud, Shields, Smith, and Wilder; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Meals on Wheels - Brad Akamu, Volunteer Coordinator, reported the following:
• Background Information - Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit organization operating Monday through Friday to deliver hot meals to homebound individuals. Meals on Wheels currently provides meals to an average of 400 individuals per day along 50 routes by partnering with various kitchens throughout Oahu.
• Volunteering - Meals on Wheels is currently looking to increase volunteer membership in order to increase routes for high demand areas including Waikiki. Meals on Wheels currently has one (1) lunch route and one (1) dinner rote for Waikiki, however they are planning to open a second lunch route at a future date. There are currently 450 volunteers, however additional volunteers are desired. Volunteer hours are flexible and designed to accommodate the volunteer's schedule.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Waikiki Usage - Henski inquired and Akamu responded that Meals on Wheels serves roughly 11 individuals on Waikiki as the number of meal recipients per route is limited to 12. Henski inquired and Akamu responded that there is demand for additional routes in Waikiki. Akamu clarified that recipient qualification is determined by the City's Elderly Affairs Division. Henski inquired and Akamu responded that additional information is available by calling 988-6747 or by going online to
2. Socialization - Erteschik inquired about the amount of time volunteers spend socializing with meal recipients. Akamu responded that socialization between volunteers and recipients is encouraged and considered a substantial part of volunteering with Meals on Wheels.
3. Volunteer Requirements - Wilder inquired and Akamu responded that volunteers are responsible for providing their own vehicle, paying all costs to operate their vehicle, licensing and insurance, and a clear tuberculosis test taken within the last 10 years of joining.
4. Recipient Requirements - A resident stated that a previous request for her neighbor to become a recipient was denied on the grounds that she owned a mobility scooter and was not considered immobile. Akamu responded that mobile individuals capable of operating scooters or driving vehicles are not considered homebound and therefore disqualify for meal reception. The resident voiced concerns with a lack of flexibility in the recipient qualifications. Akamu recommended contacting Meals on Wheels again to learn more about qualifications and additional aid options. Chair Finley requested and Akamu reiterated the Meals on Wheels phone number at 988-6747.
Oliver McMillan Apartment Project (Old Food Pantry Site) - Keith Kurahashi, R.M. Towill Corporation, Kris Hui, Oliver McMillan Hawaii Director of Development, and Blair Suzuki, Oliver McMillan Hawaii Senior Project Manager, provided a presentation and reported the following:
• Overview - Oliver McMillan, partnered with Queen Emma Land Company, is proposing a mixed use development at the intersection of Kuhio Avenue and Kanekapolei Street where the Food Pantry supermarket is currently located. Studies are currently being performed to support a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) including an archeological trenching, traffic noise, flora and fauna, and historical and cultural genealogy studies. Following the draft EA submission an application for a planned development apartment permit would be filed along with a Waikiki special district permit with the DPP.
• Housing - Oliver McMillan is planning to develop apartment housing with mixed use zoning at the project site while providing 20% of the apartments as affordable housing to tenants earning no more than 80% average median income (AMI). The project will contain up to 500 rental units with up to 100 rental units dedicated to affordable housing. Oliver McMillan will enter into a 65 year ground lease with Queen Emma Land Company in roughly 18 months to provide longevity to the housing project.
• Location - The location encompasses 2.5 acres at the intersection of Kuhio Avenue and Kanekapolei Street. The area includes the current Food Pantry supermarket site as well as five (5) parcels on the opposite side of Kanekapolei Street adjacent to an ABC Store.
• ABC Store Location - The five (5) parcels across from the Food Pantry supermarket include an ABC Store and four (4) apartment buildings. The apartment buildings are all three (3) stories tall and include the Queen Emma Apartments with 15 units, the Beachside One (1) and Two (2) Apartments with 15 units in each building for a total of 30 units, and the Waikiki Regents Apartments with nine (9) units. Plans include maintaining the ABC Store while gutting and renovating the interiors of the four (4) apartment buildings. These buildings will contain roughly 54 units derestricted for a minimum of 15 years to support roughly half of the units dedicated to affordable housing. Units are expected to vary in size ranging from studios to two (2) bedroom apartments.
