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Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts OCTOBER 2017 Newsletter
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Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts October 2017 Newsletter
In This Issue
- Calls for Entry
- Cyril Pahinui
- Poetry Out Loud
- Scholastic Art Awards
- Exhibit Visits
- Recent Purchase Recommendations
- It's Your Art
- New Exhibit
- HiSAM Event Calendar
- Arts, Music, & Culture Calendar
- Community Listening Session: Kauai
- SFCA Board of Commissioners
- Get Involved
- Holiday Closures
Art in Public Places:
Prepare for Upcoming Calls for Entry
The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts urges visual artists to register with CaFÉ (callforentry.org), a website developed by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) to facilitate calls for artists and artwork. The CaFÉ registration is free, secure, and offers access to visual arts opportunities nationwide. There is no charge to artists registering on CaFÉ. If you are a first time user of CaFÉ, please allow adequate time to learn and use this system. We believe that there are many advantages to this digital submission system in terms of artists' accessibility, cost and environmental issues.Artists will have access to other competition calls for entry, which are being posted on CaFÉ. We encourage you to visitwww.callforentry.orgto register and respond to current and/or upcoming SFCA calls.
Read more on our website: Artists: Prepare for Upcoming Calls for Entry
Cyril Pahinui Honored by NEA
Hawaiian slack-key master Cyril Pahinui was honored in Washington, D.C., in September as a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellow.
Pahinui's wife, Chelle Pahinui, accepted the award on his behalf September 14 at the Library of Congress. Slack-key guitarists Jeff Peterson and Sean Robbins represented him at the NEA National Heritage Fellowships Concert on Friday at George Washington University.
Poetry Out Loud
Poetry Out Loud competitors at the 2017 National Poetry Out Loud Competition in Washington, DC, including Hawaii's Nicholas Amador, fourth from the right.
"Poetry is important to me because it speaks on a different frequency than any other language. It talks more directly to your soul than words simply strung together." - POL Hawai‘i contestant
High school teachers of public, private, charter or home schools that wish to host official POL events should contact the Honolulu Theatre for Youth. December 20, 2017, is the deadline for schools to register to participate. The state final competition will be held in Honolulu on Sunday, March 4, 2018. Neighbor Island winners will have their airfare to Honolulu paid for. Call 808-839-9885 ext. 704, or email edadmin@htyweb.org. Program materials, poems, and resources are available at www.poetryoutloud.org.
Read more on our website: Coming Up: Poetry Out Loud 2018
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is the nation's largest, longest-running, most prestigious visual and literary arts program recognizing accomplishments of students in grades 7 -- 12. It is a symbol of excellence that can bolster resumes, college applications and scholarship applications. All National Award recipients earn a place on the National Recipient list. Selected works will be featured in the National Catalog and The Best Teen Writing anthology. Works receiving Gold Key awards move on to the national level judging.
The Hawai‘i Regional Scholastic Student Art Awards at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum displays artwork by students from across the state. The competition is open to all students (public, charter, home, and private) grades 7 - 12.
Submissions open September 13, 2017
Hawaii Art Region deadline: December 14, 2017, 5:59 PM Hawaii Standard Time (11:59 EST)
Hawaii Art Region contact: State of Hawai‘i Department of Education, Michelle Chun, ( 808)305-9709, michelle_chun@notes.k12.hi.us
Entry instructions, forms, and additional information: Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Guidelines & Deadlines
Art in Public Places: Recent and Upcoming Exhibit Visits
The role of the Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) is to make recommendations to the SFCA regarding the purchase of works of art, including the review, nomination, evaluation and selection of the recommended artworks for acquisition. The AASC is generally composed of SFCA commissioners, staff members, and visual arts consultants.
The SFCA Board of Commissioners has approved Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits to these upcoming exhibits:
HAWAI‘I ISLAND - Hawai‘i Nei 2017, Wailoa Center, Hilo.
