Waikiki Get Down - Honolulu, Hawaii
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Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting November 2017 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.; quorum was established with 13 members present. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official board action.
Board Members Present - Jeff Apaka, Jerome Bautista, Kathryn Henski, Robert Finley, Walt Flood, Helen Carroll, Patricia Shields, Grant Giventer, Louis Erteschik, Laura McIntyre, Jeffrey Merz, Mark Smith, and Kenneth Wilder.
Board Members Absent - Adam Ertel, Gordon Fahey, and Nicola Garreaud-Perez.
Guests - Captain Alan Park (Honolulu Fire Department); Sergeant Stacy Christensen (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Diaz (Board of Water Supply); Mark Yonamine (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Nicola Szibbo (Department of Transportation Services); Lynn Fallin (Governor David Ige's Representative); Kenny Amazaki (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Representative); Representative Tom Brower; Rick Egged (Waikiki Improvement Association); Gregory Lee (Board of Water Supply); Robin Matsunaga (Belt Collins Hawaii); Tracy Ryan (Harm Reduction Hawaii); Ted, Dave Moskowitz, Ray Pagan, M. Smith, Melissa Filek, Edward Gatz, Franklin Chung, Michelle Matson, Deborah Bukala, Rob Johnson, Allan Kaplan, Denise Boisveal, Ricky Tamaguchi, Bruce Paige, Mabana Paige, Sue Thompson, Steve Thompson, James Browne, Jerry Leschinsky, Danielle Bidondo, Tim Streitz, Beth Schippers, Kurt Tsuneyushi, Moa Mahe, David Alexander, and Nicola Szibbo (Residents); Zoe Tanaka (Videographer); and Jackson Coley (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Opening Announcements - Chair Finley reported the following:
• Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OMPO) Citizen's Advisory Committee - The OMPO Citizen's Advisory Committee meets once a month to discuss issues such as changes in traffic and how federal funds are allocated. Community members interested in serving were encouraged to apply.
• 2018 Candidate's Night - Considerations were made to hold a Candidate's Night at the Neighborhood Board No. 9 Waikiki sometime in 2018 for legislative candidates.
VACANCY SUB DISTRICT 1 - There were no applicants for the vacancy at this time.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Alan Park reported the following:
• October 2017 Fire Statistics - There were 2 structure fires, 4 nuisance fires, 15 activated alarms, 131 medical emergencies, 5 motor vehicle collisions with a pedestrians, 7 motor vehicle crashes, and 1 ocean rescue.
• Safety Tip: Cooking Safety - Cooking brings family and friends together, provides an outlet for creativity, and can be relaxing. However, cooking fires are the number one (1) cause of home fires and home injuries. By following a few tips, you can prevent these fires:
o Caution - Cook with caution. Be on alert. If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, do not use the stove or stovetop.
o Placement - Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking.
o Flammable Materials - Keep anything that can catch fire, including oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, and towels away from the stovetop.
o Children - Keep children at least three (3) feet away from the stove.
o Fire Handling - If you have a small grease fire, smother the flames by sliding a lid over the pan and turning off the burner. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled. For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed
o Evacuation - If you have any doubt about extinguishing a small fire, get out of the house and call 911. When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire.
o Turkey Fryers - With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, the HFD discourages the use of turkey fryers. Turkey fryer usage can lead to devastating burns and injuries and destroy property due to the large amount and high temperature of oil being used.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Abandoned Home - Flood reported an abandoned home at Ala Wai Boulevard and Kalaimoku Street that had become a safety concern. Flood advocated for condemning and removing the building. Captain Park responded that he would investigate the issue.
2. Sprinklers - Erteschik requested information regarding the regulations surrounding the installation of sprinkler systems in condominium buildings. Captain Park stated that his section did not track this information and agreed to refer the inquiry to the Fire Prevention section to report on at future meetings.