• Food Pantry Location - The project at the Food Pantry site will consist of one (1) 27 story building reaching 285 feet tall. This building will include retail space, a parking podium, and apartment housing with minor amenities being considered including rooftop access. Building designs are currently at the early phases of the design process and material and aesthetic design has not been finalized.
o Retail - The buildings first two (2) levels will serve as retail space with an area of roughly 40,000 square feet total with each floor consisting of roughly 20,000 square feet. A full service grocery store is planned for the second floor with yet undetermined neighborhood retailers occupying the building's ground floor. While retailers have not been determined, there is no intent to include luxury retailers.
o Parking - The parking podium will encompass building levels three (3) through eight (8) with parking podium access available along Walina Street. Plans are to comply with or exceed current coding which requires one (1) parking stall per apartment unit along with the commercial retail parking requirements of one (1) stall per 800 square feet for the second floor.
o Apartments - The apartment tower will encompass levels nine (9) through 27 with some apartments being placed alongside the parking podium from levels three (3) through eight (8) overlooking Kanekapolei Street. Apartment design has not been finalized, however a wide variety of unit sizes ranging from studios to three (3) bedroom apartments may be available.
o Buffer Zone - A buffer zone between the building and neighbor buildings along Kanekapolei Street will be placed on the building's backside opposite of Kuhio Avenue. Banyan and monkey pod trees currently within the area will be retained.
• Schedule - The project began roughly six (6) months ago and is still in early phases. Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2019 and end in the summer of 2021.
• Vacation Rentals - Oliver McMillan intends to and prevent vacation rental such as AirBNB from occurring within their apartment project.
• View Corridors - Studies have been performed regarding various view corridors including the view corridor from Punchbowl to Diamond Head.
• Communication - Oliver McMillan is working to increase communication with the public with plans to launch a website to provide updated information, contact information forums, and opportunities to subscribe to newsletters and other announcements.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Historical Preservation - Merz voiced approval of the project and stated that some buildings involved in the project site would be eligible for historic preservation. Merz voiced approval of renovating the four (4) parcels alongside the ABC Store without demolishing the historic buildings.
2. Parking - Merz voiced concerns with excessive parking and suggested designing the parking garage to be capable of conversion into residential or commercial spaces.
3. Rental - Flood inquired about the 65 year lease plan and whether or not ground rent would be increased every 10 years. Hui responded that a structure has been approved to consider rent changes every five (5) years.
4. Building Aesthetic - Erteschik voiced concerns regarding the building's luxury appearance in conceptual photographs provided at the meeting. Hui responded that Oliver McMillan was committed to providing a high quality building, however the conceptual photographs were not indicative of the final design.
5. Displacement - Erteschik inquired about the current tenants within the four (4) buildings alongside the ABC store and where these tenants would be placed during construction. Hui responded that roughly 36 units were currently occupied and tenants would be required to move during construction. However, the project has been communicated to the tenants to provide time to relocate prior to construction in 2019. Hui stated that with the building alteration into affordable housing, there could be no guarantee that current tenants could receive priority to relocate to the new units once construction is completed.
6. Waikiki Ambiance - Henski voiced concerns regarding the effect of the Food Pantry's removal and new building's placement would have on the ambiance of Waikiki. Henski voiced concerns with commercialization moving into residential areas. Hui responded that retailers were under consideration and included services ranging from coffee shops to pharmacies. Hui reiterated that there were no intentions to include expensive luxury retailers.
7. Affordable Housing - Henski requested clarification regarding the price of affordable housing. Hui responded that current 80% AMI could allow for a studio to be rented at 1,466 dollars, with a one (1) bedroom unit costing 1,570 with utilities.
8. Grocery Store Placement - Resident Gatz voiced concerns regarding the inaccessibility of a grocery store's placement on the second floor.
9. Debris Concerns - Resident Gatz voiced concerns regarding construction debris interfering with neighbors and suggested reimbursing neighboring buildings for incurred cleaning costs.
10. Traffic Concerns - Resident Gatz suggested moving construction parking to the International Marketplace to avoid taking residential street parking. Resident Gatz inquired and Hui responded that the bus stop along Kuhio Avenue outside of the Food Pantry would remain open during construction and that Kuhio Avenue would remain a public corridor during construction.
11. Triangular Parcel - Resident Langan inquired about a triangular parcel of roughly 3,267 square feet along Walina Street. Resident Langan inquired why the parcel was not included in development plans. Hui responded that the triangular parcel was a portion of the Food Pantry's parking lot which was not owned by Queen Emma Land Company. Hui stated that efforts were being made to contact the land owner to acquire the parcel, however it could not be included in the development plans at this time.
12. Mechanical System Noise - Resident Kevin inquired about the placement of loud mechanical systems such as air conditioning systems and where they would be placed. Hui responded that designs included sections on the ground floor surrounded by solid concrete walls to contain sound from loud systems.
13. Water Lines - Resident Midori Trent inquired about including the underground infrastructure for the building's water and sewer lines in the design plans. Hui responded that Oliver McMillan would be responsible for the private utility lines inside the building where the lines would eventually run into public lines. Kurahashi stated that discussions were being made with the BWS to ensure that the building did not exceed line capacity and that any issues with the building exceeding capacity would result in the developers being asked to improve the water lines to accommodate the excess. Resident Trent encouraged preemptive line improvement to avoid potential incidents.
