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Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 Meeting Minutes For Posted for (SEPTEMBER 13, 2016)
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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office

CALL TO ORDER -- Chair Robert Finley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with 13 members present, a quorum was established. Note: This 17-member Board requires nine (9) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present -- Jo-Ann Adams (arrived at 7:04 p.m.), Jermel Anderson, Jeff Apaka (departed at 8:39 p.m.), Helen Carroll, Paul Ciliano, Louis Erteschik, Gordon Fahey, Robert Finley, Walt Flood, Jeff Geck, John Nigro, Jim Poole, Patricia Shields, and Mary Simpson (departed at 9:03 p.m.).
Board Members Absent -- David Benson, Jeffrey Merz, and Mark Smith.
Guests -- Lieutenant Dien Shearer (Honolulu Police Department); Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply); Mark Garrity (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Lynn Fallin (Governor Ige's Representative); Representative Tom Brower; Kurt Tsuneyoshi (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Office); Rick Egged (Waikiki Improvement Association); Judy Gold (Office of Elections); Rob Robertson and Paul McElroy (Pacific Beach Hotel); Eddie Keliinohomoku and Steve Chaddock (Aloha Trikke); Deb and Steve Knight, Bill Kokolus, Corey Dullman, Kathryn Henski, Denise Boisvert Jorgensen, Noelle Fujii, Michael Daly, Dave Moskowitz, Mela Kealoha-Lindsey; Zoe Tanaka (videographer); and Sharon Baillie (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) -- No representative was present; a report was not provided.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) -- Lieutenant Dien Shearer reported the following:
• August 2016 Crime Statistics -- There were 9 robberies, 9 burglaries, 237 thefts, 23 Unauthorized Entries into Motor Vehicles (UEMV's), 22 speeding citations, 727 parking citations, 4 loud muffler citations, and 129 park closure citations with 2 arrests, for a total of 4,175 calls placed for service.
• Update from Last Month -- Lieutenant Shearer clarified an answer he gave last month to note that in accordance with Revised Ordinance of Honolulu (ROH) 15-17.2 No pedestrian shall cross any roadway within any business district except within a marked or unmarked crosswalk, nor any roadway in any residence district within 200 feet of any intersection except within a marked or unmarked crosswalk at such intersection.
Board member Adams arrived at 7:04 p.m.; 14 board members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Crosswalks -- Fahey inquired about crossing the road at a three (3) way stop intersection and if there was only a crossing signal at one (1) of the stops you could jaywalk, to which Lieutenant Shearer read from Hawaii Revised Statues 291C-73 (d) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway intersection diagonally unless authorized by official traffic-control devices; and, when authorized to cross diagonally, pedestrians shall cross only in accordance with the official traffic-control devices pertaining to the crossing movements. Lieutenant Shearer then said that if a traffic signal is not adjacent to another traffic signal one would be able to cross the road, but if there is a traffic signal across from another traffic signal then a person would need to use the proper crosswalk.
2. Sidewalks -- Erteschik inquired and Lieutenant answered that on a sidewalk such as Kalakaua Avenue, the grassline is the determinant for public versus private property. Anything that is on the street side of the grass is free and clear and people may do what they want, but if they are on the opposite side of the grassline then it becomes private property.
3. Easements -- Erteschik inquired about businesses that are given easements, Lieutenant Shearer noted that there are misunderstandings about easements, and that his department receives calls and responds on a case by case basis in determining what can and cannot be done on the sidewalk.
4. Sidewalk Artist -- Daley a local sidewalk artist explained that he has been getting harassed by security and management for being in the International Market Place doing his trade, noting that the police have even been called. Daley does not agree with the ideas of an easement if other public are allowed to traverse a sidewalk and he is not able to set up shop. Daley asked Lieutenant Shearer if he can get assurance that he will not be harassed if he goes back to the International Marketplace, and Lieutenant Shearer answered that if Daley feels like he is being harassed, to call 911 and police will come to the location to assess the situation.
5. Property -- Henski wanted clarification to the term "easement" and if it means the business has the right to the property or the right to access the property, adding that she saw video of Daley being harassed and does not believe he nor anyone else should be treated that way.
6. Truant -- Moskowitz asked how the police or any other entity determine when a person is being truant on a property, noting that he has seen security racially profile local children in order to get them off of the property.
7. Peddling -- Egged asked and Lieutenant Shearer answered that it is illegal to exchange goods or services for money on sidewalks.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- Dominic Dias reported the following:
• Water Main Breaks -- There were no water main breaks in August 2016.