3. Extinguisher Recall - Chair Finley inquired about a recent recall on defective fire extinguishers. Captain Park responded that he did not have any information, however he would investigate the issue.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Sergeant Christensen reported the following: October 2017 Crime Statistics - There were 11 robberies, 11 burglaries, 221 thefts, 22 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 49 assaults, 3 sex crimes, 19 speeding citations, 655 parking citations, 5 loud muffler citations, 59 park closure warnings, 143 park closure citations, 33 park closure arrests, and 4,180 calls for service.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Moped Noise - Smith inquired and Sergeant Christensen responded that new regulations regarding loud mopeds would come into effect January, 2018.
2. Statistical Comparison - Flood requested a comparison between the October, 2017 and September, 2017 crime statistics to better emphasize what types of criminal activities were experiencing increases or decreases. Sergeant Christensen provided a statistical comparison and reported the following:
a. Robberies - 11 in October, 2017, no statistics for September, 2017.
b. Burglaries - 11 in October, 2017, 11 in September, 2017.
c. Thefts - 221 in October, 2017, 246 in September, 2017.
d. UEMV - 22 in October, 2017, 60 in September, 2017.
e. Assault - 49 in October, 2017, 30 in September, 2017.
f. Sex Crimes - 3 in October, 2017, 1 in September, 2017.
g. Speeding Citations - 19 in October, 2017, 106 in September, 2017.
h. Parking Citations - 655 in October, 2017, 731 in September, 2017.
i. Muffler Citations - 5 in October, 2017, 8 in September, 2017.
j. Park Closure Warnings - 59 in October, 2017, no statistics for September, 2017.
k. Park Closure Citations - 143 in October, 2017, 54 in September, 2017.
l. Park Closure Arrests - 33 in October, 2017, 1 in September, 2017
3. Parked Vehicle Obstruction - Henski stated there were two (2) vehicles parked at the intersection of Cartwright Road and Kapahulu Avenue obstructing the crosswalk and voiced concerns regarding a lack of HPD response despite submitting multiple calls for service. Sergeant Christensen responded that HPD would investigate the issue. Chair Finley recommended calling the Sergeant or Lieutenant on duty in the event that a patrol officer fails to arrive. A resident stated that the vehicles were abandoned and incapable of moving due to flat tires. Sergeant Christensen reiterated her intent to investigate the issue.
4. Cell Phone Statistics - Resident Ted inquired about statistics regarding citations given for individuals using cell phones while driving and viewing cell phone screens while walking across roadways. Sergeant Christensen responded that she did not have these statistics, however she would look into acquiring them for future reports.
5. HPD Assignment Statistics - Giventer inquired about the number of HPD personnel assigned to the Waikiki district in comparison to the number of officers assigned to the other districts throughout Oahu. Sergeant Christensen inquired and Giventer clarified that his inquiry was regarding whether or not the number of HPD personnel assigned to Waikiki was a constant number throughout the year or if it fluctuated with the seasons. Sergeant Christensen responded that the number of HPD personnel could shift throughout the year due to temporary assignments and movements, however these shifts would be relatively small. Sergeant Christensen stated that she would attempt to acquire a report on the number of HPD personnel assigned to Waikiki.
6. Reporting Loud Mufflers - A resident inquired about the procedure for reporting loud mufflers and stated that he had received differing information from different sources regarding the issue. Sergeant Christensen responded to call HPD immediately and provide a vehicle description. The resident inquired and Sergeant Christensen clarified that the resident did not have to be present at the scene of the incident when the HPD personnel performed their check.
7. HPD Assignment Statistics Again - McIntyre requested that statistics regarding HPD personnel assigned to Waikiki include information on whether or not personnel were utilizing motorized vehicles or foot patrols and how the division of personnel between districts was determined. Sergeant Christensen reiterated that she would investigate the matter.
8. Vehicles Parking Over Limits - Resident Dave Moskowitz stated that mopeds along Kalakaua Avenue were parking over the two (2) hour time limit and were parking roughly five (5) mopeds across two (2) parking spaces. Sergeant Christensen inquired and Resident Moskowitz clarified that the vehicles were parked by a skin and facial kiosk. Sergeant Christensen responded that a check was performed and no violations were observed. Wilder stated that he had also observed the violation. Chair Finley recommended speaking to Sergeant Christensen after the meeting.
9. Loud Motorcycle Information - Resident Ray Pagan inquired about information on loud motorcycle complaints and when and where these reports were made. Sergeant Christensen responded that she did not have the information at the time.