MAUI -- Annual Juried Exhibition 2018, Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center, Makawao
MAUI -- Schaefer Portrait Challenge 2018, Schaefer International Gallery, Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Kahului
O‘AHU - Angels and Transgressors, Koa Art Gallery, Kapi‘olani Community College, Honolulu
O‘AHU - Between Ocean and Sky: Hana Yoshihata; Petricher Fall: Dana Brewer/Feeling of Movement: Derek Bencomo; and Trees: Hiroko Sakurai Honolulu Museum of Art at First Hawaiian Center, Honolulu
O‘AHU - Hawaii's Woodshow 2017 Na La‘au o Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i Forest Industry Association, Honolulu Museum of Art School Gallery, Honolulu
O‘AHU - Hawaii Craftsmen 50th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, Hawaii Craftsmen, Honolulu Museum of Art School Gallery, Honolulu
O‘AHU -- Lift, Honolulu Museum of Art School Gallery, Honolulu
O‘AHU -- Sharing the Knowledge: Nicholas Carone & Noreen Naughton, Kapi‘olani Community College, Koa Gallery, Honolulu
KAUA‘I - Art Kaua‘i, Kaua‘i Society of Artists Gallery at Kukui Grove Center, Līhu‘e
For more information on AASCs, including how to invite a committee to an exhibit, or to volunteer as a visual art consultant, please visit our website: Art in Public Places Relocatable Works of Art. For more information about specific exhibits, please contact the exhibit host organizations.
AASC Exhibit Visits made earlier this year are posted on our website: Art In Public Places: Recent and Upcoming Exhibit Visits (July 2017) and State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Recent and Upcoming Exhibit Visits (June 2017).
Art in Public Places: Recent Purchase Recommendations
The SFCA Board of Commissioners considered the following SFCA Recognition Awards artworks as purchase recommendations for the Art in Public Places Collection of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts at the General Meeting of September 20, 2017. All purchase recommendations were approved.
Exhibit: "An Affair in the Islands"
Exhibit Location: Kukui`ula, Kaua`i
AASC VACs: Carol Yotsuda, Carol Ann Davis
SFCA Board: Joel Guy
SFCA Staff: Karen Ewald, Jonathan Johnson, Elizabeth Baxter
SFCA Recognition Award:
- Tom Lieber, "Black and Red Cliffs No.3" oil on canvas
Exhibit: "Paper Processes: Works by Denise Karabinus, Paula Nokes, and Nisha Pinjani"
Exhibit Location Honolulu, O`ahu
AASC VACs: Kay Mura, Mary Babcock
SFCA Board: Noelle Kahanu, Eva R. Washburn-Repollo
SFCA Staff: Karen Ewald, Jonathan Johnson, Elizabeth Baxter
SFCA Recognition Awards:
- Paula Nokes, "Circles on the Edge of Bitter and Sweet" pochoir on handmade denim paper, layered, bleached and stitched
- Nisha Pinjani, "Boundaries 1" collograph and screenprint on Reeves BFK
Exhibit: "Wall-Mounted Ceramics by Yoko Haar and Licia McDonald"
Exhibit Location Honolulu, O`ahu
AASC VACs: Kay Mura, Mary Babcock
SFCA Board: Noelle Kahanu, Eva R. Washburn-Repollo
SFCA Staff: Karen Ewald, Jonathan Johnson, Elizabeth Baxter
SFCA Recognition Awards:
- Yoko Haar, "Morning Calm" high-fire ceramics
Artist Studio Visits: "Honolulu Biennial 2017"
AASC VACs: Katherine Love, Sean Browne
SFCA Board: Noelle Kahanu
SFCA Staff: Karen Ewald, Elizabeth Baxter
SFCA Recognition Awards:
- Michelle Schwengel-Regala, "Water Column 2" knitted wire
- Michelle Schwengel-Regala, "Water Column 3" knitted wire
Purchase and gift recommendations presented to the SFCA Board of Commissioners at the May and July 2017 meetings are posted on our website: Art in Public Places: Recent Purchase and Gift Recommendations (May and July 2017).
Art in Public Places: It's Your Art
Head 1 and Head II / Jun Kaneko / ceramic / Art in Public Places Collection of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts / on view in the "EMPHASIZED: eye on scale" exhibit, opening Friday, October 6 at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum.
Mahalo to Michael Gangloff and Mira Image Construction LLC for his generosity in sponsoring the installation of these ceramic sculptures by Jun Kaneko in the gallery at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum. The donation of MIRA Image Construction's time, materials and expertise is deeply appreciated! The crew did an absolutely fantastic job. It was amazing to watch the installation performed by very talented and professional expert riggers. Mahalo also to Bowers + Kubota for their management of the project and engineering review of the 2,000 lb heads!
The Art in Public Places Collection can be viewed online and searched by artist name, artwork title, type of media, and more. Click here to begin browsing. You can also search the Public Art Archive for permanently installed artworks in the collection, such as sculptures at public buildings.
Hawai‘i State Art Museum (HiSAM)
New exhibit at HiSAM
"EMPHASIZED: eye on scale" art exhibition opens at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum in downtown Honolulu on Friday, October 6.