• General Water Announcements
• New Website -- The BWS has launched a new look and layout to their website to improve the overall customer service experience. The website prominently features the most content: customer service and billing information. Please check the website out at www.boardofwatersupply.com.
• Water Emergency Preparedness -- It is important that customers have an emergency preparedness kit available for the household. This includes at least one (1) gallon of water per person per a day for at least five (5) to seven (7) days. In the event of an emergency it is important to stay tuned into media reports and to take appropriate action announced by emergency response agencies. To receive emergency alerts via email or text messages, consider subscribing to the BWS at www.nixle.com.
• Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent Update -- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State Department of Health (DOH); United States Navy, and the Defense Logistics Agency will be holding an annual public meeting on Red Hill. The meeting will be held at the Moanalua Middle School on Thursday, October 6, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
1. Volunteering Opportunity -- Judy Gold, from the State Office of Elections would like to extend a volunteer opportunity to the neighborhood. The 2016 General Election is approaching and hundreds of volunteers are needed to provide a smooth election day for the voters of the State of Hawaii. Volunteers must be 16 years of age by Thursday, June 30, 2016, registered Hawai'i voter, and attend one (1), one (1) -- hour training session starting in October 2016. The General Election is on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Positions that need to be filled are precinct officials, delivery and collecting teams, and counting center officials. To learn more, please visit www.elections.hawaii.gov. Volunteers are encouraged to bring refreshments and snacks, as the day of volunteering starts at 5:30 a.m. and goes to 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. In order for individuals to vote on Election Day they need to be registered to vote, and bring some sort of identification (Driver's License, State ID, Passport, Military ID), utility bill, or government documentation.
2. Laws -- Moskowitz stated his opinions on discrepancies allowing personal mobility devices on sidewalks, but not allowing bicycles on sidewalks because they have pedals, however if someone took off the pedals then they could use the bike on the sidewalk which thus creates a real gray area about personal mobility devices, adding that another issue is of businesses putting signage on private property versus public property and who receives fines.
• Saturday, September 17, 2016, 7:00 p.m. -- 10:00 p.m., 64th Annual Waikiki Hoolaulea
• Saturday, September 24, 2016, 9:00 a.m. -- 12:00 p.m., 70th Annual Floral Parade
• Saturday, October 8, 2016, 7:00 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m., Peace in Asia Run Walk
• Saturday, October 16, 2016, 7:00 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m., Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure, Kapiolani Park
• Saturday, October 22, 2016, 10:00 a.m.-- 12:00 p.m., Honolulu Pride Parade
APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES -- There were no liquor license applications to report.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative -- Acting Director Mark Garrity of the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) reported the following:
• Smart Parking Meters -- In Honolulu over 1,000 parking meters will be getting a high technology upgrade, the new smart meters will take coins, and credits cards that have the new chip technology. 51 new smart meters will be added in Waikiki on Launui Street and Kaiolu Street, which previously did not have parking meters. All of the City's $1.50 parking meters will accept credit cards. If the six (6) month pilot program is successful
• Jaywalking -- The area of Hobron Lane near the Food Pantry is a residential area and pedestrians may cross Hobron Lane if they are at least 200 feet from a marked or unmarked crosswalk (Hobron Lane and Ena Road and/or Lipeepee Street and Hobron Lane).
• Bulky Items -- A person may place bulky items on the curbside generally around 6:00 a.m. on the day of pickup, which is Saturdays for Waikiki, and can leave the items there up to four (4) days. A person wishing to place bulky items ahead of the 6:00 a.m. time is allowed to place the items on the curbside the evening prior and not sooner. The illegal dumping of bulky items on nonlegal days can be reported to the Refuse Collection and Disposal Division, Department of Environmental Services (ENV), at 768-3200. The ENV also has an illegal dumping report line at 768-3203. City refuse inspectors are sent to investigate complaints. When a violation occurs, the ENV will send a Notice of Violation (NOV) to the property owner or the Association of Apartment Owners (AOAO) stating what necessary action is needed to correct the violation within seven (7) days. After the seventh day, if the violation remains uncorrected, a Notice of Order (NOO) is generated. The NOO gives the property owner another opportunity to comply; however, if the violation remains uncorrected after seven (7) days, a civil fine up to $250 may be imposed. People dumping on the streets and other public places in violation of Ordinance 16-9, Prohibited activities, can be reported to the police by calling 911.