10. HPD Assignment Statistics Again - A resident requested that the statistics regarding HPD personnel assignments include a breakdown on how much revenue was collected through HPD ticketing in Waikiki and a comparison on ticketing revenue collection in other districts. Chair Finley stated that the City and County of Honolulu collected no revenue from HPD ticketing and that ticketing revenue went towards the State of Hawaii.
11. Noise Pollutions - Resident M. Smith inquired about noise pollution in Waikiki and stated that noise from sirens, clubs, and resident's pets was audible through late night hours. Sergeant Christensen recommended calling HPD and stated that nothing could be done to prevent emergency vehicles from utilizing their sirens.
12. Homeless on Kalakaua - A resident inquired about what actions were being taken to address homeless individuals located on Kalakaua Avenue.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Dominic Diaz reported the following:
• Main Breaks - There was one (1) main break reported for the month of October, 2017.
• November, 2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Scenarios - As mentioned last month, the BWS is developing a long-term Financial Plan and Water Rate Study. A key element is our 30-Year CIP. With the Water Master Plan we completed last year as its foundation, the CIP identifies the timing and costs of projects needed to keep the water system healthy. Over the past few months, we have evaluated a number of CIP scenarios whose main difference is how much and how fast to replace our 2,100 miles of pipelines. The Water Master Plan recommends replacing about 1% of the system, or 21 miles of pipe, each and every year. Current replacement is about six (6) miles per year. The number of main breaks on Oahu is about the national average for a system of this size. But, if the rate of pipe replacement does not increase, main breaks will increase substantially in the future. At its September, 2017 meeting, the BWS Board provided guidance for pipeline replacement, recommending that we should be "as aggressive as possible without being unrealistic." This means gradually increasing the rate of pipeline replacement to about 21 miles per year over the next decade or so. Paying for this increase, and the impact on customer's water rates, are the subjects of our long-term Financial Plan and Water Rate Study. We expect the BWS Board to consider adoption of the long-term Financial Plan at the end of this year. New water rates will be considered by our Board in the summer of 2018. The soonest new rates would go into effect is 2019. Water rates fund the replacement of Oahu's water infrastructure, as well as day to day maintenance of the system to meet BWS's operational requirements and to ensure system reliability. With full commitment to an open and transparent process, the BWS has been meeting with our Stakeholder Advisory Group since 2015. All of their meetings, and also our Board meetings will be shown on Olelo. Meeting locations, dates and times, are posted on our website at www.boardofwatersupply.com. Also on the website is a new survey so you can provide us with your opinions about important issues for the financial plan and water rate study. I encourage you to take it, and also tell your friends and family. Again, our website is www.boardofwatersupply.com.
Kapahulu Avenue Parking Lanes - A resident stated that Kapahulu Avenue traveling into Waikiki from the H-1 Freeway toward Paki Avenue contained parking sections on the rightmost lane which lead to the lane occasionally closing and created confusion for visitors to Waikiki. He inquired whether or not it would be possible to turn Kapahulu Avenue into a two (2) lane road with the rightmost lane being utilized exclusively for parking to increase parking in Waikiki and make Kapahulu Avenue more predictable and easier to navigate.
Food Trucks - Resident Moskowitz voiced concerns regarding large food trucks illegally setting up in Waikiki and creating unsafe conditions with loose wiring.
Garbage Collection Site - Shields voiced concerns regarding a graveled area at the intersection of Liliuokalani Avenue and Ala Wai Boulevard used for garbage collection. Shields stated that over time residents of the area began dumping garbage outside of the appropriate times. Shields advocated for beautifying the area with tress or shrubbery in order to deter residents from excessive garbage dumping.
Denny's Concerns - Resident Melissa Filek voiced concerns regarding the future Denny's of Diamond Head restaurant receiving liquor licensensing. Resident Filek voiced concerns regarding the Denny's being located in a residential and school district. Resident Filek inquired about what type of licensing was granted to the Denny's and what hours of operation the license would allow. Chair Finley responded that he was unaware of a license being granted and Resident Filek clarified that the hearing for the license would be held on Thursday, January, 4, 2018. Henski stated that she had received notification stating that the license was to serve alcohol until 10:00 p.m. Smith recommended attending the public hearing to voice concerns.