Through a selection of works from the Art in Public Places Collection of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, this exhibition explores the various ways that artists play with scale, and how this in turn affects the viewer's responses and understanding.
Opening reception at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum on Friday, October 6, 2017, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. during the free, family-friendly First Friday event upstairs in the second floor Sculpture Lobby, with live performances by Dayton Watanabe (Hawaiian slack key guitar and contemporary music). The opening reception is free and open to the public.
The museum cafe, Artizen by MW, will feature a special First Friday menu and the museum gift shop, HiSAM Gallery Shop x MORI will also be open. The Friends of the Hawai‘i State Art Museum will be hosting a bar with wine and beer. The ground floor Sculpture Garden will be open for the evening. $3 valet parking at the Richards St. entrance will be available, courtesy of the Friends of the Hawai‘i State Art Museum.
Artists in the exhibit: Carol Bennett,Pat Catlett, Lee Chesney, Christopher Cole, Dorothy Faison, Sally French, Dennis Hanshew, Claude Horan, May Izumi, Virginia Jacobs, Jun Kaneko, Paul Kodama, Freeman Lau, Cade Roster, Bruna Stude, Masami Teraoka, Allison Uttley, and John Wisnosky.
Diamond Head Gallery reopened
The Diamond Head gallery of the Hawaii State Art Museum has reopened! The ACCESSION exhibit and I Love Art gallery are now open, refreshed with refinished floors and fresh paint.
HiSAM Event Calendar
October 2017
Hawai`i Children & Youth Day, Sunday October 1, museum open 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., free activities begin at 11:00 a.m.
First Friday, "EMPHASIZED: eye on scale" exhibit opening with live music by Dayton Watanabe (Hawaiian slack key guitar), Friday October 6, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Second Saturday, Hawaii Stitchery & Fibre Arts Guild: Polka Dots! Saturday October 14, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Art Lunch "Meet the Artist", UHM Associate Professor Mary Babcock. Bearing Witness: Fiber Arts. Tuesday October 31, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
November 2017
First Friday, James McCarthy (Celtic folk music & storytelling), Friday November 3, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Closed for Veterans' Day, Friday November 10
Second Saturday, Create in Clay, Saturday November 11, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed for Thanksgiving Day, Friday November 23
Art Lunch, Bob Sigall, The History of the Army Navy YMCA. Tuesday November 28, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
December 2017
First Friday, Skylark (recorders), Friday December 1, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Second Saturday, Lauhala Hui, Saturday December 9, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Art Lunch "Meet the Artist", Tuesday December 26, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Presenter to be announced.
The No. 1 Capitol District Building (the state office building which houses the SFCA and HiSAM) will occasionally be closed for building renovation work. This includes the front lawn, Sculpture Garden, cafe, and gift shop. These closures will be posted to the SFCA news blog (sfca.hawaii.gov) as well as the SFCA and HiSAM social media.
The Sculpture Garden and second floor courtyard are temporarily closed during building renovation activities and are anticipated to re-open later this year and during First Friday events (when it is safe to do so).
Current Exhibits
Exhibits in the Hawai‘i State Art Museum galleries are of works that are either in the Art in Public Places Collection of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts or are a part of an educational program through the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (such as the annual Hawai‘i Regional Scholastic Art Awards). Please note that exhibit dates may change - if you are planning a visit to a specific exhibit and would like to make sure it is still on view, please call the SFCA office at (808) 586-0300 or email hawaiisfca@hawaii.gov.
ACCESSION. A selection of recent additions to the Art in Public Places Collection from across the state of Hawai‘i.
EMPHASIZED: eye on scale. This exhibition explores the various ways that artists play with scale, and how this in turn affects the viewer's responses and understanding. Opens Friday, October 6.
HAWAI‘I: Change & Continuity. This exhibition tells a story of the past examining the overlapping influences of nature's bounty and human impact on a fragile environment. This is a long-term exhibition and is currently scheduled to run beyond 2018.
HiSAM Location & Parking
The Hawai‘i State Art Museum (HiSAM) is located at 250 South Hotel Street, corner of Richards and S. Hotel Street, in downtown Honolulu on the island of O‘ahu. Admission is always free! Parking available across the street in the Ali'i Place building (enter at 1099 Alakea St., cash only), metered parking at Iolani Palace, or metered street parking in the area. Several TheBus lines stop in front of or close to the building.