• Sewage Spill -- The Department of Environmental Services (ENV) was at another call which had come in earlier the night of the sewage spill in the Ala Wai, they had to address the overflowing manhole as well as clean and disinfect.
• Uber Bill -- Mayor Caldwell returned unsigned Bill 36, CD2, FD1, relating to private transportation services and drivers, allowing it to become law without his approval. If anyone here would like more information, I also have the letter Mayor Caldwell sent to the council expressing concerns regarding public safety and requesting that the City Council work with him to amend the law. The letter is attached to this report.
• Faded Signage -- A request has been initiated to have signs fabricated and replaced along the Ala Wai Promenade.
• Crosswalk -- DTS will conduct an investigation of the safety of the crosswalk at the intersection of Kapahulu Avenue and Lemon Road and will inform the board upon completion of the investigation.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Solutions -- Shields explained the process she has been going through dealing with illegal dumping with ENV and HPD. Shields inquired if there was a permanent solution to solving sewage spills.
2. Dumping -- A resident asked for clarification on receiving fines for stuff that may be dumped in front of a person's house, asking if a person dumped their stuff in front of another person's home than the homeowner where the junk is would get fined. Furthermore suggesting that the person who would give fines, do some sort of investigation if the homeowner is saying the stuff does not belong to the house. Finley suggested the homeowner call about the junk in front of their home if they see something show up in order to avoid potential fines and to get the junk picked up, Director Garrity added that this was an excellent idea and provided the ENV illegal dumping number to call at 768-3203.
3. Road Maintenance -- Henski asked such as in the Kaka'ako area (eminent domain) be applied to the private roads of Lemon and Cartwright to manage the maintenance issues on these roads.
4. Parking Meters -- Apaka asked if there was a telephone number to call on the parking receipt from the new smart meters to add additional time to the meters. Director Garrity noted that there was an option to add time to the new meters via phone, however it would drain the smart parking meter battery too quickly because it would have to be on all the time, therefore at this time the meter upgrade is to have the option of paying with coins, or cards with chips.
5. Graffiti -- Apaka reported sidewalks in need of repair and cleaning, and graffiti removal from the building fronting 2150 Kuhio Avenue.
6. Parking Lot -- Apaka inquired if the municipal parking lot across of 2150 Kuhio Avenue, currently being used by the Ritz Carlton will be restored to its original function as a parking lot or become a park.
Governor David Ige's Representative -- Deputy Director Lynn Fallin of the State Department of Health (DOH) Behavior Health Services Administration reported the following:
• Interagency Climate Adaptation Committee (ICAC) -- The States ICAC is developing a statewide report to inform people of the consequences of rising seas. To learn more please go to www.climateadaptation.hawaii.gov.
• Dengue/Zika -- The Department of Health (DOH) is still fighting Dengue Fever, and the State is hiring more mosquito control workers to help spray areas in a preventative manor. There are no cases in Hawaii of Zika which is another mosquito born virus, if it were to come to Hawaii it would be devastating to the residents and it would greatly hurt the tourist industry.
• Hepatitis A -- The source of the Hepatitis A outbreak has been determined, please see a doctor immediately if feeling any symptoms of Hepatitis A. To help fight against Hepatitis A, get vaccinated, stay at home if feeling under the weather, wash hands thoroughly, and call your doctor right away if you have been in contact with anyone who has Hepatitis A.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa -- Councilmember Ozawa sends his regrets that he was unable to attend the meeting; a report was provided.
Representative Tom Brower -- Representative Brower reported the following:
• Concerns -- Representative Brower stated that the concerns that are being brought up in the meetings, he receives to his office as well and is helping to find resolutions to these problems.
• International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) -- In preparation for the IUCN the Ala Wai Promenade and Canal area were cleaned up, which hopefully will help start holding the City accountable for maintaining the clean appearance.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Rail -- Finley inquired and Representative Brower answered that he will support any measure to see the rail built to its intended destination. Adams asked if the concerns were over the amount of surcharge to collect, in which Representative Brower answered that the question is if administration fees for the rail should go towards the project.
Senator Brickwood Galuteria -- No representative was present; a report was not provided.
Waikiki Improvement Association (WIA) -- Rick Egged reported the following:
• Waikiki Hoolaulea -- This Saturday, September 17, 2016 the Waikiki Hoolaulea will be taking place, there will be food, entertainment, and more fun.