14. Increased Affordable Housing - Resident Denise Boisvert inquired about including more than 20% affordable housing. Hui responded that there are no requirements to include affordable housing in the project and that providing more than 20% affordable housing might not be feasible.
15. Construction Noise - Resident Boisvert voiced concerns with persistent construction noise that that would accompany the project. Hui responded that the project would hopefully take place within two (2) or less years and with the inability to muffle construction noise Oliver McMillan has emphasized communication with residents to ensure the project moves smoothly.
16. Neighboring View and Noise - Resident Don Wiggam voiced concerns with the view of the Food Pantry building???s backside which faced residents of the Walina Apartments. Hui reiterated that monkey pod and banyan trees would be present to mask the backside of the building. Resident Wiggam inquired and Hui responded that screening is planned for the backside of the parking podium to reduce noise and light pollution. Kurahashi stated that noise dampening material would be included in the turning sections of the parking garage which generally create considerable noise.
17. Rubbish Collection - A resident inquired and Hui responded that garbage collection would take place within the building's parking podium to reduce noise and traffic.
18. Glass Structure - Residents voiced concerns regarding the glass structure depicted in the conceptual photographs. Hui responded that the conceptual photographs did not indicate the final building design.
Giventer departed at 9:40 p.m. 13 members present.
19. Barriers - Resident Grace Miller inquired about construction barriers being erected between the Food Pantry site and neighboring buildings during and after the construction process. Hui responded a dust fence or similar barrier would be erected during construction and if contact is established with the triangular parcel's owner a second barrier might be erected. Hui stated that fencing would be placed between buildings post construction though specifics had not been determined. Resident Miller requested that additional resources to assist residents in visualizing the building???s placement and design be made available. Hui responded that some resources to outline the project would be made available with the publication of the draft EA. Resident Miller voiced concerns regarding the protected banyan tree located on the project site. Hui responded that a certified arborist was included in Oliver McMillan's team to assess the banyan tree and survey its canopy and root line in order to obtain an exceptional tree permit.
20. Construction Times - A resident voiced concerns regarding potential early morning construction and requested that Oliver McMillan commit to refraining from starting construction until 8:00 a.m. Hui responded that this commitment could not be made.
21. Liquor Licenses - A resident requested that a commitment be made by Oliver McMillan to not pursue a liquor license. Hui responded that Oliver McMillan would not pursue a liquor license, however he could not speak on behalf of the future commercial businesses that would be present at the new building.
22. Food Trucks - A resident inquired about the current leases regarding food trucks at the site. Hui responded that food trucks were on a short term lease with Queen Emma Land Company and would leave once Oliver McMillan took over the site for construction.
23. Leasing Prices - A resident inquired about the current price per square foot paid by the Food Pantry for their lease and what the new space would be leased at once the construction project is completed. Hui responded that he could not answer this question as the Food Pantry was not a tenant of Oliver McMillan and did not know the pricing on their lease. The resident inquired and Hui responded that he could not guarantee this information could be disclosed at future board meetings. Kurahashi responded that this was confidential information that likely could not be disclosed. The resident inquired and Hui responded that plans were being made to include a grocery store at the commercial building.
24. Contacting Officials - Resident Jadulang voiced support and encouraged the assembly to contact elected officials with questions and opinions regarding the project.
Wilder departed at 9:50 p.m. 12 members present.
Merz moved and Flood seconded the motion for the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 to submit approval of the concept of Oliver McMillan's Apartment Project to the City Council. Discussion followed:
1. Noise Permit - Erteschik voiced concerns regarding construction noise and recommended that Oliver McMillan acquire a noise permit and work to mitigate construction noise.
2. Appearance - Smith voiced concerns regarding the conceptual photograph's depiction of a glass building without natural building materials and requested that more natural materials and design be used to evoke a Hawaiian sense of place in the building.
3. Grocery Store - Smith suggested that Oliver McMillan ensure that a grocery store be provided at the new building.
4. Shuttles - Smith suggested that Oliver McMillan provide shuttle services for residents to the Kaheka Don Quixote during the two (2) year construction period to assist resident's with their shopping needs.
5. Parking Garage Appearance - Flood voiced concerns regarding the appearance of parking podium.
6. Opposition - Henski voiced concerns regarding the building's exterior and encouraged postponing the motion until additional information could be obtained.
The MOTION PASSED by MAJORITY VOTE, 10-1-1; (AYE: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Flood, McIntyre, Merz, Shields, Smith, and Boyack; ABSTAIN: Perez-Garreaud; NAY: Henski).
Due to facility closure agenda item X: REPORTS was postponed to the next regular meeting of Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9.
• The next regular Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at:
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 10:03 p.m.
Submitted by: Jackson Coley, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: James Skizewski, Public Relations Specialist
Final Review: Chair Robert Finley
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