Visit our website: HiSAM Visitor Information
Arts, Music, and Culture Calendar
The following events are sponsored in part by the HSFCA Biennium Grants program, providing public funding (through appropriations from the Hawai‘i State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts) to support projects designed to preserve and further culture, the arts, history, and/or the humanities beneficial to Hawai‘i, or in partnership with the University of Hawai‘i Outreach College Statewide Cultural Extension Program (SCEP). Program availability and information is subject to change without notice; please contact the hosting organizations to confirm program information.
KAUA‘I - Garden Island Arts Council. Mid-September 2017 Arts & Culture Calendar (includes October events)
MAUI -- Portuguese Association of Maui. Informational history and culture segments on the Sounds of Portugal radio show (KEWE 1240 AM/95.5 FM/KEWE 1240.com).
HAWAI‘I ISLAND - Hawai‘i Handweavers' Hui Juried Biennial Exhibition, Fiber Journeys.
9/15 -- 10/22/2017. Kahilu Theatre Gallery - Waimea. For more information: Hawai‘i Handweavers' Hui
O‘AHU - Chamber Music Hawaii, South of the Border.
10/16. Doris Duke Theatre (Honolulu Museum of Art).
10/18 University of Hawaii West Oahu Library
10/23 Windward Community College Paliku Theatre
For more information, including ticket prices and season subscriptions: Chamber Music Hawaii
O‘AHU -- Hawaii Academy of Performing Arts (HAPA)/The ARTS at Marks Garage October 2017 Event Calendar
O‘AHU -- Hawaii Craftsmen. Raku Exhibit 2017.
9/08 -- 10/07/2017, Gallery ‘Iolani (Windward Community College). Free admission.
For more information: Hawaii Craftsmen
Coming up in 2017
O‘AHU - Chamber Music Hawaii, Musical Titans. For more information: Chamber Music Hawaii
O‘AHU - Diamond Head Theatre, 2017-2018 Season. For more information: Diamond Head Theatre
O‘AHU -- Kumu Kahua Theatre. The Wild Birds.
11/02 - 12/03/2017. For more information: Kumu Kahua Theatre.
Community Listening Session: Kaua‘i
Please join the Pacific Policy Research Center (PPRC) for a Kaua‘i Island session regarding the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. The purpose of these sessions are to collect broad, public input on how the SFCA should prioritize its time, efforts and resources to help arts and culture flourish in Hawai‘i. PPRC has been hosting community listening sessions for the past couple of months and are happy to have scheduled a meeting on Kaua‘i:
Saturday, October 7, 2017
10:00 a.m - 12:00 pm
Kaua‘i Society of Artists Gallery
3-2600 Kaumaulii Hwy
RSVP online: Community Listening Session
Feel free to bring other community members to join us and share their mana‘o on the subject of culture and the arts. Refreshments will be provided. While PPRC does ask folks to RSVP so they can plan as accurately as possible, walk-ins are also welcomed.
Questions or comments? Please contact:
Jenna Caparoso
Project Coordinator and Affiliate Research Specialist
Pacific Policy Research Center
SFCA Board of Commissioners
Next meeting: Wednesday November 15, 2017
Unless otherwise specified, the public is invited to attend SFCA Standing Committee and Commission Meetings. All meetings take place in the Multipurpose Room of the No. 1 Capitol District building, 250 South Hotel Street, Honolulu (Hawai`i State Art Museum), unless otherwise noted. Meetings and agendas are posted just prior to the meetings on the State of Hawai‘i Calendar of Events. Select "State Foundation on Culture and the Arts" from the search menu.
Get Involved
Advocacy for the National Endowment for the Arts
Better Together: Public and Private Funding for the Arts, a fact based piece to equip policymakers, philanthropists and advocates alike to make a case for public investments in the arts. (The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies)
Produced by Ovation TV, drawing on research from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and the National Endowment for the Arts, Small Investment, Big Returns highlights the leveraging power of public arts funding.
Designed for civic leaders and cultural advocates, Why Should Government Support the Arts? invites conversation about the value of the arts to American communities. It includes extensive research citations to support fact based debate. (National Assembly of State Arts Agencies)
Practical Advocacy for the Arts
The National Assembly of State Art Agencies (NASAA) has been publishing a Practical Advocate series, designed for state arts agency council members and grantees. Offering succinct guidance for promoting the community benefits of the arts, the most recent additions summarize talking points, debunking common myths regarding public support for the arts, and provide advocacy action recommendations (along with useful advocacy dos and don'ts). The Hawai`i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is Hawaii's state arts agency and has a NASAA membership. Read more on the NASAA website
The Art in Public Places Program of the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (HSFCA) seeks volunteers, particularly on the Neighbor Islands, with expertise and knowledge in the visual arts field to serve as Visual Arts Consultants on Art Advisory Committees and Acquisition Award Selection Committees.The role of the Art Advisory Committee is to make recommendationsto the HSFCA regarding the development and design of a given commissioned art project,including location, medium, distinguishing features of the artwork, and selection of theartist. The role of the Acquisition Award Selection Committees is to review and makerecommendations regarding the purchase of works of art. The HSFCA appoints thecommittee members -- generally composed of two HSFCA commissioners, two staff members,and three visual arts consultants. The application form is available here:Visual Arts Consultants Application.