• Hawaii 5-0 -- The Hawaii 5-0 Season Premiere Sunset on the Beach will be taking place on Friday, September 23, 2016 at Queens Beach.
• Floral Parade -- On Saturday, September 24, 2016 the Floral Parade will be commencing, there will be horseback riders, hula halau, marching bands, and more.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Peddling -- Erteschik asked and Egged answered that it is illegal to exchange goods for money anywhere, adding that he does not know the specifics on Daley's situation but will talk with the International Marketplace so there can be an understanding of what can be done where.
2. Spray Painter -- Flood inquired if the people selling their spray paintings on the sidewalk for years are illegally peddling, to which Egged answered that indeed they are taking park in an illegal activity.
3. Ticking -- Henski stated that if one (1) person is getting ticked for an illegal practice, then everyone doing the same sort of business should get ticketed. Egged replied that the police need to witness the specific transactions in order to write tickets.
John Carroll -- John Carroll, a candidate for the United States Senate introduced himself. He noted his many qualifications such as being elected to the Hawaii State legislature four (4) times, elected once to the State Senate, former chairman of the Republican Party of Hawaii, distinguished military career, over 50 years in practicing law, international businessman, his family, and many other attributes. Carroll made himself available to answer any questions to the side. For more information please visit www.carrol4senate.com.
APPROVAL OF THE JULY 12, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES -- Wilthout any objections, The July 12, 2016 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, as written 16-0-0 (AYE: Adams, Anderson, Apaka, Carroll, Cilianao, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Geck, Nigro, Poole, Shields, and Simpson; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 9, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES -- Wilthout any objections, The August 9, 2016 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, as amended 14-0-0 (AYE: Adams, Anderson, Apaka, Carroll, Cilianao, Erteschik, Fahey, Finley, Flood, Geck, Nigro, Poole, Shields,and Simpson; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
PAGE 2: Under Ena Road and Jaywalking change "Ena Road" to "Hobron Lane".
PAGE 2: Under Jaywalking "Rodrigues".
Pacific Beach Hotel Renovation Update -- Rob Robertson and Paul McElroy reported the following: Lilliuokalani Resort at Waikiki Beach -- Pacific Beach Hotel is currently undergoing a $115 million renovation. The guest rooms, public spaces inside the hotel, the exteriors of the hotel along Kalakaua Avenue and Liliuokalani Avenue (replacement of sidewalk), pool deck, aquarium, and two (2) restaurants will all be renovated and/or added. The current 24-Hour Fitness will no longer be at the location and will be shutting down. There will be construction walls going up around the hotel while work is being done and these walls are estimated to come down in late July 2017 or August 2017. Lastly, the hotel will be renamed Liliuokalani Resort at Pacific Beach to pay homage to Queen Liliuokalani whose trust owns the land the hotel is on.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Homeless -- Flood asked and Robertson answered that the wall along the hotel will be coming down to prevent the homeless from sleeping on or against it, noting that they will add a berm and landscaping to the sidewalk.
2. Entrance -- Apaka inquired and Robertson answered that there will not be an entrance on the Kealohilani Avenue side of the hotel.
3. Gym and Fish -- Shields noted that she is sad to see the 24-Hour Fitness go, and inquired as to where the fish in the tanks were being kept during renovations. Robertson noted that the 10 year lease for 24-Hour Fitness is up in 2017. Robertson added that some of the fish were donated to the Waikiki Aquarium, Sea Life Park and Kahala Dolphin Quest. The Brown Rays which were in the aquarium are currently being cared for at a rented space at the Oceanic Institute (OCI), and will be brought back after renovations.
4. 24-Hour Fitness -- A resident inquired if 24-Hour Fitness requested to renew their lease at the hotel, to which Robertson stated having a conversation with the gym about their master plan and the gym did not fit in with the plan, however they are in the process of possibly opening a new gym at the hotel.
Board member Apaka departed the meeting at 8:39 p.m.; 13 board members present.
Aloha Trikke -- Eddie Keliinohomoku and Steve Chaddock reported the following: Aloha Trikke -- Aloha Trikke is a fairly new company which offers tours of Diamond Head, Magic Island, and Chinatown, providing a new way to enjoy Oahu with an electric Trikke. The Trikke is a user-friendly electric personal mobility device, the three (3)-wheeled design provides great stability. Aloha Trikke is learning and growing every day and wants to provide the safest and best experience to its tour riders while respecting the surrounding community.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Tours -- Flood inquired and Keliinohomoku answered that the tours start out of their business front at King's Village and head to Kalakaua Avenue and then towards Diamond Head or the other direction towards Magic Island depending on the tours they are doing. The typical tour lasts two (2) hours.