Food Pantry Concerns - Resident Edward Gatz voiced concerns regarding the Food Pantry construction project and the possibility of airborne dirt and debris affecting the surrounding neighborhood. Resident Gatz inquired about obtaining assurances from the project contractors assuring the community that construction debris would be dealt with at the contractor's expense. Chair Finley responded that the Food Pantry would be present at the January, 2018 meeting to discuss their project and recommended addressing the concern then.
• Friday, November 24, 2017, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Waikiki Holiday Parade.
• Sunday, December 3, 2017, 11a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Street Bikers Toys for Tots Ride.
• Thursday, December 7, 2017, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30p.m., Pearl Harbor Memorial Anniversary Parade.
• Saturday, December 9, 2017, 7:00 a.m. to 8:30a.m., Kalakaua Merrie Mile Run.
• Sunday, December 10, 2017, 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Honolulu Marathon.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative ??? Deputy Director Mark Yonamine of the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) reported the following:
• Anti-Panhandling Laws - Regarding a previous recommendation to introduce legislation to outlaw pan-handling in Waikiki. The HPD responded that they periodically receive complaints about panhandling which is currently not allowed to obstruct or impede personnel in public spaces. The HPD welcomed the suggestion and stated that they would look into strengthening the existing laws. The HPD recommended contacting Councilmembers and Legislators and working with them to initiate any changes to the laws.
• Park Cleaning Equipment - Regarding a previous concern with the small park at Kaiulani Avenue and Kuhio Avenue receiving less cleanings. The Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) responded that some of their pressure washing equipment was broken, however they would provide an update at the next meeting on when they expected to have their equipment fixed or replaced to resume regular cleaning operations.
• Homeless Urinating in Public Spaces - Regarding a previous concern where homeless individuals were witnessed urinating at public bus stops. The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) and HPD responded that they were aware of the issue and the homeless individual in question and recommended contacting HPD for a response in future events.
• Leaf Blowers - Regarding a previous concern with load leaf blowers being used to clean parks in Waikiki. The Department of Parks and Recreations (DPR) responded that a riding sweeper that was previously utilized was under repairs which necessitated using leaf blowers, push brooms, and shovels to remove sand and clean areas along Kuhio Beach Park and Kapiolani Beach Park.
• Closing Kalakaua on Halloween - Regarding a previous request to close Kalakaua Avenue on Halloween. DTS issued a street usage permit to HPD for both traffic and pedestrian control on Halloween. Both DTS and the HPD monitored traffic in Waikiki in order to close Kalakaua if it was deemed necessary.
• Parking in Waikiki - Regarding a previous request to create additional parking for Waikiki residents. The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) responded that all new construction in Waikiki was required to meet minimum off-street parking requirements. The DPP was unaware of any actions to create additional off-street parking at the time.
• Security Cameras - Regarding a previous request for a timetable on the installation of security and traffic cameras in Waikiki. The Department for Information Technology (DIT) and DTS responded that the majority of cameras were operational however there was no update for the remaining cameras at the time.
• Trolley Signs - Regarding a previous concern with trolley stop signs being removed from around the Ilikai Hotel. DFM and DTS responded that the trolley signs were removed by the Hawaii State Department of Transportation (HDOT) due to the roadway being under State jurisdiction. However, trolleys were allowed to stop at certain bus stops outside the Waikiki Special District area pending approval from DTS.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Two (2) Wheel Vehicle Parking - Wilder clarified that his previous requests for additional parking in Waikiki were for two (2) wheeled vehicles. Wilder requested that parking for mopeds and similar vehicles be installed to prevent them from using car spaces.
2. Bus Station Seat Barricades - Henski requested that barricades be installed between the seats at the bus stop on Paokalani Avenue and Kuhio Avenue across from the Hyatt hotel in order to deter individuals from sleeping on the bus stop's seats.
3. Blaisdell Center Project - Erteschik requested an update be provided on the sprinkler issue and the Blaisdell Center Project.