Contact Karen Ewald, Art in Public Places Manager, at (808) 586-9950 or karen.a.ewald@hawaii.gov.
The Friends of the Hawai‘i State Art Museum (Friends of HiSAM) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization established to work effectively with the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (HSFCA), which operates the museum, and its professional staff to enhance and support the work of the museum, its ancillary programs, and amenities.
In supporting the mission of the HSFCA, the Friends of HiSAM have four objectives: (1) expose and engage all grade school students at the museumto the arts in Hawai‘i, (2) encourage all high schooland college students who are focused on the arts through meaningful events and programs at the museum (3) expose, excite, educate and engage those living in and visiting our state to the art and artists of Hawai‘i through visits to the museum, and (4) assist the HSFCA in the recognition of Hawaii's art and artists. Most recently, Friends of HiSAM has hosted exhibits of local artists in the museum restaurant, Artizen by MW: Harry Tsuchidana: Forgotten Paintings; Across Generations, featuring Satoru Abe, Hamilton Kobayashi, and Kainoa Gruspe; Across Generations II, featuring Ka-Ning Fong and Erin Marquez; Yvonne Cheng: Recent Works; and The 2017 HiSAM Portfolio Artists Show. Friends of HiSAM has also hosted a soft opening for the new museum gift shop, HiSAM Gallery Shop x MORI.
The museum cafe and museum gift shop are independently operated under a lease agreement between the Friends of the Hawai‘i State Art Museum, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, and the State of Hawai‘i Department of Accounting and General Services.
For more information, including how to make a donation, contact Friends of HiSAM at friendsofhisam@gmail.com or visit the Friends of HiSAM Facebook page. (808) 536-2644.
The Hawai‘i State Art Museum (operated by the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts) is looking for enthusiastic, outgoing volunteers to assist museum visitors and help offer a greater understanding of the exhibitions currently on view. If you have an interest or background in the arts, we encourage you to volunteer.
Volunteers are needed in the following areas:
- Gallery Attendant -- Assist visitors in the galleries.
- Info Desk Attendant -- Greet and orient visitors to the museum.
- Docent -- Conduct tours of the exhibitions.
- Education Assistant -- Assist with education programs.
- Special Events Assistant -- Assist staff in event coordination.
- General Clerical Help -- Assist staff in office chores.
Please download an application form:HiSAM Volunteer Application Form,and return completed form to: Visitor Services, HSFCA, 250 S. Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813.
For more information or to request a Volunteer Application Form by mail, contact Scott Young, HiSAM Visitor Services Manager, at scott.m.young@hawaii.gov or call (808) 586-9959.
Holiday Closures
Veterans' Day - Friday, November 10, 2017
Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 23, 2017
Christmas - Monday, December 25, 2017
The Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and the Hawai‘i State Art Museum operate on the Hawai‘i State Government schedule.
The Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and the Hawai‘i State Art Museum operate on the Hawai‘i State Government schedule.
The Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is a government agency, established by the Hawai‘i State Legislature in 1965, to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai‘i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai‘i and the National Endowment for the Arts.
The HSFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services(Hawai‘i Revised Statutes Chapter 9).
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The mission of the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawaii. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawaii and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Hawaii State Art Museum

To promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai`i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai`i and the National Endowment for the Arts. The HSFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services.
The musuem is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed State and Federal Holdays. Always free admission. For pre-recorded information call 586-0900.
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. For pre-recorded summary information on the museum, call (808) 586-0900. For current museum program information, call the HSFCA Art in Public Places Program at (808) 586-0305. To arrange an educational tour of the museum, call (808) 586-9958.

For information on the HSFCA; the Hawai'i State Art Museum; HSFCA grants, programs, and services; Hawai'i arts and culture events; and USA and worldwide arts opportunities, visit the HSFCA website, www.hawaii.gov/sfca.
Questions? Ready for an appointment?
Hawaii State Art Museum
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaii.
250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI (View Map)
Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts Newsletter Archive
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawai'i.
550 South Kings Street2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI (View Map)
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