2. How It Works -- Nigro asked and Keliinohomoku answered that there are common misconceptions on how the Trikke works, nothing that the bike does not need to be swinging back and forth to move as it is not man powered.
3. Bike Lane -- Henski noted concerns she had for the safety of the operations at certain points along Diamond Head Road, Chaddock replied that there have been learning curves of how to operate and traverse along the routes the trikke's take, noting that a few individuals have been let go for the ways in which they run the tour and believe now there should be no major concerns with how the trikke's traverse Diamond Head road.
4. Helmets -- Flood inquired and Chaddock answered that everyone who uses the trikke's wears helmets.
5. Law -- Fahey questioned how Aloha Trikke was able to get around the law in regards to the vehicle they use, in which Chaddock answered that currently there are no laws that address the type of self-propelled vehicles they use for their tours, noting that lawyers and HPD agree that the vehicles are not illegal.
6. Three (3) Wheel Vehicle -- Erteschik stated that he thought a three (3) wheel vehicle was considered a motorcycle, Chaddock stated that the trikke's are not motorcycle, they are three (3) wheeled vehicles that serve the same function as a Segway but just in a different manner.
7. Vision -- Adams noted that the rules on personal vehicle use were made for disabled people to get around easier and with the new modes of transportation like the trikke being available for pleasurable use the terms have grown and safety questions come to the forefront. Keliinohomoku answered that they are aware and concerned about the safety of the trikke and different vehicles that exist and take the utmost caution.
8. Use -- Geck pointed to a YouTube promotional video from Aloha Trikke which shows people using the vehicle swinging side to side adding that instead of taking up a shoulder length worth of space it takes up uo to seven (7) feet if used in this way and would cause major safety concerns. Chaddock noted that these promotional videos were made a year ago when the business first started and that nobody rides the trikkes like this while they are taking the tours, and that type of exaggerated motion is not needed to propel the trikke forward.
9. Trikke -- Flood stated that it would be nice to see the trikke to see how it functions, Keliinohomoku invited everyone out to the business to get a better understanding of the trikke and how it functions.
10. Distractions -- Fahey noted that there are a lot of distracted people driving, walking, carrying large items, and the trikke riders who may be distracted which could cause issues for the safety of everyone when combined. Chaddock noted that with the supervision of a tour guide, the trikke riders will be safe while operating the trikke.
Board member Simpson departed the meeting at 9:03 p.m.; 12 board members present.
11. Thanks -- Henski thanked Aloha Trikke for coming to the meeting to present information about the company and answering questions. Henski noted that things have changed in Waikiki over the years and kindly suggested that everyone needs to be more cautious and aware.
12. Safety -- Carroll noted that overall there should be more bike paths to create a safer environment.
13. Training -- Kealoha-Lindsey asked if the tour guides are given training, Chaddock noted that himself or Keliinohomoku train the guides one (1) on one (1) and go on the tours in the groups to make sure that they are being conducted properly.
14. Contact -- Finley inquired if there was a number to call if there were more questions and concerns, Keliinohomoku said to reach him at 808-926-3090, and again invited everyone out to see the business.
Treasurer's Report -- Treasurer Shields reported a remaining balance of $416.61. The report was filed.
Subdistrict 1 Report -- No report was provided.
Subdistrict 2 Report -- Flood reported complaints made from people living at Foster Towers due to the noise from Pacific Beach Hotel maintenance workers using leaf blowers at 2:00 a.m. Flood called the manager of Pacific Beach Hotel, a notice was put out and the noise stopped immediately.
Subdistrict 3 Report -- No report was provided.
Chair Report -- Finley reported that there was a public hearing held on Saturday, September 12, 2016 on the proposed neighborhood plan changes and two (2) people were in attendance. Finely noted that he is in negotiations to hold a Mayoral Candidate Forum and will be informing everyone when event is solidified.
ANNOUNCEMENTS The next Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Waikiki Community Center.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
Submitted by: Sharon Baillie, Neighborhood Assistant I
Reviewed by: Neil Baarde, Neighborhood Assistant II
Reviewed and finalized by: Robert Finley, Chair; Louis Erteschik, Vice Chair; Jo-Ann Adams, Secretary
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