4. Abandoned Complex - Merz requested information regarding an abandoned complex along Ala Wai Boulevard, Makai of Kalakauea Avenue located between the Kalakaua Bridge and the Ala Moana Bridge. McIntyre stated that she was aware of the complex and voiced concerns regarding homeless squatters and deteriorating conditions at the complex.
Ala Wai Bridge Project Update ??? Nicola Szibbo with the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) circulated a handout, provided a presentation for the Ala Wai Canal Bridge Project, and reported the following:
• Reasons to Bridge the Canal - The purpose of bridging the Ala Wai Canal is to increase access between Waikiki and McCully-Moiliili, reduce travel distance by one (1) mile, reduce collisions with motorized vehicles and bikers, and provide a mass emergency evacuation route for personnel on foot or bicycle.
• Current Project Status - The project is currently in its advanced planning stages with the Advanced Planning Project Report (APPR) consisting of an internal technical scoping document. A meeting on the document was held on Thursday, September 7, 2017 where entities such as the BWS, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), and HDOT were consulted. An Alternative analysis was performed to assess the feasibility of alignments, improvements to existing structures, a no build scenario, transportation demanded management strategies, and other alternatives. A consultant will assess the feasibility of bridge type and design and public input will be welcome during this process.
• Estimated Usage - It is currently estimated that the bridge would receive between 400 and 600 users daily.
• Project Goals - The project contains five (5) goals:
o Connectivity, Time Savings, and Accessibility - The project is to provide a safe, direct, and pleasant route across the Ala Wai Canal with decreased crossing time and increased access. The project will also connect communities with the highest non-automotive vehicle commute on Oahu.
o Expanding Emergency Evacuation - The Project is to expand emergency access for personnel on foot or bicycles, support evacuation in the event of a hurricane or tsunami, and decrease emergency response vehicle time to local hospitals, fire suppression, or mitigation of hazardous situations.
o Leveraging Federal Funding - The project is paid for with 80% federal funds while local benefits of the project mean high taxpayer value-for-money. Community values and input will directly shape how infrastructure investments are made. The project's total cost will be $15 million and is seeking 12$ million in federal funds and $3 million in local funds for fiscal year 2019 (FY19).
o Promote Sustainable Mobility - The project is to promote low-carbon and zero pollution transportation options as well as health and community well-being while enticing residents to shift or continue to use active transportation modes.
o Creation of a Vibrant Canal - The project is to create a landmark for the area and beautify a public amenity that acknowledges ecological design and Hawaiian sense-of-place while reinvigorating local recreation such as walking, biking, or paddling. The project is to bring people to businesses, restaurants, stores, and attractions to stimulate local economic development.
• Community Input - Future updates on the project's status as well as opportunities for the community to provide input will be available future workshops, open houses, community meetings, and Neighborhood Board Meetings. A conceptual design competition will also be held at a future time.
• Project Timeline - The following rough timeline was provided:
o Saturday, December 30, 2017 - APPR finalized.
o Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - Alternative Analysis issued.
o Wednesday, May 30, 2017 - Preliminary Engineering obligated.
o Sunday, December 30, 2018 - Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) completed.
o Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) received.
o Thursday, May 30, 2019 - Obligate design and build funds for construction.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Approval and Inquiries - Merz voiced his approval of the project and inquired about who lead the project. Szibbo responded that the project had an exceptional team who worked together to bring the project to fruition.
2. University Students - Flood voiced his concerns regarding living costs in Waikiki being too high for University of Hawaii students to reside in Waikiki. Flood voiced his opposition to the project and advocated for the installation of an additional car bvridge over the Ala Moana Canal.
3. Ala Wai Commercialization - Erteschik voiced his concerns regarding the possibility of the bridge leading to commercialization along the Ala Wai Canal.
4. Vehicle Consideration - Szibbo stated that the possibility of creating a vehicle bridge instead of a foot and bicycle bridge was under consideration.
Apaka departed at 8:08 p.m. 12 members present.
5. Bicycle Parking - Henski inquired and Szibbo responded that considerations were being made to include bicycle parking with the bridge.
6. Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) - Smith inquired and Szibbo responded that HECO expressed interest in coordinating with the bridge team to utilize the bridge.
7. Expansion Concern - Resident Franklin Chung voiced his concerns with the Ala Wai Bridge and similar projects expanding Waikiki into different neighborhoods and removing the barriers that kept the different neighborhoods distinct from each other.
8. Historic Site Concerns - Resident Michelle Matson, President of the Oahu Island Parks Conservancy, stated that the Ala Wai Canal was a historic site listed on the State Register of Historic Places, subject to the State Historic Preservation Law, and was subject to federal Section 106 Historic Preservation Review for any proposed projects. Resident Matson inquired whether or not the project managers would be cognizant of the protective laws in place before proceeding with the conceptual design competition and whether or not flamboyant designs would be considered incongruous with the historic site. Szibbo responded that the team desired a crossing design to be congruous with the current context and acknowledged the current historic site's context. Szibbo stated that a Section 106 Review was submitted to the preliminary engineering team who were aware of its parameters.
9. Approval - Resident Deborah Bukala and another resident voiced approval of the project and approved of taking measures to reduce motorized vehicle traffic in Waikiki.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Deputy Director Lynn Fallin of the State Department of Health (DOH) Behavior Health Services Administration circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Trolley Signs - Regarding a previous concern with trolley stop signs being removed from around the Ilikai Hotel. HDOT replied that the Waikiki Trolley stop sign along Ala Moana Boulevard and the Ilikai Hotel was removed as there was no agreement between Waikiki Trolley and HDOT for the installation of a Waikiki Trolley sign in the highway right of way and there were concerns over the trolley blocking traffic. In the event that Waikiki Trolley wishes to reinstall the sign, they would need to apply for a permit with the HDOT Oahu District.
• Honeybee Rent - Regarding previous rumors surrounding Honeybee being delinquent on rent payment. DLNR responded that Honeybee went bankrupt in 2016 owing the State of Hawaii approximately $500 thousand. Due to declaring bankruptcy the remaining rent cannot be collected, however DLNR benefited from the development agreement leased with Honeybee and collected over $865 thousand from Honeybee in development fees and lease rent. The annual development fees exceeded the annual lease rent that the project paid. In addition, the DLNR's property was in superior condition to where it had previously been as Honeybee succeeded in clearing the property, removing contaminated soils, raised the dilapidated boatyard building, secured various land entitlements, and obtained sub-division grading on foundation permits. All of these renovations were performed at Honeybee's expense and totaled over $3 million at no cost to the State of Hawaii or the City and County of Honolulu.
• Contaminated Beach Water - Regarding previous concerns with contaminated beach water. The DOH Clean Water Branch has developed a new website to provide the public with access to up to date information on the status of water quality at Hawaii beaches.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Water Quality Website - Resident Matson requested and Deputy Director Fallin provided the new website address which was http://www.health.hawaii.gov/cwb.
2. Derelict Boat - Wilder inquired about the Pacific Paradise, a boat that ran aground off of Waikiki Beach, and what actions are being taken to remove the remains of the boat. Deputy Director Fallin responded that multiple agencies were consulting each other to determine who had jurisdiction over the area and the incident. The current agency examining the issue was the U.S. Coast Guard who were considering salvaging, dismantling, or towing and sinking the Pacific Paradise. Deputy Director Fallin stated that there were safety concerns with individuals exploring the site and the possibility of fuel spilling from the Pacific Paradise.
3. Broken Street Lights - Resident Moskowitz reported there were three (3) broken street lights near the Ilikai Marina Condos on Holomoana Street and requested repair work be performed in the area. Deputy Director Fallin requested that Resident Moskowitz meet with her after the meeting to provide a specific location for the light fixtures in order to better report the information.
4. Ilikai Driveway Blockage - Resident Rob Johnson stated that due to the Hilton Hotel removing its bus park for renovations, all busses had been forced to stop at the bus stop alongside the Ilikai Hotel which resulted in driveway blockage for the Ilikai. Deputy Director Fallin inquired and Resident Johnson clarified that the problem began after the bus park was removed from the Hilton Hotel.
5. Honeybee - Resident Johnson requested a copy of the DLNR statement that Deputy Director Fallin had reported on regarding Honeybee. Deputy Director Fallin agreed to supply a copy of the statement.
6. Noise Issues at the Ilikai Hotel - Smith voiced concerns regarding excessive noise at the front of the Ilikai Hotel.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Kenny Amazaki from Councilmember Ozawa's office stated that Councilmember Ozawa was expected to arrive later in the meeting and requested that their report be deferred until his arrival.
Senator Brickwood Galuteria - No representative was present, no report was given.
Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower circulated a newsletter and reported the following:
• Ala Wai Bridge Project Approval - Representative Brower voiced his approval of the Ala Wai Bridge Project.
• Upcoming Legislative Session - Representative Brower encouraged the assembly to submit questions, concerns, or suggestions related to the upcoming 2018 Legislative Session to his office.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Homeless Public Urination - Chair Finley suggested using the upcoming legislative session to address the issue of homeless individuals urinating in public throughout Waikiki.
Waikiki Improvement Association - Rick Egged reported the following:
• Hawaii Five-0 Veterans Day Event - The Hawaii Five-0 Sunset on the Beach Event was held on Saturday, November 11, 2017 and was dedicated to honoring the United State veterans.
• Waikiki Transportation Management Association (WTMA) - Council Bill 64 for the creation of the WTMA recently passed from the City Council. The Waikiki Improvement Association is currently in discussions with the DTS to better outline the WTMA. One (1) of the WTMA's priorities will be establishing residential parking permits.
• Lot Development - Egged reported on rumors regarding the Department of Environmental Services (ENV) planning to develop three (3) lots in Waikiki and recommended that the Neighborhood Board No. 9 Waikiki establish contact with the ENV.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Clarification - Henski clarified that DLNR had a meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 7, 2017 regarding the Ala Wai Park.
2. Ilikai Driveway - Henski inquired whether or not issuing residential parking permits would alleviate the issue of the Ilikai Hotel's driveway being blocked. Egged responded that creating a better system for collecting bus and trolley passengers could be developed by the WTMA in the future. Egged clarified that there was no set plan at the time, however once possible solutions were more developed he could present them to the board.
3. DLNR Public Outreach Meeting - McIntyre reported that she attended a meeting earlier in 2017 held by DLNR at the Ala Wai Beach Park which was to promote public outreach on the development of four (4) lots.
Equus Hotel - Located at 1696 Al Moana Boulevard. Applying for a general hotel license. The hearing will be held on Thursday, December 21, 2017.
Agu Ramen - Located at 2146 Kalakaua Avenue. Applying for a general restaurant category one (1) license. The hearing will be held on Thursday, December 21, 2017.
The Tuesday, October 10, 2017 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 12-0-0; (AYE: Bautista, Carroll, Erteschik, Finley, Flood, Giventer, Henski, McIntyr, Merz, Shields, Smith, and Wilder; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Corrections - Page three (3) under "Informational Personnel in Waikiki"; Strike out "if they could be replaced with HPD personnel."
Board of Water Supply New Water Main Project - Gregory Lee with the BWS and Robin Matsunaga with Belt Collins Hawaii provided a presentation about the Kalakaua Avenue Water System Improvements Project and reported the following:
• Proposed Project - The proposed project is to install a new water main starting at the Beretania Foodland, extending along Kalakaua Avenue, and ending at Ka'iulani Avenue with an offshoot onto Seratoga Road.
• Background - The original water line on Seratoga Road was installed in 1926 while the water line on Kalakaua Avenue was installed in 1929. With gradual growth throughout the areas additional water lines were installed on parallel roads to meet demands, however the BWS has determined it is time to replace the aforementioned lines.
• Current Stage - Community input is being solicited at the earliest stages possible with the current stage being the development of the Environmental Assessment (EA). No timetables beyond this stage have been developed, however the EA is scheduled for publication by January, 2018 or February, 2018. No designs for the project have been created due to the quantity of archeological artifacts within the project area which need to be addressed in an archeological evaluation.
• Project Duration - No start date for the project has been determined, however the project is estimated to take one (1) and a half to two (2) years.
• Traffic Concerns - The BWS is expecting the DPP to issue permitting to allow work outside of peak traffic hours.
• Input - The BWS welcomes community input and plans to hold future meetings and community outreach programs.
Deconstructing Sex Work and Traffic Conference - Tracy Ryan with Harm Reduction Hawaii circulated a handout and reported the following:
• Conference Date - The Deconstructing Sex Work and Sex Trafficking Conference will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2017 at the Ala Moana Hotel's Hibiscus Ballroom from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
• Speakers - Confirmed conference speakers include Kamala Kempadoo of York University in Canada, Annalee Lepp of the University of Victoria, Deputy Attorney General Kevin Takata, Licensed Social Worker Lorraine Robinson, Nandita Sharma of the University of Hawaii, and expert Pam Vessels.
• Additional Sessions - Additional sessions will be held to discuss other issues including the medical uses of cannabis, a training session for trauma informed care, a historical overview of prostitution throughout the Hawaiian Kingdom, and informational sessions on current legislature addressing sex working and sex trafficking.
• Registration - The conference is open to the public however registration is required. Early registration is $28 with registration after Friday, December 1, 2017 being $40. Breakfast is provided.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Scope of Issue - Shields inquired about how serious the issue of sex trafficking was in Hawaii. Ryan responded that this depended on an individual's point of view and stated that often the statistics on what is considered sex trafficking is enlarged for political purposes. Ryan stated that confusion among definitions for sex trafficking and sex working makes statistical reports inaccurate and unreliable. Ryan emphasized the need to institute better social services for everyone involved in sex trafficking and not just those who encompass the worst cases.
2. Approval - Chair Finley voiced his approval of the conference and encouraged community members to attend and contribute to addressing the issue.
Youth Challenge Academy - No representative was present, no report was given.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - Kenny Amazaki from Councilmember Ozawa's office circulated a handout and reported the following: Camera Installation - Chair Finley received and read a letter stating that security cameras were being installed and were already operational in Waikiki.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Pending Legislation - Chair Finley inquired whether or not Councilmember Ozawa had pending legislation that the Neighborhood Board No. 9 Waikiki may be interested in supporting or opposing. Chair Finley requested that any information on legislation be submitted 10 days prior to the January, 2018 Board Meeting in order to be included on the Board's agenda.
2. WTMA Approval - Merz voiced approval and gratitude for Councilmember Ozawa's work forming and advancing the WTMA.
3. Bill 71 - A resident inquired and Amazaki responded that he was unsure how Councilmember Ozawa would vote on Bill 71.
Treasurer's Report - Shields reported the remaining balance for Neighborhood Board No. 9 Waikiki as of November, 2017 was $363.48. The report was filed
Subdistrict 1 - There was no report.
Subdistrict 2 - Flood reported that the two (2) largest threats to condominiums were fires and flooding. Flood recommended checking hot water heaters at least once every five (5) years to prevent leaking and collateral damage to infrastructure and recommended regularly checking washer hoses and toilet plumbing to prevent overflowing and leaking.
Subdistrict 3 - Smith reported that sewer reconstruction would be performed on Uluniu Avenue from Kuhio Avenue to Koa Avenue starting in May, 2018 and ending in August, 2019. Prince Edward Street will be converted into a two (2) lane street during this time.
Chair Report - Chair Finley commended the Neighborhood Board No. 9 Waikiki for its work throughout 2017. Chair Finley announced that he had termed out of the Neighborhood Commission and announced his intent to put additional effort into addressing the issues in Waikiki. Chair Finley announced that he attended the first meeting of the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association which seeks input on when and how to re-sand Waikiki beaches. A public meeting will be held by the association on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Waikiki Community Center. Chair Finley was invited to represent Neighborhood Board No. 9 Waikiki at the Thursday, December 7, 2017 formal program at Fort Derussy. The January, 2018 Board Meeting is scheduled to contain the first formal presentation on the proposed Apartment Development at the Food Pantry Site as well as a Meals on Wheels presentation.
??? The next regular Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
• View this meeting on Olelo Channel 49 at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday each month, and at 6:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. View online at: http://olelo.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=30
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Submitted by: Jackson Coley, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Anela Kekoolani, Neighborhood Assistant
Final Review: Chair Robert Finley
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